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The New Moms Club on Instagram: "Credit🎥: @dr.beachgem10 Love this Dr and all her advice. As a first time mom there is sooooo much to learn! And I was so relieved when she mentioned that 6 week old breastfed babies just stop pooping. Disclaimer: this is for entertainment, and educational purposes, only, not to be replaced by the advice of your physician. #reelsformoms #newmom #newmoms #firsttimemom time mom #firsttimemommy #newborn"
Olivia Fuselli on Instagram: "Comment “sit” for links to everything we are using sent straight to your DMs #babyplaytime #babylearning #babystimulation #4monthold #5monthold #6monthold #babyactivities #earlychildhooddevelopment #babydevelopment #babyplayideas #babymilestones #babybrainbuilding #sensoryplay #tummytime #babytummytime #momandbabytime #momlife #babybonding #babygrowth #babyprogress #momandbabyactivities #babymovement #babyplaymat #babyexercise #momandbabyfun #babyexploration #learningthroughplay #infantdevelopment #earlylearning #babyinteraction"
Imogen Satur: Speech & Language Therapist on Instagram: "Comment NEWBORN for links to my newborn faves 🫶🏻 👇🏻 Realistic newborn activities I actually did as a first time Mum and speech therapist! That didn’t take lots of extra effort and time 👇🏻 Let’s be honest, newborn babies are not awake for long enough to have a packed out schedule 😂 PLUS we are far too tired! They don’t need a whole lot beyond snoozing, feeding and cuddling…. BUT…there ARE some things you can sprinkle into your day if you want to work on foundational cognitive skills to support brain and language development, from early on 👇🏻 ⭐️ Tummy time - using high contrast sensory strips. A couple of minutes at a time. ⭐️Reading - I read to her from the first few days of her life, sensory books and stories alike.
Shauna the speech mama on Instagram: "Hi, I’m Shauna a speech therapist and a mom! 🧸I know it can be difficult to think of activities to do with your baby, especially ones without toys! I thought this would be fun to give you some ideas and the best part is, you don’t have to purchase anything! 💖 What’s your favorite activity without toys? #speechtherapist #slps #slp #slpsofinstagram #slp2be #slp2b #slpgradstudent #speechies #slplife #babysignlanguage #babysign #babytalkers #talkingbabies #babbling #babyinstagram #momlife #sahm #speechtherapy #speechdelay #speechtherapist #ftm #foryourpage #firsttimemom #mominfluencer #momlife #sahm #speechtherapy #speech #speechdelay #speechtherapist #earlyintervention #babysign #babysignlanguage"
Leslie Treece, M.D.|Pediatrician |Baby and Child Expert on Instagram: "Is your little one struggling with reflux?leave the word MANAGE in the comments and I’ll send you my free reflux management guide for parents. 🧩Gastroesophageal reflux, or movement of stomach, contents, between the stomach and the esophagus is extremely common in young infants because the muscle is not fully developed between the esophagus in the stomach that keeps the liquid in the stomach. 💡In most infants, this does not cause any problems. 💡In some infants, it can cause irritation of the esophagus, which then causes pain. Most pediatricians will treat reflux with medication if the baby is not growing well or if they are having significant pain or arching of their back with the reflux. 💡There’s a more extreme
Baby Led Feeding (Starting Solids) & Toddler Feeding on Instagram: "👉 Type “𝗙𝗘𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗗𝗨𝗟𝗘” in the comments for the link to our blog on how to set up a feeding schedule schedule for babies 6 months+! One of the most common questions we get is WHEN to feed babies…how OFTEN to feed them… and how do solid foods fit in with milk feedings??? Here is a little overview of the main points when it comes to progressing through meals & snacks from 6 to 12 months: ➡️ 𝟲-𝟳 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 is all about the first introduction to food and meal times. Start with one meal per day and work your way up to 2 as your baby shows more interest.⠀ ➡️ By 𝟴-𝟵 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀, we want baby to be having 2-3 meals per day, ideally 3 meals a day at 9 months. Meals are now a regular part of their day
Preeti Kuntal on Instagram: "How Much Should Your Baby Eat? 🍽️ Feeding your baby can be confusing, but here’s a simple guide: 👶 At 6 months – Start with one meal a day, plus breast milk. 👶 At 7-8 months – Increase to two meals a day, along with breast milk. 👶 At 9-11 months – Your baby can have three meals a day, plus breast milk. 👶 At 12 months+ – Time for three meals and two snacks, along with breast milk or cow’s milk. Every baby is different—just follow their appetite and enjoy this journey! ❤️ @sehatwali_maa #sehatwalimaa #babyfood #babyfoodrecipes #babymealtimes #babyhealth #babyhealthyfood #baby #babygirl #babyboy #babyhealthtips #babydevelopment #babymilestones #kidsdevelopment [ baby food, baby food recipes, baby meal time]"
