"Olympic"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Olympic"의 의미
Olympic is vibing this year은 무슨 뜻인가요?
這個英文不太對吧 應該是"The Olympic vibe this year" 那這樣意思就是「今年的奧運氛圍」
◆Holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year, Tokyo will have a lot of visitors.
◆Holding a party this evening, I had better clean my room.
◆Getting the answer soon, I will pass the exam.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
◆Holding a party this evening, I had better clean my room.
◆Getting the answer soon, I will pass the exam.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
@Kawagu-cchan unfortunately not, because it would be a sentence fragment. Your reader or listener would be waiting for the rest of the information.
In order to share a full thought, you could instead say:
Because Tokyo will be holding the Olympic Games next year, there will be a lot of visitors.
Because he is holding a party, he had better clean his room.
If he gets the answer soon, he will pass the exam.
In order to share a full thought, you could instead say:
Because Tokyo will be holding the Olympic Games next year, there will be a lot of visitors.
Because he is holding a party, he had better clean his room.
If he gets the answer soon, he will pass the exam.
They're like the Olympic athletes of grudges은 무슨 뜻인가요?
If holding grudges was a competition, they'd be champions at it.
Olympic sized(shopping center)은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It is kind of like a metaphone/similie. It means that it is big (huge).
"The Shopping center was Olympic sized!"
It is kind of like a metaphone/similie. It means that it is big (huge).
"The Shopping center was Olympic sized!"
"Olympic"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Olympic 그리고 Olympiad ?
Olympic is the adjective to describe things connected to the Olympics (eg Olympic Games). Olympiad is a noun and means the 4-year time gap between when Olympic games take place.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Olympic 그리고 Olympiad ?
An olympiad is a period between Olympic games. The ancient Greeks sometimes used the olympiad as a unit of time when calculating dates.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? In 2014 the Olympic Games were held in Russia. 그리고 In 2014 the Olympic Games were being held in Russia ?
There really is no difference, simply it’s just worded differently. You can use both of these sentences just the same :)
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Olympic games 그리고 Olympic sports 그리고 Olympic events ?
Olympic games refers to the entire event, Olympic events refer to the individual sports. I have not heard anyone say "Olympic sports" before.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Olympic Games 그리고 Olympic Movement ?
I have not heard of Olympic Movement. Most of the time I just say "the Olympics"
"Olympic"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? She came fifth at Olympic before.
Can I use "before" in this sentence?
Can I use "before" in this sentence?
She came as fifth placer at Olympic before.
I hope you can also help me ;)
She came as fifth placer at Olympic before.
I hope you can also help me ;)
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? オリンピックについてすら知らない I don’t even know about Olympic. or I don’t know even about Olympic.
I don't even know about the Olympics.
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Olympic
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? the Olympic Games "takes or take" place every four years
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Olympic games
The Olympic Games :)
"Olympic" 관련 추가 질문
The Olympic has ended very fast.
I feel lonely. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I feel lonely. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
The Olympics ended so quickly. Now, I feel lost. (The word "lost" is better because it makes it seem you had spent so much time watching the Olympics, but now that the Olympics are over, you are unsure what to do.)
I have finally eyewitnessed what I wanted in these Olympic games.
The Japanese speed skater Kodaira has won the gold medal and the Korean speed skater Lee has won the silver.
Right after Son realized that she got the silver, she was handed the Korean flag, started shedding tears.
Kodaira was on the same link, also the Japanese flag in her hand, approached her, hugged her, patted her on the back.
They kind of wrapped each other with two countries' flags. We are neighboring countries, but aren't necessarily friendly to each other sometimes.
However, watching them share the emotional moment made me feel happy. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
The Japanese speed skater Kodaira has won the gold medal and the Korean speed skater Lee has won the silver.
Right after Son realized that she got the silver, she was handed the Korean flag, started shedding tears.
Kodaira was on the same link, also the Japanese flag in her hand, approached her, hugged her, patted her on the back.
They kind of wrapped each other with two countries' flags. We are neighboring countries, but aren't necessarily friendly to each other sometimes.
However, watching them share the emotional moment made me feel happy. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I don't speak Japanese, so this is just an edit for English grammar rules.
The Japanese speed skater Kodaira has won the gold medal and the Korean speed skater Lee Son has won the silver.
Right after Son realized that she got the silver, she was handed the Korean flag, started shedding tears.
Kodaira was on the same page, and with the Japanese flag in her hand, she approached her, hugged her, and patted her on the back.
They kind of wrapped each other with the two countries' flags. We are neighboring countries, but aren't necessarily friendly to each other sometimes.
However, watching them share the emotional moment made me feel happy.
Thanks for your story.
The Japanese speed skater Kodaira has won the gold medal and the Korean speed skater Lee Son has won the silver.
Right after Son realized that she got the silver, she was handed the Korean flag, started shedding tears.
Kodaira was on the same page, and with the Japanese flag in her hand, she approached her, hugged her, and patted her on the back.
They kind of wrapped each other with the two countries' flags. We are neighboring countries, but aren't necessarily friendly to each other sometimes.
However, watching them share the emotional moment made me feel happy.
Thanks for your story.
Not all of us have interesting about Olympic. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
This is good! You're just using the wrong tense for "interest" and have a few simple errors. Instead of writing "interesting" (which is a describing word- an adjective) you should say "interest" (which is the word that you're looking for- it is the noun version of it).
The full sentence would be: " Not all of us have interest in the Olympics".
The full sentence would be: " Not all of us have interest in the Olympics".
In this Olympic games, I've impressed the most by a Japanese athlete Hirano.
He is a snow board skater and got the silver medal.
Many Japanese believed that he gave the best performance, but he didn't get what he deserved.
The scoring system for snow boarding mainly depends on overall impressions, so sometimes appealing adds extra .
However, he seems to be interested in only demonstrating overwhelming techniques, without exaggerations.
When Shaun White got the gold medal, Hirano was very calm and admired the champion, saying " He gave the best performance today and we had really exciting games!".
He is only 19 years old, yet a great guy with a broad mind. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
He is a snow board skater and got the silver medal.
Many Japanese believed that he gave the best performance, but he didn't get what he deserved.
The scoring system for snow boarding mainly depends on overall impressions, so sometimes appealing adds extra .
However, he seems to be interested in only demonstrating overwhelming techniques, without exaggerations.
When Shaun White got the gold medal, Hirano was very calm and admired the champion, saying " He gave the best performance today and we had really exciting games!".
He is only 19 years old, yet a great guy with a broad mind. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
"In these 2018 Winter Olympic games, I've been the most impressed by the Japanese athlete Hirano {first name? last name?}. He is a snowboarder who got the silver medal. It's likely that many Japanese people thought that he had the best performance, but that he wasn't necessarily rewarded accordingly. The scoring system for snowboarding mainly depends on overall impressions, so sometimes appealing to the judges and/or public can help get some extra points. When Shaun White got the gold medal, Hirano cooly admired the champion, saying "I think he gave the best performance today. We were able to have really exciting games!" {Did he say this in English? If so, keep the original quote for this. I tweaked it to fit the Japanese one more}. Hirano is only 19 years old, but is an incredibly capable human being."
The Olympic game give me existing and challenging spirit. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
The Olympic games get me into the spirit of competition!
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