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How Do You Know When Bulk Fermentation is Complete?
How do you know when bulk fermentation is complete? Knowing when bulk fermentation is done can be challenging but is really important to make great sourdough bread. These two images show my dough before and after bulk fermentation. Here are some signs/tips to look for: Dough should be poofy and feel full of air. Dough should have risen at least 50% in bowl. There should be visible bubbles on the surface of the dough. Dough should be domed and smooth on top. And the dough should jiggle!
How to Stretch and Fold Sourdough - Sourdough Basics
Learn how to stretch and fold dough to make better sourdough bread. This easy technique will help strengthen your bread dough. With these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to baking beautiful sourdough in no time.
Sourdough Proofing Guide: How to Tell if your Sourdough has Finished Proofing
Emily🌾 Sourdough & Homemade Recipes on Instagram: "⚠️One very common sourdough mistake I see made often is … Not using a strong enough starter. Your starter is one of the 🗝️key components in making a good loaf. If it’s not strong then your dough isn’t going to rise (bulk ferment) properly and your loaf is most likely going to end up under proofed. So how can you fix a sluggish and/or weak starter?! 1️⃣ Feed your starter 2x a day not just once. If it’s weak it needs more food 2️⃣ Feed it a bigger raito of water & flour to starter, try a 1:2:2 raito or a 1:3:3 3️⃣Add a small scoop of whole wheat or rye flour when you feed your starter 4️⃣ Keep your starter warm & cozy during the cold months. Store it in the oven or microwave with the light on, by the fire place or right beside the sto
4 Reasons Why Your Sourdough is Wet & Sticky
To begin, sourdough is a stickier, wetter dough than most yeasted breads - this is because sourdough contains more water. However, while sourdough is wetter & stickier, you should still be able to stretch, fold and shape your dough without too many issues. In this blog, I want to address what causes wet, sticky dough. & how you can fix it so that you can make incredible sourdough bread.