jamiextartt1743450175original post SHREK2001, dir. Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson75 notesshrekshrekeditdreamworkseditanimationsourceanimationsdailymoviegifsfyeahmoviesdailyflicksfilmgifsfilmeditmovieedit*f25
stydixa1743448655stars-bean stydixaPeople who are different, their time is coming!HAIRSPRAY (2007) Dir. Adam Shankman724 noteshairspray
godmerlin1743365819acehardy godmerlinBradley James as Arthur PendragonMerlin 1x05 Lancelot742 notesmerlin
laurabenanti1743353210acehardy laurabenantiABBOTT ELEMENTARY 4.13 Science Fair1,143 notesabbott elementary
charitydingle1743279405movie-gifs charitydingleBeauty and the Beast1991, dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise982 notesbeauty and the beast
xroub1743266792movie-gifs xroubALTALTALTALTALTALTALTALTALTALTWATCHED IN 2025Red, White & Royal Blue (2023) dir. Matthew López"We can figure out how to love each other on our own terms, not everyone else's."351 notesred white and royal blue