"Core"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Core"의 의미
shaken to the core은 무슨 뜻인가요?
it means to be very shocked or surprised to the point it almost makes you fearful
A hard core of kids who are disenfranchised and don't feel connected to the school.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
The "core" invokes the tough-to-crack nut at the center of a fruit (such as a walnut). Their disenfranchisement and feeling of disconnection from the school is especially hard to repair. The "core" metaphor also suggests that they hold the key to a deeper problem at the school.
core offering 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
a core is a heart or main or base of a thing
offering is to give
core offering would be used in companies or universities
to highlight the main stuff they offer as a service or such
offering is to give
core offering would be used in companies or universities
to highlight the main stuff they offer as a service or such
at one's core은 무슨 뜻인가요?
To the extreme or bottom of something.
You hurt to the core은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Hurt to the core means "deeply hurt", the kind where you feel like you can't go on.
"Core" 사용 예문들
rotten to the core 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
“My history teacher is horrible! She’s rotten to the core” - this is more of a metaphor.
“The apple was rotten to the core” - this is when you are saying it literally.
“The apple was rotten to the core” - this is when you are saying it literally.
"profound core" 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
For example: Her optimism has a profound core and just nothing can make her feel defeated.
Her optimism comes from deep within her and nothing can make her feel like everything is hopeless.
Her optimism comes from deep within her and nothing can make her feel like everything is hopeless.
core 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Hardworking is the core to becoming success .
core 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
The sense of peace and calm at his core returned as her energy flowed through him.
She did not feel ice at her core or the coldness in her veins.
The earth has an enormous molten core that contains vast amounts of energy.
Should these tests prove satisfactory the core is served with jute yarn, coiled in water-tight tanks, and surrounded with salt water.
She did not feel ice at her core or the coldness in her veins.
The earth has an enormous molten core that contains vast amounts of energy.
Should these tests prove satisfactory the core is served with jute yarn, coiled in water-tight tanks, and surrounded with salt water.
"Core"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? to the core 그리고 to the ground ?
"To the core" is more often used for abstract concepts. "A is B to the core" emphasizes A is completely B. "Rotten to the core" is a common expression that I believe comes from a rotten apple (which has a core). Not only is the surface rotten, the inside is too. If you say a person is rotten to the core, you're saying there's not even a little bit of good in that person.
I can't think of any special "to the ground" definitions that may be confusing. It seems like this may be a British phrase with a similar meaning to "absolutely," but I don't know anything about British idioms.
I can't think of any special "to the ground" definitions that may be confusing. It seems like this may be a British phrase with a similar meaning to "absolutely," but I don't know anything about British idioms.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? core 그리고 pit ?
core = the center part of a fruit like an apple or a pear, where the small seeds are located
pit = the large hard stone in the center of fruits like peaches or cherries or avocados
pit = the large hard stone in the center of fruits like peaches or cherries or avocados
차이점은 무엇 입니까? from the core of my being 그리고 from the core of me ?
'From the core of my being' is a more common and often romantic way to describe how important something is to you.
From the core of me sounds like a more unnatural but also more literal way of describing something.
From the core of me sounds like a more unnatural but also more literal way of describing something.
"Core"의 번역
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? At the core of I2P lies the tunnel model — paths through multiple routers
Does the verb "lies" sound natural here? "At the core lies the tunnel model". Or is it better to say "At the core IS the tunnel model?"
Does the verb "lies" sound natural here? "At the core lies the tunnel model". Or is it better to say "At the core IS the tunnel model?"
It's always better to start with the subject. In this case, the subject is "the tunnel model". So let's start a sentence with that...
--The tunnel model
Now we can add a remark about the significance...
"The tunnel model is the core concept of I2P."
You can use something other than "core concept" if you wish, I just used what I felt would sound natural. We can also add in your other remark, using 'em-dashes'.
"The tunnel model—paths through multiple routers—is the core concept of I2P."
If you start a sentence with something other than the subject, the reader needs to remember everything you say before they can understand it.
"At the core of I2P lies the..."
We have used seven words, but we have no idea what those words are about. However, if we START with "tunnel model" then all the words after it make sense.
As for "lies" or "is", I think "is" works better for technical writing.
