Çetin Akkuş
Kastamonu University Faculty of Tourism- Asst. Prof.
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Papers by Çetin Akkuş
Thanks to the technological developments in recent years, it is seen that the internet is more in touch with human life, making life easy and provides many advantages in terms of time and productivity. However, an individual's excessive use or improper internet use can cause some adverse conditions such as addiction and physical health problems (insomnia, headaches, etc.). Generation Z is intertwined with technology since birth, and they appear to be affected by this negativity more. Generation Z, which has just begun to step into adulthood, has led to such a study to predict the motivation of individuals to participate in tourism and thus how they will affect their tourism activities in the future. In this study, the motivation of generation Z to participate in tourism according to the level of internet addiction to the frequency of travel and differences of preferred holiday types were examined. In the scope of the research, a survey was applied to 405 Z generation individuals between the ages of 17-21 who live in Amasya. As a result of the study, it was determined that the participants' motivation and the type of holiday they prefer differ according to the level of internet addiction. There was no significant difference between internet addiction level and frequency of travel.
Milli parklar sahip olduğu doğal ve kültürel değerler yönüyle korunması gereken alanlar arasında bulunmaktadır. Bu alanların sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamak, ekosistemlerini ve biyolojik çeşitliliğini başarılı bir şekilde korumak için yerel halkın katılımı önem arz etmektedir. Türkiye’de toplam 45 milli park bulunmaktadır. Kastamonu ise bu parkların üçüne ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, milli parklara yönelik çevresel kimlik, çevresel tutum ve katılım ilişkisinin Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi ile çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Kastamonu yerel halkından kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle 399 katılımcıya ulaşılmış ve anket uygulanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda çevresel kimliğin çevresel tutumu, çevresel tutumun da katılımı etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Bununla beraber yerel halkın doğal alanları ziyaret etme sıklığı, doğa koruma derneğine üye olma durumu, memleketi ve ilde yaşama süresinin çevresel kimlik, çevresel tutum ve katılım boyutlarına göre istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılıklar gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
National parks are among the areas that should be protected in terms of their natural and cultural values. Participation of local people is important to ensure the sustainability of these areas and to protect their ecosystems and biodiversity successfully. There are 45 national parks in Turkey. Kastamonu is home to three of these parks. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the relationship between environmental identity, environmental attitude and participation towards national parks with Structural Equation Modeling. For this purpose, 399 participants from Kastamonu local people were reached using the convenience sampling method and a questionnaire was applied. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that environmental identity affects environmental attitude and environmental attitude affects participation. However, it was determined that the frequency of visiting natural areas of the local people, the status of being a member of the nature conservation association, their hometown and the duration of life in the province showed statistically significant differences according to environmental identity, environmental attitude and participation dimensions.
Abstract The positive image of a tourist destination is great importance in terms of the tourist arrival and tourism revenues of the region. Creating a positive image is a strategic decision, but the output is clearly worth it. Particularly, the positive image, the quality of the experience and the perceived value of the touristic demand can significantly affect the many variables are kept under control or even cause to be affected. Based on these facts, it was aimed to determine the effect of destination image on perceived value and experience quality. In this context, a survey was conducted in Kastamonu city center for three months and 397 people were surveyed. Structural model was formed as a result of
Bu araştırmada, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü öğrencilerinin uygulamalı mutfak eğitimine ilişkin tutumları ile öğrencilerin uygulamalı mutfak dersleri kapsamında sunduğu hizmete yönelik müşteri memnuniyetini tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Buna binaen öğrencilerin dersi almadan önce ve aldıktan sonraki tutumlarında; ders kapsamında sunulan hizmete yönelik müşteri memnuniyeti ile normal zamanda sunulan hizmet arasındaki memnuniyet düzeyinde herhangi bir farklılık olup olmadığı ölçülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında toplam 170 öğrenci anketine ve toplam 495 müşteriye ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma 2017-2018 güz yarıyılı içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin uygulamadan önceki ve sonraki düşüncelerine ilişkin faktör ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Mutfak personelinin sunduğu hizmet ile ders kapsamında sunulan hizmete yönelik müşteri memnuniyetinde personel kalitesi, hizmet kalitesi ve genel memnuniyet açısından anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir.
The tourism sector is one of the significant service subsectors, and it is crucial that the employees belonging to this sector have the necessary professional skills. However, vocational training, especially at the faculty level, is still secondary for–several reasons. In time, this causes students to distance themselves from the way the sector operates and they become alienated from the tourism sector, to which they are introduced through internships. Therefore, it is crucial that practical classes are offered especially at the faculty level to contribute to students’ vocational training and increase their awareness about these classes.
The purpose of this study is to examine the thoughts of students at the Tourism Management Department in the School of Tourism at Kastamonu University on practical kitchen classes and customer satisfaction with the services provided by students within these classes. In this aspect, we measured whether a difference between students’ thoughts before and after taking the class was present and whether there was a difference between customer satisfaction towards the services provided as part of the classes and the level of satisfaction towards the services provided under normal circumstances. Surveys were completed by 170 students and 495 customers. The study was conducted in the Fall semester of the 2017–2018 academic year. Through this study, we determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the factor means of students’ thoughts before and after the practice. We found a significant difference between customer satisfaction with the services provided as part of the class and customer satisfaction with the services provided by the kitchen personnel regarding personnel quality, service quality, and overall satisfaction.
resmî kurumlarının tanıtım fotoğraflarını karşılaştırarak göstergebilimsel açıdan analiz etmektir.
Araştırmada belirlenen 21 turistik nokta Instagram üzerinden taranmıştır. Toplamda 2008 adet
fotoğraf içerik analizi yapılarak incelenmiştir. Fotoğraflar her nokta için kendi arasında beş gruba
ayrılmıştır. En yüksek değeri alan grubun içerisinden sık tercih edilen arka plana ait
fotoğraflardan biri seçilmiş ve resmi kurum sitelerindeki fotoğraflar ile karşılaştırılmıştır.
