Gymnastics Aerial drills

17 Pins
Allgemeiner Turnverein Weyer on Instagram: "Aerial Tutorial 🤸‍♀️💛 Ps: ein Spagat ist dafür nicht notwendig Inspired by @lauragamell #aerial #freiesrad #tutorial #übungen #kunstturnen #turnen #atvweyer #weyer #turn10"
Favorite Aerial Drills
Favorite Aerial Drills
Favorite Aerial Drills
Favorite Aerial Drills
How to do an Aerial!
Get your aerials at home with these 5 drills demonstrated by AcroPals! 🦋
Elite Gymnast Explains SIDE AERIAL! You got this.
Earn a Badge on the Achievements Water Bottle
Celebrate each of your gymanstics successes with the achievements water bottle!