"Americano"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
"Americano"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Americano 그리고 espresso ?
An Americano starts as espresso, but has hot water added to it. It reduces the bitterness just a little bit.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Americano 그리고 Estadounidense ?
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차이점은 무엇 입니까? Inglês Americano 그리고 Inglês Britânico ?
They are dialects of English. They use different words for the same thing sometimes. Like in American English, one would use the word "movie" whereas in British English, one would use "film". People who speak one would be able to understand the other.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? regular Americano 그리고 triple Americano ?
An "Americano," is a drink made with one shot of espresso, with enough hot water added to fill a coffee cup. It is a common substitute for the kind of coffee most Americans drink, which uses a drip filter.
A triple americano contains three shots of espresso, with enough hot water to fill a coffee cup. So, the triple americano is much stronger.
A triple americano contains three shots of espresso, with enough hot water to fill a coffee cup. So, the triple americano is much stronger.
"Americano"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? how do I use "iced Americano" in the sentence? do I have to "Iced Americano" or "iced Americano"?
drinks iced: an iced americano
an iced cappuccino
drinks hot: a hot americano
a hot cappuccino
an iced cappuccino
drinks hot: a hot americano
a hot cappuccino
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Americano
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Americano
Can I have an Americano?
"Americano" 관련 추가 질문
I woke up at 5:15am.
I took a shower and put on make up.
and then I made iced Americano in my tumbler. I leaved the place and walked to the bus stop.
I took the bus to academy.
I was listen to music when I went to academy.
I got to academy at 7:20am.
There isn't someone in my classroom.
My mother was sleeping when I got home.
I was sleepibg when the teacher called me.
I'm going to go to bed soon. It is because I am very sleeping now. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I took a shower and put on make up.
and then I made iced Americano in my tumbler. I leaved the place and walked to the bus stop.
I took the bus to academy.
I was listen to music when I went to academy.
I got to academy at 7:20am.
There isn't someone in my classroom.
My mother was sleeping when I got home.
I was sleepibg when the teacher called me.
I'm going to go to bed soon. It is because I am very sleeping now. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× I took a shower and put on make up.
✓ I took a shower and put on my make-up.
× and then I made iced Americano in my tumbler.
✓ and then I made an iced Americano in my tumbler.
× I leaved the place and walked to the bus stop.
✓ I left the place and walked to the bus stop.
× I took the bus to academy.
✓ I took the bus to the academy.
× I was listen to music when I went to academy.
✓ I was listening to music while travelling to the academy.
× I got to academy at 7:20am.
✓ I got to the academy at 7:20am.
× There isn't someone in my classroom.
✓ There isn't anyone in my classroom.
× I was sleepibg when the teacher called me.
✓ I was sleeping/asleep when the teacher called me.
× I'm going to go to bed soon.
✓ I'm going to go to bed soon,
× It is because I am very sleeping now.
✓ because I am very sleepy now.
✓ I took a shower and put on my make-up.
× and then I made iced Americano in my tumbler.
✓ and then I made an iced Americano in my tumbler.
× I leaved the place and walked to the bus stop.
✓ I left the place and walked to the bus stop.
× I took the bus to academy.
✓ I took the bus to the academy.
× I was listen to music when I went to academy.
✓ I was listening to music while travelling to the academy.
× I got to academy at 7:20am.
✓ I got to the academy at 7:20am.
× There isn't someone in my classroom.
✓ There isn't anyone in my classroom.
× I was sleepibg when the teacher called me.
✓ I was sleeping/asleep when the teacher called me.
× I'm going to go to bed soon.
✓ I'm going to go to bed soon,
× It is because I am very sleeping now.
✓ because I am very sleepy now.
I had an Americano this morning I love.
I had an Americano this morning which/that I love. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I had an Americano this morning which/that I love. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× I had an Americano this morning I love.
✓ I had an Americano this morning, which I love.
✓ I had an Americano this morning, which I love.
"Americano, Caf’e Latte, Milk tea, 20% off takeout, 6/17/17 - 7/18/17 only " Dose it sound natural? If not , please help me to correct it. Thank you. :) :)
"Americano, Café Latte, and Milk Tea 20% off takeout, 6/17/17 - 7/18/17 only"
I like a Americano which is kind of coffee. Americano makes one shot of espresso and a cup of water. On occasion, I'd like go coffee shop alone. In there I read the books and listen to musics. Sometimes I wrote my diary. Every Tuesday, we have a gathering in coffee shop to study English. We have a small talk and discuss current issues in English. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I like Americanos. It's a type of coffee made with one shot of espresso and a cup of water. On occasion, I like to go to the coffee shop alone. I sit in there, reading books and listening to music. Sometimes I write in my diary. Every Tuesday, we meet up at a coffee shop to practice English. We have a short conversation and discuss current issues in English.
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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