Araştırmada, en fazla paylaşım yapılan turistik noktaların, doğal zenginliklere işaret ettiği
görülmüştür. Bunlar; Horma Kanyonu (%17,8), Ilgaz Dağı Milli Parkı (%13,75), İnebolu Plajı
(%8,81), Küre Dağları Milli Parkı (%8,42) ve Cide Gideros Koyu (%7,82) olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Ayrıca kamu kurumlarının fotoğraflarında ziyaretçilerin paylaştıkları fotoğraf açılarına benzerlik
gösteren yedi turistik nokta saptanmıştır. Diğer turistik noktalarda daha az benzerlik ve çok az
zıtlıklar görülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda, Kastamonu destinasyonunda öne çıkan değerler
vurgulanmış, bu turistik değerlerin hangi yönlerinin ziyaretçiler tarafından ön plana çıkarıldığı
açıklanarak resmî kurumların tanıtım faaliyetlerinde fotoğraf kullanımı için önerilerde
The purpose of this study is to analyze semiotic aspects by comparing the visitor photos of the
touristic spots in Kastamonu Province and the promotional photos of the provincial official
institutions. 21 touristic spots determined in the research were scanned on Instagram. A total of
2008 photographs were analyzed by content analysis. The photos are divided into five groups
among themselves for each point. Among the group with the highest value, one of the frequently
preferred background photos was selected and compared with the photos on official institution
sites. The most shared tourist spots, natural riches are pointing. These; Horma Canyon (17.8%),
Ilgaz Mountain National Park (13.75%), İnebolu Beach (8.81%), Küre Mountains National Park
(8.42%) and Cide Gideros Bay (7.82%) has been identified. In the photographs of public
institutions, seven tourist spots that are similar to the photograph angles shared by the visitors
were identified. Less similarities and fewer contrasts were detected at other tourist spots. In the
research, it emphasized the prominent values in the Kastamonu destination, and which aspects
of these touristic spots were highlighted by visitors, and suggestions were made for the use of
photographs in the promotional activities of official institutions.
Abstract- As part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, there are 36 gastronomic cities worldwide. The title of gastronomy city makes important contributions to cities such as the development of the local economy, increased promotion activities and the increase of the brand image. This study aims to analyze Kastamonu's rich culinary culture according to the criteria determined in the field of UNESCO's Creative Cities Network gastronomy. Within the scope of the research, secondary data sources were used and on-site investigations were made for some criteria. From the findings, it has been determined that Kastamonu is strong in terms of food diversity, there are local dishes in its restaurants, there are local product stalls in the markets, various local products and gastronomy festivals are organized, and there are courses in this field in educational institutions. However, it is another result of the study that it is inadequate in terms of promoting sustainable local products.
ABSTRACT Tourism consumption, in essence, is about the individual who is trying to discover the sense of self. This discovery often results in a positive change, ie personal development. Considering the type and duration of travel of the backpackers, it can be said that the changes they perceive or feel after their travels more than the other types of tourists. In this study, it is aimed to determine the personal development of the Turkish backpackers after their travels and to determine whether their personal development differs according to the demographic characteristics of the travelers. Snowball sampling was applied due to the uncertainty of the universe. Survey technique was used as data collection tool. In order to measure the personal development of backpackers, "backpacker personal development scale" designed by Chen, Bao and Huang (2014) was utilized. Data were collected face to face and online in September-October 2018. Difference analysis were applied to the data. As a result of the study, it was determined that the personal development of the travelers in terms of all variables other than gender showed significant differences. It was also found that the awareness level of backpackers who traveled abroad was higher.
In this study, it was aimed to test the effect of zero price in the decision making process for touristic products. Two different hotels with two components of room and breakfast are determined; and although that the other hotel is the selected option, when a certain component's price within the product is fixed to zero, it has been assumed that demand for that product would increase abnormally. In regard to this goal a model was used in order to measure the zero price effect and zero price effect was considered as significant. No difference was found in the analyses conducted to measure whether zero price differentiated according to demographic characteristics of participants or not. As a result of these consequences, it has been considered that zero price has a unique effect area except several psychological factors and that as it does not show any difference among participants is a result of this vast effect area.
The occurrence of a tourism activity depends on the continuity of tourist attractions. The
continuity of these attractions is greatly influenced by the sustainable practices of the individuals
participating in tourism. In this research, the everyday sustainability practices of the backpackers
who participated in longer-term travels compared to other types of tourists were investigated. A
total of 244 Turkish backpackers had been reached through snowball sampling. Data were
collected in September-October 2018 via a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by independent
samples t test and ANOVA. It was determined that the most frequently used sustainability
practices were practices pertaining to economic sustainability. Additionally, it was found that
sustainability practices were significantly different based on the travelers' travel period, daily
working status, daily average spending amount and sponsor supports.
