Videos by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Animation I obtained by transferring facial analysis based on the mummy of His Majesty Pharaoh Ra... more Animation I obtained by transferring facial analysis based on the mummy of His Majesty Pharaoh Ramses II to the DeepNostajia algorithm. (EN)
Majesteleri Firavun II.Ramses'in mumyasına dayanarak yapımış yüz analizini DeepNostajia algoritmasına aktararak elde ettiğim animasyon.(TR) 6 views
Papers by Doğancan Özgökçeler
A research study consisting of theses on the potential of recently developed artificial intellige... more A research study consisting of theses on the potential of recently developed artificial intelligence-based applications in the game industry and how these systems can be used in the game industry and testing these theses.
Artificial intelligence has been growing in popularity and application over the past few years. When it comes to potential, there seems to be no limit to what AI can achieve. This is especially true in the field of game development.
There are many ways in which AI can be used in game development. One of the most popular ways is through the use of chatbots. Chatbots are AI programs that can mimic human conversation. They can be used to create realistic NPCs (non-player characters) that can interact with players. This can create a more immersive and realistic gaming experience.
AI can also be used to create art. There are already many programs that exist that can generate realistic images and 3D models. As AI technology advances, it is likely that these programs will become even better at creating realistic art. This could potentially lead to games that look even more realistic than they do now.
The potential of AI in game development is truly limitless. As AI technology continues to advance, so too will the possibilities for game developers.
The aim of this project was to show the importance of algorithms that can be used to analyze peop... more The aim of this project was to show the importance of algorithms that can be used to analyze people's emotions and to show the potential of algorithms that can learn in such branches with different experiments. When we look at the first writings of humanity, it was common to describe an idea with visuals, and it was an interesting and easy method in terms of sentiment analysis to add such a basic thing to programs through emojis.
In order to support this work, I researched visual-based languages, especially Sumerian. While talking about the potential of deep learning, I used the artificial intelligence-created drawings of the character named Krystal of the Nintendo company, which is fictional but very special for me, which I used for the GPT-3 algorithm experience that I previously made, to prove this thesis. The reason I chose this character was that I wanted to test the algorithms at an extreme level because it had artistically original features and had a different combination of both humanoid and non-humanoid features. It was also effective that I wanted to kind of thank him for making me interested in the game industry. Then, I performed an experiment where I transferred the face made based on the mummy of Pharaoh Rameses II, one of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, to another algorithm, which allowed his facial movements to be animated thousands of years later.I have used the experiments I have linked in other places, as well as in private lessons where I talked about the future of the gaming industry...
The concept of metaverse is actually a work on the concept of creating a kind of virtual universe... more The concept of metaverse is actually a work on the concept of creating a kind of virtual universe. According to the concept of Metaversem, everything we do on the Internet is about a new use of the Internet, where users can interact with a 3D copy of their own body in a permanent 3D environment.[1,2,3] Metaverse is not just about navigating in a virtual 3D environment, it's virtual Cultural activities that can be done in the environment, new ways on trade routes that we could not imagine before, and intellectual activities that seemed fantastic for many years can make real.[4] I had previously imagined that in the future, people would wander around digital stores, visit exhibitions in virtual museums, and there were environments where virtual NPC entities and real users could chat together, and I tried to design how this could be in its initial state. Even though the design I made at that time was very primitive, I was very excited. We are now on the verge of a greater era. Internet 3.0 combined with virtual reality in many different styles thanks to the term "metaverse" which has become more popular today. We live in a time when application methods are being developed that could be the potential future of the concept. But in order for this interaction to be used by a wider audience, for example, over the age of 30, we must ensure that this environment is open to new types of intellectual uses, and we must make the necessary infrastructure for this system cheap and accessible in order for the concept of metaverse to be accessible. It is very important that it is made and put into practice.
While watching the movie Player One Ready, I thought of too many passwords that we had to remembe... more While watching the movie Player One Ready, I thought of too many passwords that we had to remember and the problems in remembering them. While we live in a time when people generally use a lot of platforms, the quality of all the passwords we need to remember is not very complex. In this way, a situation arises where we are stuck between stealing the password or remembering the password. We often encounter a situation where we will either make the password very complex and long, or we will make a password that is easy to remember but possible to be stolen. I am of the opinion that the possibility of finding suitable password suggestions for us with the help of a personal artificial intelligence assistant who analyzes it has a great potential effect on generating the ideal password. These 2 different systems will be the solution to future password problems. Although the risk of stealing or sharing the password of these 2 technologies is to a certain extent, the systems of companies that guarantee the security of the user will be more reliable. Although there are viable versions of these technologies today, they still have some problems that require development. With the solution of these problems, most of today's password problems will be prevented.
