Papers by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sutithep Siripipattanakul
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2022
This study aims to explain the essence of ethical change management affecting teacher satisfactio... more This study aims to explain the essence of ethical change management affecting teacher satisfaction and school performance. A purposive sampling of six teachers from three schools in Krabi, Thailand, was selected. The data were analysed using content analysis and the NVIVO software program. The results show that the schools face ethical issues, such as assessment methods and ethical dilemmas. Human resource management (HRM) in school is needed to coordinate ethical culture and ethical change with teachers in the best possible way. School's success depends on its change management capacity to an ethical culture. School leaders should try best management practices. Analysis alone, however, cannot guarantee the success of a transition process in the school. Ethical change management could help school administrators understand ethical decisions and the relationship between HRM, ethics, goal, teacher satisfaction, and school performance outcomes. Human resource analysis includes SWOT analysis, mission-vision, strategies, and ethical culture goals related to enhancing ethical change management, teacher satisfaction and school performance. Ethical change management will improve teacher satisfaction and turn it into good performance. The implication could help all organisations to increase ethical culture and develop employee satisfaction and organisational performance in any sector.
Asia-Pacific Review of Research in Education, 2022
This study identifies the relationship between COVID-19 perceptions, COVID-19 worries and behavio... more This study identifies the relationship between COVID-19 perceptions, COVID-19 worries and behavioural changes among the students of Ammartpanichnukul School in Krabi, Thailand. The online survey questionnaires of 392 secondary school students were employed for the quantitative study through stratified random sampling. The collected data were analysed using SPSS Version 27 and the PLS-SEM program. The results show that COVID-19 perceptions are related to COVID-19 worries and behavioural changes. Moreover, COVID-19 worries significantly mediate COVID-19 perceptions and behavioural changes among students. The school administrators and teachers should encourage students' perceptions of COVID-19 knowledge and preventive protocols to manage COVID-19 worries. Finally, students' behavioural changes will incur to prevent them far from the COVID-19 pandemic in the school. The recommendation is to expand more sampling in other schools because COVID-19 perceptions are related to COVID-19 worries and the outcome of students' behavioural changes.
International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2022
This study examines the mediating role of electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) on the relationship be... more This study examines the mediating role of electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) on the relationship between digital marketing activities and intention to buy among Shopee's customers in Thailand. Digital marketing activities comprise content marketing and electronic promotion (E-Promotion). The online questionnaires of four hundred and twenty-five (425) Shopee's customers in Thailand were employed for the quantitative study through convenience sampling. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS Version 27 and PLS-SEM program. The results show that E-Promotion can explain E-WOM better than content marketing. E-WOM is significantly influencing customers' intention to buy. Moreover, E-WOM is a significant mediator between digital marketing activities (content marketing and E-Promotion) and customers' intention to buy via the Shopee platform in Thailand. Digital marketers should consider content marketing and E-Promotion because these factors significantly influence E-WOM and indirectly affect customers' intention to buy via Shopee. The recommendation is to expand more sampling to study other online marketplaces. Therefore, the customers' intention to buy is related to digital marketing and a growing trend in this sector.
Asia-Pacific Review of Research in Education, 2022
This study investigates the relationship between factors of UTAUT, users' satisfaction and Englis... more This study investigates the relationship between factors of UTAUT, users' satisfaction and English learning intention via Netflix (English Subtitle) among Thai people. The online questionnaires of 389 Netflix (English Subtitle) users were employed for the quantitative study through convenience sampling. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS Version 27 and PLS-SEM program. The results show that factors of UTAUT include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. Users' satisfaction is the mediator between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions and English learning intention via Netflix (English Subtitle). Moreover, facilitating conditions are the highest influencing factor of users' satisfaction, followed by effort expectancy and performance expectancy, respectively. The English programme directors and marketers should consider UTAUT model adoption in the English educational management because it is related to users' satisfaction and the outcome of English learning intention via Netflix (English Subtitle). The recommendation is to expand more sampling in other countries because learning English could increase happiness and effectiveness for students and all generations via Netflix.