The most important factors affecting the development of food culture are the era, geographical region, materials used. Although the most important factor in the continuation of these meals throughout the history of women has been. The place of women in family life is mostly identified with domestic works and it is the woman who ensures that the culture of food is preserved in the smallest building of society. However, although the role of women in the home continues in today's world, it has been observed that the traditional food has been lost. This situation, which is thought to be related to the expulsion of women, is also thought to be related to different demographic characteristics. In this study, the extent to which local women living in Kastamonu have been informed according to their degree of difficulty, they know, know and do it. However, it is aimed to determine whether there are any significant differences between the difficulty levels and demographic characteristics of local foods that women know or do. At the end of the research, As a result of the research, it was determined that the difficulty levels of the meals were not effective in the continuity of cooking of women and significant differences were found between the demographic characteristics of women and their local food production. *
işletmeyi daha üst noktalara taşıyabilmektedir. Bu sebeple özellikle son yıllarda sosyal medya etkinliği işletmeler için oldukça önemli bir hale gelmiştir. Amacı tüketicilerin restoran atmosferi algısı ile sosyal medya paylaşımları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek olan bu nicel araştırma
Kastamonu’da bulunan bir tema restoranda iki ay süre ile yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda toplam 400 katılımcıya anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma neticesinde restoran ambiyansının sosyal medya paylaşımlarını etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Öz: Turizm destinasyonları söz konusu olduğunda çevre, kaynak olarak nitelendirilmekte, var olan kaynak ve geliştirilmiş ya da yapay kaynak olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Çevre yönetimi ise tüm bu kaynakların korunması, iyileştirilmesi ve geliştirilmesi amacına hizmet etmektedir. Ancak bu yönetim faaliyetlerinin sistemli bir şekilde yürütülebilmesi için destinasyon paydaşlarının ortak bir akıl ile hareket etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu durumda paydaş katılımını gerekli kılsa da, birçok turizm destinasyonunda paydaşların çevre yönetimine dair kararlar alınırken ortak bir şekilde hareket etmediği görülmektedir. Bu sebeple paydaşlar bir araya gelemese de onların konuya ilişkin düşüncelerinin tespit edilmesi ve ortak noktaların belirlenerek çeşitli plan ve programların hazırlanmasında bilgi olarak değerlendirilmesi büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle Erzurum gibi kış turizminde aktif rol oynayan destinasyonlarda turistleri çeken en büyük rekabetçilik faktörleri kış sezonunun uzunluğu, kar kalitesi ve doğal kayak alanlarıdır. Bu faktörler aynı zamanda destinasyonun en önemli (var olan) kaynakları arasında yer almaktadır. Bu kaynakların devamlılığının sağlanabilmesi için etkin bir çevre yönetiminin izlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak bunu yaparken turizm sektörü paydaşlarının çevre yönetimi hakkındaki düşüncelerinin, destinasyonların sürdürülebilir gelişimi açısından oldukça önemli olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu sebeple araştırmada, bir kış turizmi destinasyonu olan Erzurum'daki turizm sektörü paydaşlarının çevre yönetimine ilişkin algılarını derinlemesine incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada merkezi ve yerel yönetim ile birlikte konaklama işletmesi yöneticisi olmak üzere toplam beş kişi ile derinlemesine görüşülmüştür. Görüşmelerde nitel bir yöntem olan standartlaştırılmış açık uçlu görüşme tekniği benimsenmiştir. Kapsamlı literatür taraması sonucu, görüşme soruları oluşturulurken Dwyer ve Kim (2003)'in Bütünleştirilmiş Rekabetçilik Modelinde yer alan çevre yönetimine ilişkin ifadelerden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, tüm paydaşların sorulara genel olarak olumlu yanıtlar verdiği gözlenmiştir. Görüşmelerden yola çıkarak, kış turizmi açısından önemli bir potansiyele sahip olan Erzurum ilindeki turizm sektörü paydaşlarının çevre yönetimine ilişkin olumlu algılara sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Anahtar sözcükler: Çevre yönetimi, sürdürülebilirlik, turizm sektörü paydaşları, kış turizmi destinasyonu, Erzurum. Jel Kodu: Q01, Q26, Q56
Çoklu evrenin sekiz aleminden biri olan artırılmış gerçeklik, gerçek zaman ve mekan ile madde olmayanı bir araya getirir. Artırılmış gerçeklikte bulunulan ortamın anlık görüntüsü üzerine farklı sanal objeler yerleştirilerek bireyler için yeni bir ortam yaratılır. Günümüzde özellikle beş temel alana yönelik birçok artırılmış gerçeklik uygulaması geliştirilmiştir. Bunların en önemlilerinden biri kültürel miras ve turizm alanıdır. Artık tarihi mekânlarda, turizm gezilerinde, etkinliklerde ve müzelerde gerçekleştirilen çeşitli uygulamalar ya da canlandırmalarda çok çeşitli artırılmış gerçeklik sistemlerine rastlanmaktadır. Yaratılan bu yeni ortam sayesinde turistler gittiği mekânda mobil cihazının görüntüsüne giren her şeyle etkileşime girebilir ve daha akılda kalıcı deneyimler yaşar. Turizm açısından büyük önem taşıyan mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının her geçen gün yeni bir kültürel miras alanında uygulandığı gözlenmektedir. Bu araştırmada mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının yıllar içerisinde geçirdiği değişimi daha net bir şekilde görebilmek amacı ile ikincil veri kaynaklarına dayalı bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, dünya ülkeleri içerisinde Türkiye'nin bu konuda hangi aşamada olduğunun da tespitine çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda dünyada birçok tarihi alanda çeşitli artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları görülürken, Türkiye'de henüz tarihi bir mekân veya ören yerinde hayata geçmiş herhangi bir mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamasına rastlanılmamıştır. Augmented reality, which is one of the eight universes of the multiverse, brings together non-time, non-location and non-particle. A new medium for individuals is created by placing different virtual objects on the instant image of the medium in augmented reality. There are several augmented reality applications developed especially for five basic fields. The most important of these are cultural heritage and tourism. Nowadays it is possible to come across various augmented reality systems used for different applications or reenactments at historical venues, touristic trips, events and museums. Thanks to this newly created medium, tourists are able to interact with everything that is included in the images provided by the mobile device at the historical venue and they can thus have more memorable experiences. We note that mobile augmented reality applications, which are crucial for tourism, are being used for an increasing number of cultural heritage sites. This study consists of a literature review of the secondary data sources to clearly evaluate the transformation mobile augmented reality applications have gone through over the years. In addition, we also tried to determine in which stage Turkey is compared to the other countries in the world in this matter. We concluded that there is a host of historical sites around the world where mobile augmented reality applications are used; yet, there is not any mobile augmented reality application currently in use at a location or archeological site in Turkey.
Somut kültürel miras varlıkları turizm endüstrisinin önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Bu varlıkların ya da bulundukları alanların marka etkisi ise yerel toplumlara ve ekonomilere büyük faydalar sağlamaktadır. Ancak aşırı turizm gelişimi ve makul olmayan yaklaşımlar, kültürel miras alanlarındaki ekolojik çevreyi ve yerel halkın hayatını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bununla birlikte kültürel mirasın orijinalliğine ve bütünlüğüne zarar verildiği de gözlenmektedir. Bu sebeple kültürel mirası koruma altına almak önemli olduğu kadar, korumanın farklı yollarını keşfetmek de oldukça değerlidir. Bu amaca binaen, toplulukların kültürel miras alanlarının korunması ve geliştirilmesine yönelik olumlu katılımını sağlayarak kaynakları korumanın etkili bir yol olduğu düşünülmektedir. Kemaliye hem tarihi dokusu hem de birçok alternatif turizm türüne ev sahipliği yapması sebebiyle önemli bir turistik çekiciliktir. Doğal, kültürel, tarihi ve mimari yapısıyla dikkat çeken Kemaliye, özellikle yerli turistler tarafından yoğun bir ilgi görmektedir. Yerel halkın ilçedeki somut kültürel miras öğelerini korumaya özen gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Günümüze değin bölge halkının da içinde bulunduğu birçok çalışma yürütülmüştür. Bu sebeple araştırmada ikincil verilerden yararlanarak 2005 yılında " sit alanı " ilan edilen Kemaliye'deki somut kültürel mirasın korunmasına yönelik çabalar ve bunların olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri derinlemesine incelenmiş ve literatüre katkı sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca Kemaliye'nin sahip olduğu değerlere yönelik kamu ve sivil toplum kuruluşları aracılığıyla yapılan restorasyon çalışmaları incelenmiş ve bu değerlerin konu olduğu akademik çalışmalara değinilmiştir.