Doğancan Özgökçeler, 2018
Drafts by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Doğancan Özgökçeler, 2019
Video oyun sektörü günümüzde çok önemli sanatsal ve teknolojik gelişmeleri tetikleyen bir sektör.... more Video oyun sektörü günümüzde çok önemli sanatsal ve teknolojik gelişmeleri tetikleyen bir sektör. Bu kitapçığı oluşturmamın nedeni bu önemli sektör hakkında bilgisi olmayan ya da bilgisi çok yüzeysel olan bireylere temel düzeyde bilgi vermek. Bu kitapta sınırlı sayfa sayısından dolayı hayati olan birçok seriye değinemediğim için gerçekten büyük bir pişmanlık hissediyorum ama belirtmem gerekiyor ki bu kitapçık hazırlanırken ana mantık sektörün temellinde bulunmuş, orijinal tasarımları olan ve kendim oyun geliştiren biri olarak önerdiğim konulara değinmek olduğu için muhtemelen birçok başyapıtı burada anlatamadım. Öncelikle belirtmek istiyorum ki oyun sektörü potansiyel olarak hem vakit öldürme aracı olabileceği gibi potansiyel olarak genel kültür kazandıran interaktif bir sanat eseridir. Bir oyun veya oyun türüne bakarak bütün sektör hakkında yorum yapmak çok sağlıksız olacaktır. Günümüzde oyun sektörü bir tür yaşam tarzı haline geldi ve artık içine girebildiğiniz koca evrenler sunan çok önemli teknolojik ve sanatsal projeleri barındıran bir sektör. Bu sektörü anlamak çok önemli çünkü günümüzde üretilen önemli popüler kültür kaynakları oyun sektöründe ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu sektör sayesinde sanatsal ve teknolojik gelişmeleri tetiklemesinin yanında kayda değer bir ekonomik güç. Bu sektörde gelişmiş bir devlet ve birey önemli bir ekonomik güce sahip olması mümkün ama bazı aşırı milliyetçi bireylerin buraya yorum katması genelde ruhsuz, yaratıcılıktan uzak ürünlere neden oluyor. Bu ürünler ya sadece bize hitap ettiği için evrensel olamıyor ya da evrensel bir ürüne kopyalayan taklitler oluyor. O yüzden bu kitapta genelde oyun sektörünün temelini konu aldım ve olabildiğince alışık olduğunuz serilerden farklı serilere değinmeye çalıştım. Oyun sektörüne ülkemizde bakılan bir başka yanlış ise oyun sektörünün sadece çocuklar için olduğu yanlışı. Asında oyun sektörü çeşitli tarzda ve farklı kesime hitap eden tarz barındırır. Mesela kitapçığın içinde bahsettiğim ve kapakta da olan The Elder Scroll V : Skyrim oyununu oynayan 80 civarı yaşında olan Shirley Curry adlı bayan oyuncunun kendisine ait olan YouTube kanalında bu yazıyı yazdığım sıralarda aktif oynanış videolar paylaşmaktaydı (İzlemenizi öneririm). Ayrıca kendi dedem ile Star Fox ve F-Zero oynamışlığımızda var. Bu seriler bazı kesim tarafından ağır silah, aşırı gerçekçi grafikler ve küfürlü konuşma içermediği için çocuk oyunu diye tanımlanabilir ama bu bahsettiğim serilerin hayranlarının ortalama yaşı 30-40 civarında. Bu serilerin ayrıntılı ve kaliteli tasarım ve hikâyesi ile alakalı bir durum olarak tanımlamamız mümkün. Örnek vermek gerekirse kapakta resmi olan StarFox oyununun bilerek baş karakterini koymadım, kapaktaki hoş yeşil gözleri olan anatomik zarif bir mavi tilki bayan StarFox'u temsil etme görevinde kapakta yerini aldı. Tasarımsal olarak başarısı ve etkileyiciliğinden dolayı ona bu kitapçıkta yer verdim. Şimdi size bir soru soracağım, bu bahsettiğimiz karakter mi daha orijinal yoksa Zula oyununda olan, bazen tiksinti duyulacak düzeyde anormal ve saldırgan görünen sokaktaki sağı solu belli olmayan tipteki bireylerin sanal hali mi? Bu kitapçıkta özellikle oyun sektörü hakkında düşünürken yaratıcı düşünmeye önem vermenizi istiyorum… Oyun sektöründe grafik kalitesinden çok tasarım önemlidir. Oyunlar iyi işlenmişse her yaştan kişiye uygundur. Yazıyı okurken bu bilgileri aklınızda tutun lütfen.
Conference Presentations by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Doğancan Özgökçeler Project Poster, 2022
The aim of this project was to show the importance of algorithms that can be used to analyze peop... more The aim of this project was to show the importance of algorithms that can be used to analyze people's emotions and to show the potential of algorithms that can learn in such branches with different experiments. When we look at the early writings of humanity, it was common to describe an idea with visuals, and incorporating such a basic thing into programs through emojis was an interesting and easy method in terms of sentiment analysis. This technology and learning algorithms like it have great potential in a wide variety of industries such as art, history, biology, astronomy and the gaming industry.
