kaiserkisser asked:
HIHIIIIII NOAHHHHHH OMG I MEANT TO SEND THIS ASK AT LIKE 12 AM EXACT UR TIME. I EVEN HAD AN ALARM AND ALL BUT SADLY I WASNT FINISHED WITH _____ YET (😇😈😇😈) AND THEN I HAD TO GO STUDY SOOOO HERE I AM 11 HRS LATE :(((( hopefully ur midterm is finished by nowwwww and hopefully it went well :((( jshshsjsjsj ANYWAYS.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAHIEEEE MILOVEEEE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ <3333333 ngl uve been thru SM this year and in general and im so so SOOO proud of you !!!!!! for getting through it and for being here rn !!!!!! And im SO proud of you despite anything you may or may not have done !!!!!!!! i hope you enjoy your bday despite all thats happening because you deserve it <3333333
HELP AGH RIGHT I CAMT ATTACH PICS HERE SJSHSHDBSB OKIE SO SO SOOOOO IM GONNA TAG U ON UM UM UM MYYYYYY UHM OKAY MOOTSONLY!!!! (It has a _kisser url too so u recognise it teehee) i wanted to make you a little something for ur bday in hopes of cheering u up ^-^ :3333 i hope u like it mwehehe :333
i hope this next year treats you better or imma punch life in the face grrrrr >:[ take care noahieeeee i love u smmmm !!!!!!!!!! <33333