Kemaliye (formerly Egin) has an important past with its geographical position and multinational structure. It is 163 km away from the Erzincan province in the Upper Euphrates section of the Eastern Anatolia Region. It is also located on the western side of the Karasu River, the largest rifle of the Euphrates River. Erzincan's Kemaliye district, which has many riches in terms of concrete cultural heritage values, has an important touristic potential. Attracting attention with its natural, cultural, historical and architectural structure, Kemaliye attracts a lot of attention especially by the local tourists. Kemaliye was the subject of many folk song. Kemaliye is a town which has gained a reputation especially with its traditional houses. Various conservation studies are being carried out in order to ensure that these values of Kemaliye district are not lost and transferred to the future. For this purpose, the district was declared a protected area on 25.11.2005 and it was aimed to protect its originality. Within the scope of the research, the protection methods developed by the local people for the riches Kemaliye possesses are examined. In addition, academic studies on conservation practices have been evaluated. The general characteristics of Kemaliye and traditional rural residence architecture were evaluated by applying to the secondary sources in the research. The positive and negative consequences of conservation practices developed by local residents towards traditional rural housing have been demonstrated. In addition, the restoration work carried out by public and non-governmental organizations on the values Kemaliye possesses and the academic studies in which these values are stated are mentioned.
Kemaliye is a member of the Union of Historical Towns and the Union of European Historical Cities. The declaration of Kemaliye in 2005 as a protected area has been regarded as a significant development by creating an awareness of the natural, historical, architectural and cultural potentials it has. The local people have developed "sheet metal covering" and "depository" methods to preserve traditional architectural structures owned by Kemaliye. Thanks to these methods, the architectural texture has been protected from adverse environmental conditions and reached to daylight. The depository technique is applied in order to prevent damage and strengthen the carriers especially in the housing system of the residences. In this method applied by local masters, the carrier elements are strengthened by the help of planks. The method of sheet metal covering is done in order to prevent architectural texture from adversely affected by hard winter conditions. However, this process has harmed the architectural texture and caused an image pollution. This situation has become a very bad landscape in terms of Kemaliye, which hosts the structure which is a cultural heritage property. Generally, it can be said that the people of the region are doing such practices because of the economic power is weak. In order for these applications to not harm architectural textures, it is necessary to support them by the relevant public institutions and to work in a proper way to protect them. Otherwise, it may cause the degradation of the original architect and the tourists to leave the area over time.
In addition to the conservation work developed by local people, it has been found that various projects have been carried out at the academic level on the protection of Kemaliye houses. The project titled "Suggestions on the Problems of Detection and Conservation of the Roof and Wall Construction of Kemaliye Houses", supported by the Yıldız Technical University Scientific Research Projects Coordination, was completed in 2014. The architectural structure of Kemaliye housings has been examined within the scope of the project. In addition, in order to pass on the accumulation of traditional housing masters to future generations, oral and written interviews were made and recorded. As a result of the project, the number of local masters is small and in order to prevent this problem, it is proposed to open a "master school" in Kemaliye district.
Since 2003, important steps have been taken in line with the efforts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage and local people within the scope of conservation studies. These studies have been very important in terms of the survival of Kemaliye's architectural texture and the marketing of its richness in the direction of touristic purposes. Kemaliye continued to be a living Anatolian city, producing and selling local handicrafts, presenting its natural richness to nature lovers and athletes, and introducing its original values to visitors.
In addition to national participation, festivals and events organized to increase Kemaliye's recognition need to be intensified at international level. Training courses should be organized in order to continue the workmanship such as carpet weaving, doorknob maker and gasenne fabric production that has reached to the daily level from Kemaliye's past thousands of years. Historical doorknobs of traditional houses in Kemaliye are attracting considerable interest. The doorknobs are placed on the material named "Mirror" which is designed to make thick and thin sounds by considering the use of men and women separately. The production of doorknobs with their own mastery continues today. The doorknobs produced are sold as souvenirs to visitors to Kemaliye. Woodworking is continuing with examples such as ceilings, windows, shutters, flower beds, and lamps on the inside and outside of the settlement areas. This situation can be considered as an important tourist attraction for Kemaliye. Kemaliye Haci Ali Akın Vocational School's Department of Architectural Restoration Program and Handicrafts Department can be brought together with local masters and methods so that these values can be transferred to the future. The restored traditional homes, use or boutique hotel as a boutique restaurant that serves regional cuisine, contributes to the protection of the natural texture. Candidacy to the Cittaslow Union may be an important step to increase the awareness of Kemaliye's potential.
Tourism destinations will only succeed if the welfare of the people of the region is observed. For this reason, although cultural heritage assets are seen as an important tourism tool, in fact, preserving the cultural values of the people of the region should be the primary objective. Otherwise, every change or renewal that is broken from the people will develop outside the people who live there and will cause the tourism to be perceived badly. For this reason, it should not be forgotten that cultural heritage is an important stakeholder in the local people in conservation work. It should not be overlooked that protecting the resources by providing the participation of the people of the region is an effective way. However, in order for the contributions of the local people to be healthy, it should be carried out under the supervision of the relevant institutions.