Rachael Jackson on Instagram: "Resharing what are probably my favourite clips of all time 🥺 all he says now is mamamamama 😂😂 - - - - - - - - - - - - #reel #reels #reelsinstagram #viral #baby #babyboy #babygirl #babystuff #babystyle #ivf #ivfsuccess #lgbt #mama #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #love #happy #lucky #toddler #grateful #postpartum #maternity #mumlife #walk #explorepage #explorepage✨ #babybloggeruk #mummyblogger #fourthtrimester"
Sebastian Finn on Instagram: "DIY cause & effect for every stage! Through cause and effect activities, children learn that their actions can produce a result, allowing them to understand the connection between events, develop logical thinking, predict outcomes, and essentially grasp how the world around them works by recognizing that one action can lead to a specific consequence; this is a fundamental skill for problem-solving and decision-making. Comment “effect” for simple DIY steps and a link to where to get materials. (I don’t use a chatbot, I reply to each comment personally so please be patient with me!) Disclaimer: all activities should be fully supervised, never leave child unattended even for a moment. If you can’t give your full undivided attention, do not attempt these activ
Motherhood | Parenting Hacks & Tips on Instagram: "6 Signs you should stop feeding the baby 🐇"
KAYPRIME KIDDIES STORE || BABY STORE IN LAGOS on Instagram: "🌟 Signs Your Newborn is Growing Perfectly 👶✨ 1️⃣ Sleeping 14-17 Hours a Day Newborns spend most of their time sleeping because their bodies are growing and their brains are developing rapidly. Sleep is essential for their growth, helping with memory formation, brain function, and physical repair. 2️⃣ Frequent Hiccups Hiccups are caused by the immaturity of the diaphragm and are completely normal. They help babies learn how to regulate their breathing and are not usually uncomfortable for them. 3️⃣ Hungry Every 1-2 Hours A newborn’s stomach is tiny and digests milk quickly. Feeding every 1-2 hours ensures they get enough calories and nutrients to support their rapid growth and energy needs. 4️⃣ Smiling While Sleeping Those c
Lucy | Make Money Online on Instagram: "I think it’s something beyond beautiful that babies start seeing themselves as one with their moms. The bond between a mother and child is incredibly close, especially in the early months, so they might not initially differentiate mom as a separate individual from themselves. When babies start to notice the dad as a distinct figure, he can become the first “outside” person they form a connection with, leading them to recognize and say “dada” or “papa” first. It’s fascinating how language development and emotional bonding unfold in such subtle, yet significant ways! SHARE this with someone who needs to know. LIKE, SAVE and FOLLOW @inexdigitalwealth for more inspiration and encouragement. ✨ #motherhood #parent #parents #momlife #momboss #newbo
Dr.Surbhi bhaiya on Instagram: "This 3 steps helps me to make by baby sleep in 5 Minutes 😎 This technique helped for both babies 😍😍 Try it and see it wether it helps you too😍 #newmom #firsttimemom #firsttimemummy #parenting #sleepbabysleep"
Kristy Griffiths on Instagram: "Tag all your newborn Mumma friends 🙌🏻🙌🏻 This position is one of my faves for a windy newborn! Things I love about it are: ✨ If they have reflux or are a “spilly” bub, it helps to keep this down and eleviate any symptoms. ✨ Being tummy down means their startle reflex won’t be as strong ✨ The scrunch in their legs helps to put some gentle pressure on their bowel/tummy ✨ You can enjoy some snuggles at the same time Have you tried this with your bub? • • • • • • #thesleepteacher #babywhisperer #sleepconsultant #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #honestmotherhood #patentingtips #parentinghacks #tiredmom #nightfeed #sleepdeprivedmama #childhoodunplugged #mummyblogger #mummybloggerau #naptime #sleeptraining #parenting #sleepregression #nightterrors #
Haize Hawke on Instagram: "This is a wonderful post about babies and their development. Follow @mommy.theories for more tips Repost from @mommy.theories • ✨Baby crunch✨ 👶🏻When your child is in a semi-elevated position like a bouncer seat or pillow support, you may see them trying to get into sitting position by raising their hands and shoulders. This movement looks like the baby is doing a ‘crunch’ exercise . 👶🏻This happens because upper ab muscles are more active as they’re not working as hard against gravity. 👶🏻In those early months(3 -4 months) , unfortunately, it is NOT A SIGN that they are ready to sit. 📌 It may be a sign that the bouncer seat is no longer safe (check your specific one’s safety tag!). 👶🏻Now its important that the child not skip rolling and go to support