Conference Presentations by Jaime Humberto Sierra González
Macromarketing Association, 2019
We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 45th Annual Conference of the Macromarketi... more We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 45th Annual Conference of the Macromarketing Society in 2020. The conference will be held at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá – Colombia, to discuss marketing challenges and solutions to the world’s current economic, social, and environmental concerns; in the convivial and dynamic macromarketing spirit to explore the interactions among markets, marketing and society. We invite competitive papers, working papers, abstracts, and/or proposals for special sessions.
Papers by Jaime Humberto Sierra González

Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia
se plantea la posibilidad de desarrollar en Colombia alternativas de ahorro e inversión en el mar... more se plantea la posibilidad de desarrollar en Colombia alternativas de ahorro e inversión en el marco de las Finanzas Éticas dadas las condiciones de desigualdad social y las restricciones -entre ellas las financieras- que afectan la creación y el desarrollo de las actividades de las micros, pequeñas y medianas empresas como vehículo de desarrollo. Las oportunidades que ofrecen estas alternativas se sustentan en una perspectiva diferente de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) que no sólo señala exigencias a las empresas, sino que les ofrece respuestas a algunos de sus problemas (e.g., restricciones de liquidez, deficiencias en el acceso al sistema financiero) y, en particular, les permite crear y apalancar mecanismos de participación (cf. inversión) en la búsqueda de los objetivos de desarrollo de la sociedad colombiana. La viabilidad de las propuestas y sus resultados positivos se sustentan desde diversas evidencias que demuestran el potencial de las alternativas puestas en c...

Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth, 2021
Innovation financing in Colombia is troublesome for a number of reasons. Colombian (manufacturing... more Innovation financing in Colombia is troublesome for a number of reasons. Colombian (manufacturing) companies declare they prefer to invest their own money and, when insufficient, to obtain private bank loans. Yet, the main funding obstacles identified by those companies themselves are, precisely, the lack of internal funds and the difficulty to have bank loans approved. Moreover, public funding is neither well-known, nor widely used. To make it worse, the Colombian financial system is far from a solution: only a few first and second-tier banks may eventually fund STI projects, bond-funding is rare, venture capital is not abundant and faces a number of serious restrictions, and the stock market is small and underdeveloped. From another point of view, the extant financial theoretical models do not offer an explanation about the said phenomena, nor contribute relevant solutions. We, hereby, make use of an alternative explicative model on innovation financing to build up a number of pro...

Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 2018
Propósito Este artículo aborda la relación emergente entre la sociedad civil y el sistema de inno... more Propósito Este artículo aborda la relación emergente entre la sociedad civil y el sistema de innovación en América Latina y el Caribe –la financiación de la innovación, en particular– con la intención de sugerir una perspectiva conceptual diferenciada y plantear algunos de los interrogantes más relevantes en la actualidad. Enfoque Existe una desconexión estructural entre la sociedad civil y el mundo de la innovación. Empero, la exploración de las divergencias entre las perspectivas neo-institucional y neo-evolucionista de la triple hélice permite plantear que la evolución de los financiadores en distintos contextos puede generar una articulación emergente. Los efectos sobre la “sistematicidad” existente, en particular en América Latina y el Caribe, dependerán en buena medida del enfoque conceptual adoptado y de su institucionalización en términos de reestructuración de la sistematicidad de los sistemas de innovación y su governance. Hallazgos La evolución de las relaciones entre los...
Cuadernos De Administracion, 2003
La propiedad y el control en las decisiones de internacionalización de las empresas

Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 2009
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in Latin America have increased in the last two de... more Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in Latin America have increased in the last two decades, and Brazil, in particular, has become a leader in this field. The article reviews unique aspects of CSR in the Latin American context and describes the contributions of four non-state actors to sustainability development, as well as those of the corporations that participated in this study. A previous exploratory study on the transfer of sustainability values between German headquarters and their Brazilian subsidiaries yielded a sustainability model and normative implementation practices that were tested and expanded in this followup study. Participants from eight corporations located in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico were interviewed and surveyed to determine which sustainability implementation practices are utilized and rated as important. Respondents found the overall conceptual framework, which consists of rationale, conceptualization, direction, transfer, and evaluation, to be a valid reflection of how sustainability is perceived. Research implications include the need for cultural and organizational contextualization to structured approaches for CSR for implementation. Future research should focus on the variables of culture on sustainability management and the industrial context. Notable progress has been made in sustainability development, but more work still remains, particular in the mitigation of poverty.
Journal of Banking & Finance, 2003
508 -2.968 Failed (wide deifinition) 0.677 2.715 Table 5c -Stochastic frontier results -1995-97 s... more 508 -2.968 Failed (wide deifinition) 0.677 2.715 Table 5c -Stochastic frontier results -1995-97 sample Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratio Coef. t-ratio
Cuadernos de Administración, 2009
This paper makes an assessment of the Colombian Export Promotion Program (EPP). The process and t... more This paper makes an assessment of the Colombian Export Promotion Program (EPP). The process and the results of such a program are considered in the light of the literature on international strategy and exporting culture in developed and developing countries. Literature findings ...
Cuad. Adm
Se agradecen los comentarios de los asistentes al Simposio y los de los evaluadores anónimos del ... more Se agradecen los comentarios de los asistentes al Simposio y los de los evaluadores anónimos del artículo. El artículo se recibió el 03-10-2007 y se aprobó el 18-03-2008. Todas las falencias son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores.