Thanks to the technological developments in recent years, it is seen that the internet is more in touch with human life, making life easy and provides many advantages in terms of time and productivity. However, an individual's excessive use or improper internet use can cause some adverse conditions such as addiction and physical health problems (insomnia, headaches, etc.). Generation Z is intertwined with technology since birth, and they appear to be affected by this negativity more. Generation Z, which has just begun to step into adulthood, has led to such a study to predict the motivation of individuals to participate in tourism and thus how they will affect their tourism activities in the future. In this study, the motivation of generation Z to participate in tourism according to the level of internet addiction to the frequency of travel and differences of preferred holiday types were examined. In the scope of the research, a survey was applied to 405 Z generation individuals between the ages of 17-21 who live in Amasya. As a result of the study, it was determined that the participants' motivation and the type of holiday they prefer differ according to the level of internet addiction. There was no significant difference between internet addiction level and frequency of travel.
Milli parklar sahip olduğu doğal ve kültürel değerler yönüyle korunması gereken alanlar arasında bulunmaktadır. Bu alanların sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamak, ekosistemlerini ve biyolojik çeşitliliğini başarılı bir şekilde korumak için yerel halkın katılımı önem arz etmektedir. Türkiye’de toplam 45 milli park bulunmaktadır. Kastamonu ise bu parkların üçüne ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, milli parklara yönelik çevresel kimlik, çevresel tutum ve katılım ilişkisinin Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi ile çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Kastamonu yerel halkından kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle 399 katılımcıya ulaşılmış ve anket uygulanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda çevresel kimliğin çevresel tutumu, çevresel tutumun da katılımı etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Bununla beraber yerel halkın doğal alanları ziyaret etme sıklığı, doğa koruma derneğine üye olma durumu, memleketi ve ilde yaşama süresinin çevresel kimlik, çevresel tutum ve katılım boyutlarına göre istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılıklar gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
National parks are among the areas that should be protected in terms of their natural and cultural values. Participation of local people is important to ensure the sustainability of these areas and to protect their ecosystems and biodiversity successfully. There are 45 national parks in Turkey. Kastamonu is home to three of these parks. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the relationship between environmental identity, environmental attitude and participation towards national parks with Structural Equation Modeling. For this purpose, 399 participants from Kastamonu local people were reached using the convenience sampling method and a questionnaire was applied. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that environmental identity affects environmental attitude and environmental attitude affects participation. However, it was determined that the frequency of visiting natural areas of the local people, the status of being a member of the nature conservation association, their hometown and the duration of life in the province showed statistically significant differences according to environmental identity, environmental attitude and participation dimensions.
Abstract The positive image of a tourist destination is great importance in terms of the tourist arrival and tourism revenues of the region. Creating a positive image is a strategic decision, but the output is clearly worth it. Particularly, the positive image, the quality of the experience and the perceived value of the touristic demand can significantly affect the many variables are kept under control or even cause to be affected. Based on these facts, it was aimed to determine the effect of destination image on perceived value and experience quality. In this context, a survey was conducted in Kastamonu city center for three months and 397 people were surveyed. Structural model was formed as a result of
Bu araştırmada, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Turizm İşletmeciliği bölümü öğrencilerinin uygulamalı mutfak eğitimine ilişkin tutumları ile öğrencilerin uygulamalı mutfak dersleri kapsamında sunduğu hizmete yönelik müşteri memnuniyetini tespit etmek amaçlanmıştır. Buna binaen öğrencilerin dersi almadan önce ve aldıktan sonraki tutumlarında; ders kapsamında sunulan hizmete yönelik müşteri memnuniyeti ile normal zamanda sunulan hizmet arasındaki memnuniyet düzeyinde herhangi bir farklılık olup olmadığı ölçülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında toplam 170 öğrenci anketine ve toplam 495 müşteriye ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma 2017-2018 güz yarıyılı içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin uygulamadan önceki ve sonraki düşüncelerine ilişkin faktör ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Mutfak personelinin sunduğu hizmet ile ders kapsamında sunulan hizmete yönelik müşteri memnuniyetinde personel kalitesi, hizmet kalitesi ve genel memnuniyet açısından anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir.
The tourism sector is one of the significant service subsectors, and it is crucial that the employees belonging to this sector have the necessary professional skills. However, vocational training, especially at the faculty level, is still secondary for–several reasons. In time, this causes students to distance themselves from the way the sector operates and they become alienated from the tourism sector, to which they are introduced through internships. Therefore, it is crucial that practical classes are offered especially at the faculty level to contribute to students’ vocational training and increase their awareness about these classes.
The purpose of this study is to examine the thoughts of students at the Tourism Management Department in the School of Tourism at Kastamonu University on practical kitchen classes and customer satisfaction with the services provided by students within these classes. In this aspect, we measured whether a difference between students’ thoughts before and after taking the class was present and whether there was a difference between customer satisfaction towards the services provided as part of the classes and the level of satisfaction towards the services provided under normal circumstances. Surveys were completed by 170 students and 495 customers. The study was conducted in the Fall semester of the 2017–2018 academic year. Through this study, we determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the factor means of students’ thoughts before and after the practice. We found a significant difference between customer satisfaction with the services provided as part of the class and customer satisfaction with the services provided by the kitchen personnel regarding personnel quality, service quality, and overall satisfaction.
resmî kurumlarının tanıtım fotoğraflarını karşılaştırarak göstergebilimsel açıdan analiz etmektir.
Araştırmada belirlenen 21 turistik nokta Instagram üzerinden taranmıştır. Toplamda 2008 adet
fotoğraf içerik analizi yapılarak incelenmiştir. Fotoğraflar her nokta için kendi arasında beş gruba
ayrılmıştır. En yüksek değeri alan grubun içerisinden sık tercih edilen arka plana ait
fotoğraflardan biri seçilmiş ve resmi kurum sitelerindeki fotoğraflar ile karşılaştırılmıştır.