--The tunnel model
Now we can add a remark about the significance...
"The tunnel model is the core concept of I2P."
You can use something other than "core concept" if you wish, I just used what I felt would sound natural. We can also add in your other remark, using 'em-dashes'.
"The tunnel model—paths through multiple routers—is the core concept of I2P."
If you start a sentence with something other than the subject, the reader needs to remember everything you say before they can understand it.
"At the core of I2P lies the..."
We have used seven words, but we have no idea what those words are about. However, if we START with "tunnel model" then all the words after it make sense.
As for "lies" or "is", I think "is" works better for technical writing.
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? There is a core or seed in a cherry?
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
There is a pit in the cherry.
The cherries have pits. 🍒
The cherries have pits. 🍒
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? why it your core belief about education?
education gives power.
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? does "core training" or "crossfit training" are popular than training using barbel?
and when they began to be popular?
and when they began to be popular?
you’re welcome lol 😊 I think your grammar is just fine but could use a little more practice
"Core" 관련 추가 질문
I have been trying doing core training with planck since last week.
It is very easy but effective!!
If you want to improve your inner muscle, why don't you try together? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
It is very easy but effective!!
If you want to improve your inner muscle, why don't you try together? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I have been trying doing core training with planking since last week.
It is very easy but effective!!
If you want to improve your inner muscle, why don't you try it?
Or you could say, “If you want to improve your inner muscle, why don't you try it with me?
Or “If you want you could try it with me?” You could say it like this last one because you already said that planking helps your inner muscles. So by asking if you would you would like to plank together your also implying the party about working your inner muscles.
It is very easy but effective!!
If you want to improve your inner muscle, why don't you try it?
Or you could say, “If you want to improve your inner muscle, why don't you try it with me?
Or “If you want you could try it with me?” You could say it like this last one because you already said that planking helps your inner muscles. So by asking if you would you would like to plank together your also implying the party about working your inner muscles.
Please tell me the core image of "offend".
I feel it has several meanings.
His words offended her.
I hope you won't be offended.
offend against the law
He often offends against our agreement
I feel it has several meanings.
His words offended her.
I hope you won't be offended.
offend against the law
He often offends against our agreement
Please tell me the core image of "dwell".
I feel it has several meanings.
I dwell at the foot of a mountain
Memory of him still dwelt in her mind.
This book dwells on the ecology of the earth.
Dwell on the good things and you may find that you’ve regained a proper perspective on your life.
I feel it has several meanings.
I dwell at the foot of a mountain
Memory of him still dwelt in her mind.
This book dwells on the ecology of the earth.
Dwell on the good things and you may find that you’ve regained a proper perspective on your life.
I feel the main uses are the following:
1. "to dwell" can mean "to remain" (as in your second sentence).
2. "to dwell" can also mean "to live" or "to reside"
3. "to dwell on" can mean "to keep thinking about" or "to obsess over," especially of something negative that one has no control over.
I hear "dwell on" most commonly in phrases like "don't dwell on it too much" or "there's no point in dwelling on it", which basically mean "it's better to just move on and forget about it".
Note that the word "dwelling" (meaning "house or place of residence") is actually more common than the word "dwell" itself. You also sometimes see the word "dweller" (as in "mountain dwellers" or "city dwellers").
1. "to dwell" can mean "to remain" (as in your second sentence).
2. "to dwell" can also mean "to live" or "to reside"
3. "to dwell on" can mean "to keep thinking about" or "to obsess over," especially of something negative that one has no control over.
I hear "dwell on" most commonly in phrases like "don't dwell on it too much" or "there's no point in dwelling on it", which basically mean "it's better to just move on and forget about it".
Note that the word "dwelling" (meaning "house or place of residence") is actually more common than the word "dwell" itself. You also sometimes see the word "dweller" (as in "mountain dwellers" or "city dwellers").
"core, "corpse"” and “corps” side by side and then use all of them in the same sentence 의 발음을 음성으로 알려주세요.
'core' and 'corps' are pronounced the same.
The core members of the corps looked at the corpse.
The core members of the corps looked at the corpse.
The core problem that causing the poverty is not because they lack of money, but the failure of system.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
"The core problem causing poverty is not the lack of money, but the failure of the system." would sound more natural
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