"Parks"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Parks"의 의미
Speaking of which, made me think of parks. I love to walks and/or if I can sometimes rent a bicycle and ride은 무슨 뜻인가요?
@sara1101: I think you mean "talking about that, made me think about parks. I love to walk and sometimes to rent a bicycle to ride it"
"Parks"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? It is important to have national parks IN ORDER TO protect wildlife 그리고 It is important to have national parks TO protect wildlife ?
They are both doing the same function, express purpose. In order to and to, when they are expressing cause-effect (She work hard in order to/to earn a pay rise) or purpose (your sentences, for exampele) they can be used interchangeably.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? There are many parks in this town. 그리고 This town has many parks. ?
"Parks" 관련 추가 질문
There are many parks in my city.
My city has many parks.
Which one is correct?
My city has many parks.
Which one is correct?
Both are correct, it can just depend on your preference
There are many parks in my city.
My city has many parks.
Which one is correct?
My city has many parks.
Which one is correct?
They’re both correct
The parks are necessary for all generations from toddlers to the elderly. In order to promote the health of local citizens and the quality of life, local govenment should provide more parks in cities.
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
Mostly. You could say, "Parks are necessary for all generations, from toddlers to the elderly. In order to promote good health in local citizens and their quality of life, the local government should provide more parks in cities."
The city’s public parks were where people rushed back to.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× The city’s public parks were where people rushed back to.
✓ People rushed back to the city’s public parks.
✓ People rushed back to the city’s public parks.
I like to walk on parks because the odor from grass and tree makes me comfortable 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I like to walk IN THE parks because the odor from THE grass and THE treeS make me comfortable.
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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