Journal of Macromarketing, 2020
The global refugee crisis reveals refugees and other forcibly displaced persons (FDP) are uniquel... more The global refugee crisis reveals refugees and other forcibly displaced persons (FDP) are uniquely vulnerable consumers on a dynamic pathway precipitated by trigger events that have disrupted or fractured marketing systems requisite for safety and well-being, resulting in dangerous journeys to temporary or permanent settlements. The Syrian Conflict is introduced to contextualize the challenges along the pathway and to show that a more Humanitarian Marketing System, spanning time, space and other systems, brings opportunities for governments, NGOs and businesses to cooperate and to provide FDP with resources, which enhance connectedness, reduce vulnerabilities and suffering, illuminate good practices and enable FDP to flourish when resettled. The authors discuss research-opportunities to facilitate further understanding, to develop and repair marketing systems, and to enhance the well-being of FDP and other stakeholders of the crisis.

Some specific characteristics of innovation (such as vertical product differentiation, the strate... more Some specific characteristics of innovation (such as vertical product differentiation, the strategic role of technological standards or the quasi public good nature of technological knowledge) introduce additional complexity to the standard problem of the mismatch between investment projects and financial resources needed to realise them. Does an optimal design of rules and intermediaries to tackle this problem exists? And are existing domestic financial systems next to this optimal design? The paper presents theoretical and empirical research findings on several issues related to this question. These issues range from the interaction between market structure, stock market value and innovation financing to theoretical models and empirical tests of multiple equilibria explaining how country fundamentals evolve into equilibria of high (low) development of financial institutions and high (low) real growth The paper has been prepared under the Fifth EU Programme, Key Action, Improving t...
Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth

his paper proposes a concept of “culture for internationalization” and “exporting culture” –a hig... more his paper proposes a concept of “culture for internationalization” and “exporting culture” –a highly relevant concept for developing countries’ firms that are likely to follow a gradual internationalization process– based on the strong relationship binding the concept proposed to strategy and systemic competitiveness. These three items are paramount to Understand the conditions underlying internationalization as it is characterized by particular traits that make it a key alternative for a firm’s growth and successful perdurability based on competitiveness. “Culture for internationalization” and its variation, “exporting culture”, overflow the concepts of organizational or corporate culture and involve some major interaction among the micro, meso and macro levels of a national economy in order to operationalize strategies that promote such culture and assure successful firm and economy internationalization. Discussion remains open as to the concept and its applicability with the hope...

El uso de instrumentos derivados es particularmente importante en la gestion del riesgo, pues est... more El uso de instrumentos derivados es particularmente importante en la gestion del riesgo, pues esto influye directamente en el patrimonio de las organizaciones y en su potencial de generacion de valor. En el presente estudio se explora una hipotesis explicativa sobre el empleo que de los instrumentos derivados hicieron las empresas industriales y comerciales nacionales antes de la apertura del Mercado de Derivados de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia. Este trabajo analiza dos hipotesis planteadas por la literatura internacional: los instrumentos derivados usados por empresas caracterizadas por estres financiero o sofistificacion financiera y una combinacion de estas dos razones. Para ello se utiliza un modelo de regresion logistica, el cual evidencia que el estres y la sofisticacion financiera son razones importantes de la utilizacion de los instrumentos derivados, en el caso de las empresas colombianas.

This paper makes an assessment of the Colombian Export Promotion Program. The process and the res... more This paper makes an assessment of the Colombian Export Promotion Program. The process and the results of such a program are considered in the light of the literature on international strategy and exporting culture in developed and developing countries. Literature findings on EPAs and EPPs around the world are complemented by information from two surveys, one applied to a set of 56 firms that took part in the EPP (2002-2004) and the other addressed at a group of consultants hired by program operators to support firms. The information obtained permits the characterization of program participants (firms, entrepreneurs/managers, operators, consultants) and a deep appraisal of the processes and methodologies implemented by the program, as well as the acknowledgement of the participants’ perceptions on the expectations and the outcomes reached. Finally, some reflections are made on the accomplishments and shortfalls of the program, a number of firm and program-level proposals for improvem...

Some specific characteristics of innovation (such as vertical product differentiation, the strate... more Some specific characteristics of innovation (such as vertical product differentiation, the strategic role of technological standards or the quasi public good nature of technological knowledge) introduce additional complexity to the standard problem of the mismatch between investment projects and financial resources needed to realise them. Does an optimal design of rules and intermediaries to tackle this problem exists? And are existing domestic financial systems next to this optimal design? The paper presents theoretical and empirical research findings on several issues related to this question. These issues range from the interaction between market structure, stock market value and innovation financing to theoretical models and empirical tests of multiple equilibria explaining how country fundamentals evolve into equilibria of high (low) development of financial institutions and high (low) real growth
Cuadernos de Administración
Data on innovation financing in Colombia present a paradox: Manufacturing companies prefer to fin... more Data on innovation financing in Colombia present a paradox: Manufacturing companies prefer to finance their innovation projects with their own capital, with bank loans in second place, and cheaper public funding last. Extant financial theories cannot explain such a paradox (reversed pecking order), making a different approach necessary. Hence, a new perspective is presented on the basis of Sierra’s (2014, 2020) proposal. A fixed effects panel estimation is carried out that includes three new variables: A Knowledge Incorporation and Consolidation System, interaction among companies and funders, a particular type of investor (Dedicated). The results support the alternative explanation. Additionally, research possibilities, designs and applications of public and organisational policy aimed to overcome some of the problems mentioned are proposed.
Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth
Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth
This is a slightly revised version of a paper prepared under the Fifth EU Programme, Key Action, ... more This is a slightly revised version of a paper prepared under the Fifth EU Programme, Key Action, Improving the Socioeconomic Knowledge Base. It is the result of an extended Research Program called "Improving the human potential and the socioeconomic knowledge base programs" that has been financed by the European Commission-DG Research and is under development since the fall of 2001.
Conference Presentations by Jaime Humberto Sierra González
Papers by Jaime Humberto Sierra González