Araştırmada, en fazla paylaşım yapılan turistik noktaların, doğal zenginliklere işaret ettiği
görülmüştür. Bunlar; Horma Kanyonu (%17,8), Ilgaz Dağı Milli Parkı (%13,75), İnebolu Plajı
(%8,81), Küre Dağları Milli Parkı (%8,42) ve Cide Gideros Koyu (%7,82) olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Ayrıca kamu kurumlarının fotoğraflarında ziyaretçilerin paylaştıkları fotoğraf açılarına benzerlik
gösteren yedi turistik nokta saptanmıştır. Diğer turistik noktalarda daha az benzerlik ve çok az
zıtlıklar görülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda, Kastamonu destinasyonunda öne çıkan değerler
vurgulanmış, bu turistik değerlerin hangi yönlerinin ziyaretçiler tarafından ön plana çıkarıldığı
açıklanarak resmî kurumların tanıtım faaliyetlerinde fotoğraf kullanımı için önerilerde
The purpose of this study is to analyze semiotic aspects by comparing the visitor photos of the
touristic spots in Kastamonu Province and the promotional photos of the provincial official
institutions. 21 touristic spots determined in the research were scanned on Instagram. A total of
2008 photographs were analyzed by content analysis. The photos are divided into five groups
among themselves for each point. Among the group with the highest value, one of the frequently
preferred background photos was selected and compared with the photos on official institution
sites. The most shared tourist spots, natural riches are pointing. These; Horma Canyon (17.8%),
Ilgaz Mountain National Park (13.75%), İnebolu Beach (8.81%), Küre Mountains National Park
(8.42%) and Cide Gideros Bay (7.82%) has been identified. In the photographs of public
institutions, seven tourist spots that are similar to the photograph angles shared by the visitors
were identified. Less similarities and fewer contrasts were detected at other tourist spots. In the
research, it emphasized the prominent values in the Kastamonu destination, and which aspects
of these touristic spots were highlighted by visitors, and suggestions were made for the use of
photographs in the promotional activities of official institutions.
Abstract- As part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, there are 36 gastronomic cities worldwide. The title of gastronomy city makes important contributions to cities such as the development of the local economy, increased promotion activities and the increase of the brand image. This study aims to analyze Kastamonu's rich culinary culture according to the criteria determined in the field of UNESCO's Creative Cities Network gastronomy. Within the scope of the research, secondary data sources were used and on-site investigations were made for some criteria. From the findings, it has been determined that Kastamonu is strong in terms of food diversity, there are local dishes in its restaurants, there are local product stalls in the markets, various local products and gastronomy festivals are organized, and there are courses in this field in educational institutions. However, it is another result of the study that it is inadequate in terms of promoting sustainable local products.
ABSTRACT Tourism consumption, in essence, is about the individual who is trying to discover the sense of self. This discovery often results in a positive change, ie personal development. Considering the type and duration of travel of the backpackers, it can be said that the changes they perceive or feel after their travels more than the other types of tourists. In this study, it is aimed to determine the personal development of the Turkish backpackers after their travels and to determine whether their personal development differs according to the demographic characteristics of the travelers. Snowball sampling was applied due to the uncertainty of the universe. Survey technique was used as data collection tool. In order to measure the personal development of backpackers, "backpacker personal development scale" designed by Chen, Bao and Huang (2014) was utilized. Data were collected face to face and online in September-October 2018. Difference analysis were applied to the data. As a result of the study, it was determined that the personal development of the travelers in terms of all variables other than gender showed significant differences. It was also found that the awareness level of backpackers who traveled abroad was higher.
In this study, it was aimed to test the effect of zero price in the decision making process for touristic products. Two different hotels with two components of room and breakfast are determined; and although that the other hotel is the selected option, when a certain component's price within the product is fixed to zero, it has been assumed that demand for that product would increase abnormally. In regard to this goal a model was used in order to measure the zero price effect and zero price effect was considered as significant. No difference was found in the analyses conducted to measure whether zero price differentiated according to demographic characteristics of participants or not. As a result of these consequences, it has been considered that zero price has a unique effect area except several psychological factors and that as it does not show any difference among participants is a result of this vast effect area.
The occurrence of a tourism activity depends on the continuity of tourist attractions. The
continuity of these attractions is greatly influenced by the sustainable practices of the individuals
participating in tourism. In this research, the everyday sustainability practices of the backpackers
who participated in longer-term travels compared to other types of tourists were investigated. A
total of 244 Turkish backpackers had been reached through snowball sampling. Data were
collected in September-October 2018 via a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by independent
samples t test and ANOVA. It was determined that the most frequently used sustainability
practices were practices pertaining to economic sustainability. Additionally, it was found that
sustainability practices were significantly different based on the travelers' travel period, daily
working status, daily average spending amount and sponsor supports.
The most important factors affecting the development of food culture are the era, geographical region, materials used. Although the most important factor in the continuation of these meals throughout the history of women has been. The place of women in family life is mostly identified with domestic works and it is the woman who ensures that the culture of food is preserved in the smallest building of society. However, although the role of women in the home continues in today's world, it has been observed that the traditional food has been lost. This situation, which is thought to be related to the expulsion of women, is also thought to be related to different demographic characteristics. In this study, the extent to which local women living in Kastamonu have been informed according to their degree of difficulty, they know, know and do it. However, it is aimed to determine whether there are any significant differences between the difficulty levels and demographic characteristics of local foods that women know or do. At the end of the research, As a result of the research, it was determined that the difficulty levels of the meals were not effective in the continuity of cooking of women and significant differences were found between the demographic characteristics of women and their local food production. *
işletmeyi daha üst noktalara taşıyabilmektedir. Bu sebeple özellikle son yıllarda sosyal medya etkinliği işletmeler için oldukça önemli bir hale gelmiştir. Amacı tüketicilerin restoran atmosferi algısı ile sosyal medya paylaşımları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek olan bu nicel araştırma