Journal of Management in Business, Healthcare and Education, 2021
This study reviewed the mediating role of student satisfaction between twenty-first-century learn... more This study reviewed the mediating role of student satisfaction between twenty-first-century learning style (4Cs) and student performance-effectiveness. This study established a link between measurements of their efforts to improve twenty-first-century learning styles (4Cs) to respond to students' needs and expectations (student centre approach), influencing student satisfaction and evolving it into excellent student performance and effectiveness. Twenty-first-century learning style factors include communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. The education sector demonstrated the relationship between these measurements in the theoretical framework in this review article.
International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2022
This study identifies factors affecting Thai people's intention to get COVID-19 vaccination. The ... more This study identifies factors affecting Thai people's intention to get COVID-19 vaccination. The intention to get COVID-19 vaccination was explained by factors; fear and infectability of COVID-19, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norm. The mediator was the attitude. The research model was analyzed from a stratified random sampling of three-hundred and eighty-seven (387) respondents in Thailand. The collected data were analysed using the PLS-SEM program (ADANCO 2.2.1) and SPSS-version 27. The results reveal that most respondents intended to get vaccinated. Fear and perceived infectability of COVID-19, perceived behavioural control, subjective norm indirect effect on the intention to get COVID-19 vaccination through mediating effect of attitude. The recommendation is to increase perceptions through attitude because it is strongly associated with getting COVID-19 vaccination among Thai people. The contribution could benefit healthcare providers to implement Thai perceptions and increase their willingness to get COVID-19 vaccinated through these factors.
International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2022
This study identifies the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influenc... more This study identifies the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and trust on intention to use healthcare chatbots and apps among users in Bangkok, Thailand. The online convenience sampling method collected data from 387 healthcare chatbots and apps users in Bangkok, Thailand. The results confirm these significant influencing factors on intention to use healthcare chatbots and apps. It reveals that facilitating conditions have the highest predictive power on intention to use healthcare chatbots and apps, followed by effort expectancy, trust, performance expectancy, and social influence, respectively. Moreover, this research could help better understand users' perceptions of using chatbots and apps. The healthcare marketers benefit from the result to improve their strategic planning in enhancing response to their customers' needs and expectations about healthcare products and services through chatbots and apps usage. It could improve strategies for using chatbots and apps to respond to customers' needs and expectations in any sector.
Asia-Pacific Review of Research in Education, 2022
This study examines the influence of the 4Cs educational relationship management (communication, ... more This study examines the influence of the 4Cs educational relationship management (communication, cost, convenience, customer or student centre) on the decision to be an online degree student. The research was analysed using a quantitative method from 211 online degree students through a convenience sampling (online questionnaire survey) from universities that provided online degrees. The statistical analysis employed the multiple regression analysis (MRA) to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that communication has the highest impact on the decision to be an online degree student, followed by cost, convenience and customer (student) centre, respectively. The programme directors and educational leaders should pay attention to educational relationship management (4Cs) because it influences people to decide to be online degree students.
International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2022
This study investigates the relationship between the twenty-first-century learning model (4Cs) an... more This study investigates the relationship between the twenty-first-century learning model (4Cs) and student performance-effectiveness through the mediating effect of student satisfaction. A stratified random sampling of 512 students in Thailand was used for the quantitative approach. The collected data were analysed using the PLS-SEM program and SPSS Version 27. The results reveal that student satisfaction is the significant mediator between the twenty-first-century learning model (communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration) and student performance-effectiveness. It indicates that communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity significantly influence student satisfaction. Moreover, communication has the most significant influence on student performance-effectively, followed by collaboration and creativity. Only critical thinking does not considerably influence student performance-effectiveness. The educational leaders, program directors and teachers should pay attention to the twenty-first-century model (4Cs) to increase student satisfaction and performance-effectiveness.
Asia-Pacific Review of Research in Education, 2022
This study examines the relationship between the theory of planned behaviour model (TPB: attitude... more This study examines the relationship between the theory of planned behaviour model (TPB: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behaviour control) and its effect on students' choosing the online degree during the COVID-19 pandemic through the mediating role of perceived effectiveness. The online questionnaires of 215 online degree students were used for the quantitative study through convenience sampling. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS Version 27 and PLS-SEM program. The results show that perceived effectiveness is the significant mediator between the TPB model and the intention to choose the online degree during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, perceived behavioural control has the highest impact on perceived effectiveness, followed by the attitude and subjective norm. The educational leaders and programme directors should consider TPB model adoption in the educational sector because it is related to perceived effectiveness and turn it to intention to choose the online degree during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Papers by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sutithep Siripipattanakul