Plant-Based Recipes & Vegan Delights

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Sustainable Living Tips: Zero Waste Snack Ideas
Trying to fo zero waste and find plastic free snacks? Here’s a list of sustainable and low waste snacks for kids and adults alike - recipes included! #plasticfree #zerowasteliving #sustainableliving #packagefree #lowwaste
The Zero-Waste Chef
A sustainable lifestyle starts in the kitchen with these use-what-you-have,spend-less-money recipes and tips, from the friendly voice behind@ZeroWasteChef. In her decade of living with as little plastic, food waste, and stuff aspossible, Anne-Marie Bonneau, who blogs under the moniker Zero-Waste Chef, haslearned that "zero-waste" is above all an intention, not a hard-and-fast rule.Because, while one person eliminating all their waste is great, if thousandsof people do 20 percent better it wil
1 Week of Plastic Free Meals (in Japan) - Adventures of the Corpus Corps
Personal life: This is an example of a weeklong meal plan that avoids any use of plastic. I like to meal plan at the beginning of each week to save time, and this is an example of a way to do this without incurring any unneccesary waste