University of Karachi
Department of Economics
The paper aims to see the effect of Nominal and Real (External) Exchange rates of the U.S dollar on
The study is conducted in 2013 to see the impact of area under cotton crop and fertilizers off-take on its productivity in Pakistan by considering time series data rsince1980 till 2010 by evaluating econometric techniques. The finding... more
This paper attempts to examine the impact of trade liberalization over the macro economic structure of four SAARC member countries-Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Srilanka during1985 to 2006. The data set consists of a 21 years... more
This paper focuses on the casual relationship between Intra industry trade (IIT) of Pakistan and Its determinants. The data for estimating intra industry trade, using G-L index technique, is extracted from United Nation Commodity Trade... more
This study investigates intra-industry trade (IIT) of Pakistan for 31 years with eleven selective major trading economies and country-specific determinants of IIT of Pakistan using gravity model. OLS technique is used on panel data of 341... more
Domestic investment performs a significant role to influence the economic growth in the society of Pakistan. The enhancement of economic development depends on domestic investment of the society. Labor force and investment show the... more
Although it is very common to argue that the foreign direct investment is beneficial for the economic development of a nation. This exploration investigates the connection amongst FDI and economic development in case of Pakistan. In this... more
An endeavor has been made in this paper to ascertain the reasons behind the bleak performance of the economy of Pakistan in spite of the fact that the country possesses cheaper labor as compared to many countries of the world. With a big... more
There is an immense need for muslim countries to recognize the importance of women especially in education and their well-being in order to establish a prosperous society from economic perspective. A cross-section data of 1forty-nine... more
Dairy industry of Pakistan encounters many improving measurements to ensure the acceptability of its products in international market. For the purpose Pakistan Dairy Development Council (PDDC) introduces many innovative measures. While... more
Globalization hampers the growth level of the countries, then this raising growth rate helps to improve the living standard and reduce inequalities among the masses, that finally downgrade the poverty level of the nations, is the way that... more
Pakistan aimed to achieve the target of 5.5% of GDP growth for the fiscal year 2015-16, of which 3.9% is expected to catch from the agricultural sector. In the economy, about 42.3% of the total employment is attributed by the agricultural... more
The Objective of this manuscript is to inspect the role of ASEAN 3 in globalization process. To study it, FDI 4 inflows- have been taken as proxy variable for the measurement of globalization. In this connection, data of ASEAN pertaining... more
The paper aims to see the effect of Nominal, Real (External) and Effective Exchange rates (EER) of the U.S dollar on its Terms of Trade with two of its APEC trading partners Australia and New Zealand for the period 1991 to 2010. For... more
Domestic investment performs a significant role to influence the economic growth in the society of Pakistan. The enhancement of economic development depends on domestic investment of the society. Labor force and investment show the... more
Agriculture sector is considered as backbone of Pakistan's economy categorized into its subsectors as cash crops, food crops, forestry, fisheries and livestock. Here livestock interestingly push forward the most higher output yield... more
The Objective of this manuscript is to inspect the role of ASEAN 3 in globalization process. To study it, FDI 4 inflows-have been taken as proxy variable for the measurement of globalization. In this connection, data of ASEAN pertaining... more
Agriculture is backbone of the Pakistan's economy. A major part of the GDP comprises of that income which is generated by the agriculture and agro-base activities. Women are backbone of the household economy and play a very significant... more