"Taiyaki"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
"Taiyaki" 관련 추가 질문
I made "Taiyaki" for breakfast.
Tai means carp in Japanese.
It's a carp shape hotcake filled with sweet past red beans.
Everyone, especially children like it.
Does this sound natural?
Tai means carp in Japanese.
It's a carp shape hotcake filled with sweet past red beans.
Everyone, especially children like it.
Does this sound natural?
It sounds delicious! 😋
It sounds natural 😊
→ Everyone, especially children, like it.
“sweet past red beans”
→ sweet red bean paste?
It sounds delicious! 😋
It sounds natural 😊
→ Everyone, especially children, like it.
“sweet past red beans”
→ sweet red bean paste?
This Taiyaki is from the Taiyaki shop in the shopping street near this school.
Yeah, that's right. Tht's a popular one.
They often give me their Taiyakis to encourage me to win races. They are very good, so I tend to order others and they make me gain weight.
However, I can maintain my weight as long as I train eagerly. I'll train more to win.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
Yeah, that's right. Tht's a popular one.
They often give me their Taiyakis to encourage me to win races. They are very good, so I tend to order others and they make me gain weight.
However, I can maintain my weight as long as I train eagerly. I'll train more to win.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× This Taiyaki is from the Taiyaki shop in the shopping street near this school.
✓ The Taiyaki is from the Taiyaki shop in the shopping street near this school.
× Yeah, that's right.
✓ Yes, that's right.
× Tht's a popular one.
✓ That’s a popular one.
× They often give me their Taiyakis to encourage me to win races.
✓ They often give me Taiyakis to encourage me to win races.
× They are very good, so I tend to order others and they make me gain weight.
✓ They are very good, so I tend to order more. They make me gain weight.
✓ The Taiyaki is from the Taiyaki shop in the shopping street near this school.
× Yeah, that's right.
✓ Yes, that's right.
× Tht's a popular one.
✓ That’s a popular one.
× They often give me their Taiyakis to encourage me to win races.
✓ They often give me Taiyakis to encourage me to win races.
× They are very good, so I tend to order others and they make me gain weight.
✓ They are very good, so I tend to order more. They make me gain weight.
One Taiyaki tired of his life with being griddled. One morning, he had a fight with a Taiyaki man and escaped to the sea. He enjoyed his life in the sea, but end up with caught by a fisherman and eaten. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
If you mean 「一生毎日も焼き上げられた」:
"One Taiyaki was tired of being griddled his whole life."
"One morning, he had a fight with the Taiyaki man and escaped into the sea" I say 'The Taiyaki man' because 「特待のTaiyaki man」。
"He enjoyed life in the sea" For this part, 説明を分からない、ごめん!You can say "he enjoyed his hamburger" or "he enjoyed his new car"。 だけど、'life'なら、"he enjoyed life" sounds a bit more natural.
"but ended up being caught by a fisherman and eaten." or you can say "but in the end was caught by a fisherman and eaten."
面白い話を話してくれてありがとう😂Hope my 日本語 could help you a bit.
"One Taiyaki was tired of being griddled his whole life."
"One morning, he had a fight with the Taiyaki man and escaped into the sea" I say 'The Taiyaki man' because 「特待のTaiyaki man」。
"He enjoyed life in the sea" For this part, 説明を分からない、ごめん!You can say "he enjoyed his hamburger" or "he enjoyed his new car"。 だけど、'life'なら、"he enjoyed life" sounds a bit more natural.
"but ended up being caught by a fisherman and eaten." or you can say "but in the end was caught by a fisherman and eaten."
面白い話を話してくれてありがとう😂Hope my 日本語 could help you a bit.
I ate some Taiyaki. It's called Croissant-Taiyaki.
I have eaten Taiyaki, but this type is first time.
These are fish-shaped pancake stuffed with chocolate cream or custard cream.
It was good. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I have eaten Taiyaki, but this type is first time.
These are fish-shaped pancake stuffed with chocolate cream or custard cream.
It was good. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
'I ate some Croissant-Taiyaki for the first time. They are fish-shaped pancakes stuffed with chocolate or custard cream. It was good.'
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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