Teaching Documents by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Science Cell News, 2024
This project is a digital newspaper covering the topics discussed on "Bilim Hücresi Sanal Okul", ... more This project is a digital newspaper covering the topics discussed on "Bilim Hücresi Sanal Okul", a Discord server where individuals sharing on various intellectual topics exchange information and learn new things. It contains articles on different subjects with references.
My friends and students, İslam Fazliyev, İbrahim Atacan, Furkan Demirtaş and Gökhan Güney, who helped me while preparing this issue, contributed greatly. I hope these articles will inspire people to give information and produce something.
This project is a digital newspaper covering the topics discussed on "Bilim Hücresi Sanal Okul", ... more This project is a digital newspaper covering the topics discussed on "Bilim Hücresi Sanal Okul", a Discord server where individuals sharing on various intellectual topics exchange information and learn new things. It contains articles on different subjects with references.
Videos by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Majesteleri Firavun II.Ramses'in mumyasına dayanarak yapımış yüz analizini DeepNostajia algoritmasına aktararak elde ettiğim animasyon.(TR)
Papers by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Artificial intelligence has been growing in popularity and application over the past few years. When it comes to potential, there seems to be no limit to what AI can achieve. This is especially true in the field of game development.
There are many ways in which AI can be used in game development. One of the most popular ways is through the use of chatbots. Chatbots are AI programs that can mimic human conversation. They can be used to create realistic NPCs (non-player characters) that can interact with players. This can create a more immersive and realistic gaming experience.
AI can also be used to create art. There are already many programs that exist that can generate realistic images and 3D models. As AI technology advances, it is likely that these programs will become even better at creating realistic art. This could potentially lead to games that look even more realistic than they do now.
The potential of AI in game development is truly limitless. As AI technology continues to advance, so too will the possibilities for game developers.
In order to support this work, I researched visual-based languages, especially Sumerian. While talking about the potential of deep learning, I used the artificial intelligence-created drawings of the character named Krystal of the Nintendo company, which is fictional but very special for me, which I used for the GPT-3 algorithm experience that I previously made, to prove this thesis. The reason I chose this character was that I wanted to test the algorithms at an extreme level because it had artistically original features and had a different combination of both humanoid and non-humanoid features. It was also effective that I wanted to kind of thank him for making me interested in the game industry. Then, I performed an experiment where I transferred the face made based on the mummy of Pharaoh Rameses II, one of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, to another algorithm, which allowed his facial movements to be animated thousands of years later.I have used the experiments I have linked in other places, as well as in private lessons where I talked about the future of the gaming industry...
Drafts by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Conference Presentations by Doğancan Özgökçeler
Teaching Documents by Doğancan Özgökçeler
My friends and students, İslam Fazliyev, İbrahim Atacan, Furkan Demirtaş and Gökhan Güney, who helped me while preparing this issue, contributed greatly. I hope these articles will inspire people to give information and produce something.
Majesteleri Firavun II.Ramses'in mumyasına dayanarak yapımış yüz analizini DeepNostajia algoritmasına aktararak elde ettiğim animasyon.(TR)
Artificial intelligence has been growing in popularity and application over the past few years. When it comes to potential, there seems to be no limit to what AI can achieve. This is especially true in the field of game development.
There are many ways in which AI can be used in game development. One of the most popular ways is through the use of chatbots. Chatbots are AI programs that can mimic human conversation. They can be used to create realistic NPCs (non-player characters) that can interact with players. This can create a more immersive and realistic gaming experience.
AI can also be used to create art. There are already many programs that exist that can generate realistic images and 3D models. As AI technology advances, it is likely that these programs will become even better at creating realistic art. This could potentially lead to games that look even more realistic than they do now.
The potential of AI in game development is truly limitless. As AI technology continues to advance, so too will the possibilities for game developers.
In order to support this work, I researched visual-based languages, especially Sumerian. While talking about the potential of deep learning, I used the artificial intelligence-created drawings of the character named Krystal of the Nintendo company, which is fictional but very special for me, which I used for the GPT-3 algorithm experience that I previously made, to prove this thesis. The reason I chose this character was that I wanted to test the algorithms at an extreme level because it had artistically original features and had a different combination of both humanoid and non-humanoid features. It was also effective that I wanted to kind of thank him for making me interested in the game industry. Then, I performed an experiment where I transferred the face made based on the mummy of Pharaoh Rameses II, one of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, to another algorithm, which allowed his facial movements to be animated thousands of years later.I have used the experiments I have linked in other places, as well as in private lessons where I talked about the future of the gaming industry...
My friends and students, İslam Fazliyev, İbrahim Atacan, Furkan Demirtaş and Gökhan Güney, who helped me while preparing this issue, contributed greatly. I hope these articles will inspire people to give information and produce something.