Charadine Pich
Charadine PICH completed her Bachelor Degree of Arts in Political Science and International Relations with High Honors from Zaman University (Cambodia) in 2015 and finished her Master Degree of Arts in International Politics (concentrated on Dialogue Studies Approach) from Keele University (United Kingdom) in 2016. Currently, she is the Assistant Director at the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP), one of the leading think tanks in Cambodia. Since her undergraduate studies, she has written a number of research papers and most of which were presented at various conferences abroad. She has also jointly conducted numerous research fieldwork with Oxfam and many other research projects. Moreover, she has participated in a lot of national and international conferences, both within and beyond her field. She also has led (and was chosen in) numerous leadership roles including within and beyond the university environment.
Address: Cambodia
Address: Cambodia
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Papers by Charadine Pich
My contribution was more in part of how Cambodia has responded to the latter (including the country's perspective toward COP21; commitment, progress, and achievement; INDCs; major challenges and constraints).
My contribution was more in part of how Cambodia has responded to the latter (including the country's perspective toward COP21; commitment, progress, and achievement; INDCs; major challenges and constraints).