Kastamonu’da bulunan bir tema restoranda iki ay süre ile yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda toplam 400 katılımcıya anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma neticesinde restoran ambiyansının sosyal medya paylaşımlarını etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Öz: Turizm destinasyonları söz konusu olduğunda çevre, kaynak olarak nitelendirilmekte, var olan kaynak ve geliştirilmiş ya da yapay kaynak olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Çevre yönetimi ise tüm bu kaynakların korunması, iyileştirilmesi ve geliştirilmesi amacına hizmet etmektedir. Ancak bu yönetim faaliyetlerinin sistemli bir şekilde yürütülebilmesi için destinasyon paydaşlarının ortak bir akıl ile hareket etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu durumda paydaş katılımını gerekli kılsa da, birçok turizm destinasyonunda paydaşların çevre yönetimine dair kararlar alınırken ortak bir şekilde hareket etmediği görülmektedir. Bu sebeple paydaşlar bir araya gelemese de onların konuya ilişkin düşüncelerinin tespit edilmesi ve ortak noktaların belirlenerek çeşitli plan ve programların hazırlanmasında bilgi olarak değerlendirilmesi büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle Erzurum gibi kış turizminde aktif rol oynayan destinasyonlarda turistleri çeken en büyük rekabetçilik faktörleri kış sezonunun uzunluğu, kar kalitesi ve doğal kayak alanlarıdır. Bu faktörler aynı zamanda destinasyonun en önemli (var olan) kaynakları arasında yer almaktadır. Bu kaynakların devamlılığının sağlanabilmesi için etkin bir çevre yönetiminin izlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak bunu yaparken turizm sektörü paydaşlarının çevre yönetimi hakkındaki düşüncelerinin, destinasyonların sürdürülebilir gelişimi açısından oldukça önemli olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Bu sebeple araştırmada, bir kış turizmi destinasyonu olan Erzurum'daki turizm sektörü paydaşlarının çevre yönetimine ilişkin algılarını derinlemesine incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada merkezi ve yerel yönetim ile birlikte konaklama işletmesi yöneticisi olmak üzere toplam beş kişi ile derinlemesine görüşülmüştür. Görüşmelerde nitel bir yöntem olan standartlaştırılmış açık uçlu görüşme tekniği benimsenmiştir. Kapsamlı literatür taraması sonucu, görüşme soruları oluşturulurken Dwyer ve Kim (2003)'in Bütünleştirilmiş Rekabetçilik Modelinde yer alan çevre yönetimine ilişkin ifadelerden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, tüm paydaşların sorulara genel olarak olumlu yanıtlar verdiği gözlenmiştir. Görüşmelerden yola çıkarak, kış turizmi açısından önemli bir potansiyele sahip olan Erzurum ilindeki turizm sektörü paydaşlarının çevre yönetimine ilişkin olumlu algılara sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Anahtar sözcükler: Çevre yönetimi, sürdürülebilirlik, turizm sektörü paydaşları, kış turizmi destinasyonu, Erzurum. Jel Kodu: Q01, Q26, Q56
Çoklu evrenin sekiz aleminden biri olan artırılmış gerçeklik, gerçek zaman ve mekan ile madde olmayanı bir araya getirir. Artırılmış gerçeklikte bulunulan ortamın anlık görüntüsü üzerine farklı sanal objeler yerleştirilerek bireyler için yeni bir ortam yaratılır. Günümüzde özellikle beş temel alana yönelik birçok artırılmış gerçeklik uygulaması geliştirilmiştir. Bunların en önemlilerinden biri kültürel miras ve turizm alanıdır. Artık tarihi mekânlarda, turizm gezilerinde, etkinliklerde ve müzelerde gerçekleştirilen çeşitli uygulamalar ya da canlandırmalarda çok çeşitli artırılmış gerçeklik sistemlerine rastlanmaktadır. Yaratılan bu yeni ortam sayesinde turistler gittiği mekânda mobil cihazının görüntüsüne giren her şeyle etkileşime girebilir ve daha akılda kalıcı deneyimler yaşar. Turizm açısından büyük önem taşıyan mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının her geçen gün yeni bir kültürel miras alanında uygulandığı gözlenmektedir. Bu araştırmada mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının yıllar içerisinde geçirdiği değişimi daha net bir şekilde görebilmek amacı ile ikincil veri kaynaklarına dayalı bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, dünya ülkeleri içerisinde Türkiye'nin bu konuda hangi aşamada olduğunun da tespitine çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda dünyada birçok tarihi alanda çeşitli artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları görülürken, Türkiye'de henüz tarihi bir mekân veya ören yerinde hayata geçmiş herhangi bir mobil artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamasına rastlanılmamıştır. Augmented reality, which is one of the eight universes of the multiverse, brings together non-time, non-location and non-particle. A new medium for individuals is created by placing different virtual objects on the instant image of the medium in augmented reality. There are several augmented reality applications developed especially for five basic fields. The most important of these are cultural heritage and tourism. Nowadays it is possible to come across various augmented reality systems used for different applications or reenactments at historical venues, touristic trips, events and museums. Thanks to this newly created medium, tourists are able to interact with everything that is included in the images provided by the mobile device at the historical venue and they can thus have more memorable experiences. We note that mobile augmented reality applications, which are crucial for tourism, are being used for an increasing number of cultural heritage sites. This study consists of a literature review of the secondary data sources to clearly evaluate the transformation mobile augmented reality applications have gone through over the years. In addition, we also tried to determine in which stage Turkey is compared to the other countries in the world in this matter. We concluded that there is a host of historical sites around the world where mobile augmented reality applications are used; yet, there is not any mobile augmented reality application currently in use at a location or archeological site in Turkey.
Somut kültürel miras varlıkları turizm endüstrisinin önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Bu varlıkların ya da bulundukları alanların marka etkisi ise yerel toplumlara ve ekonomilere büyük faydalar sağlamaktadır. Ancak aşırı turizm gelişimi ve makul olmayan yaklaşımlar, kültürel miras alanlarındaki ekolojik çevreyi ve yerel halkın hayatını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bununla birlikte kültürel mirasın orijinalliğine ve bütünlüğüne zarar verildiği de gözlenmektedir. Bu sebeple kültürel mirası koruma altına almak önemli olduğu kadar, korumanın farklı yollarını keşfetmek de oldukça değerlidir. Bu amaca binaen, toplulukların kültürel miras alanlarının korunması ve geliştirilmesine yönelik olumlu katılımını sağlayarak kaynakları korumanın etkili bir yol olduğu düşünülmektedir. Kemaliye hem tarihi dokusu hem de birçok alternatif turizm türüne ev sahipliği yapması sebebiyle önemli bir turistik çekiciliktir. Doğal, kültürel, tarihi ve mimari yapısıyla dikkat çeken Kemaliye, özellikle yerli turistler tarafından yoğun bir ilgi görmektedir. Yerel halkın ilçedeki somut kültürel miras öğelerini korumaya özen gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Günümüze değin bölge halkının da içinde bulunduğu birçok çalışma yürütülmüştür. Bu sebeple araştırmada ikincil verilerden yararlanarak 2005 yılında " sit alanı " ilan edilen Kemaliye'deki somut kültürel mirasın korunmasına yönelik çabalar ve bunların olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri derinlemesine incelenmiş ve literatüre katkı sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca Kemaliye'nin sahip olduğu değerlere yönelik kamu ve sivil toplum kuruluşları aracılığıyla yapılan restorasyon çalışmaları incelenmiş ve bu değerlerin konu olduğu akademik çalışmalara değinilmiştir.
Kemaliye (formerly Egin) has an important past with its geographical position and multinational structure. It is 163 km away from the Erzincan province in the Upper Euphrates section of the Eastern Anatolia Region. It is also located on the western side of the Karasu River, the largest rifle of the Euphrates River. Erzincan's Kemaliye district, which has many riches in terms of concrete cultural heritage values, has an important touristic potential. Attracting attention with its natural, cultural, historical and architectural structure, Kemaliye attracts a lot of attention especially by the local tourists. Kemaliye was the subject of many folk song. Kemaliye is a town which has gained a reputation especially with its traditional houses. Various conservation studies are being carried out in order to ensure that these values of Kemaliye district are not lost and transferred to the future. For this purpose, the district was declared a protected area on 25.11.2005 and it was aimed to protect its originality. Within the scope of the research, the protection methods developed by the local people for the riches Kemaliye possesses are examined. In addition, academic studies on conservation practices have been evaluated. The general characteristics of Kemaliye and traditional rural residence architecture were evaluated by applying to the secondary sources in the research. The positive and negative consequences of conservation practices developed by local residents towards traditional rural housing have been demonstrated. In addition, the restoration work carried out by public and non-governmental organizations on the values Kemaliye possesses and the academic studies in which these values are stated are mentioned.
Kemaliye is a member of the Union of Historical Towns and the Union of European Historical Cities. The declaration of Kemaliye in 2005 as a protected area has been regarded as a significant development by creating an awareness of the natural, historical, architectural and cultural potentials it has. The local people have developed "sheet metal covering" and "depository" methods to preserve traditional architectural structures owned by Kemaliye. Thanks to these methods, the architectural texture has been protected from adverse environmental conditions and reached to daylight. The depository technique is applied in order to prevent damage and strengthen the carriers especially in the housing system of the residences. In this method applied by local masters, the carrier elements are strengthened by the help of planks. The method of sheet metal covering is done in order to prevent architectural texture from adversely affected by hard winter conditions. However, this process has harmed the architectural texture and caused an image pollution. This situation has become a very bad landscape in terms of Kemaliye, which hosts the structure which is a cultural heritage property. Generally, it can be said that the people of the region are doing such practices because of the economic power is weak. In order for these applications to not harm architectural textures, it is necessary to support them by the relevant public institutions and to work in a proper way to protect them. Otherwise, it may cause the degradation of the original architect and the tourists to leave the area over time.
In addition to the conservation work developed by local people, it has been found that various projects have been carried out at the academic level on the protection of Kemaliye houses. The project titled "Suggestions on the Problems of Detection and Conservation of the Roof and Wall Construction of Kemaliye Houses", supported by the Yıldız Technical University Scientific Research Projects Coordination, was completed in 2014. The architectural structure of Kemaliye housings has been examined within the scope of the project. In addition, in order to pass on the accumulation of traditional housing masters to future generations, oral and written interviews were made and recorded. As a result of the project, the number of local masters is small and in order to prevent this problem, it is proposed to open a "master school" in Kemaliye district.
Since 2003, important steps have been taken in line with the efforts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage and local people within the scope of conservation studies. These studies have been very important in terms of the survival of Kemaliye's architectural texture and the marketing of its richness in the direction of touristic purposes. Kemaliye continued to be a living Anatolian city, producing and selling local handicrafts, presenting its natural richness to nature lovers and athletes, and introducing its original values to visitors.
In addition to national participation, festivals and events organized to increase Kemaliye's recognition need to be intensified at international level. Training courses should be organized in order to continue the workmanship such as carpet weaving, doorknob maker and gasenne fabric production that has reached to the daily level from Kemaliye's past thousands of years. Historical doorknobs of traditional houses in Kemaliye are attracting considerable interest. The doorknobs are placed on the material named "Mirror" which is designed to make thick and thin sounds by considering the use of men and women separately. The production of doorknobs with their own mastery continues today. The doorknobs produced are sold as souvenirs to visitors to Kemaliye. Woodworking is continuing with examples such as ceilings, windows, shutters, flower beds, and lamps on the inside and outside of the settlement areas. This situation can be considered as an important tourist attraction for Kemaliye. Kemaliye Haci Ali Akın Vocational School's Department of Architectural Restoration Program and Handicrafts Department can be brought together with local masters and methods so that these values can be transferred to the future. The restored traditional homes, use or boutique hotel as a boutique restaurant that serves regional cuisine, contributes to the protection of the natural texture. Candidacy to the Cittaslow Union may be an important step to increase the awareness of Kemaliye's potential.
Tourism destinations will only succeed if the welfare of the people of the region is observed. For this reason, although cultural heritage assets are seen as an important tourism tool, in fact, preserving the cultural values of the people of the region should be the primary objective. Otherwise, every change or renewal that is broken from the people will develop outside the people who live there and will cause the tourism to be perceived badly. For this reason, it should not be forgotten that cultural heritage is an important stakeholder in the local people in conservation work. It should not be overlooked that protecting the resources by providing the participation of the people of the region is an effective way. However, in order for the contributions of the local people to be healthy, it should be carried out under the supervision of the relevant institutions.
This book provides insights into the potential of rural tourism potential and its future development, through unique examples and case studies drawn from Turkey, which has been increasingly implementing this form of tourism in recent years. Given the continued existence of traditional lifestyles in rural areas and villages, in addition to the rich cultural heritage, local handicrafts, and the natural flora and fauna, rural tourism holds massive potential for Turkey.
The volume will appeal to both international academicians and tourism professionals and practitioners, in addition to anyone with an interest in rural areas and rural development.