"Sassy"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Sassy"의 의미
sassy은 무슨 뜻인가요?
My sister made a sassy comment to our neighbour when he made fun of her backpack.
I didn't realise how sassy he was until he talked back to the police officer.
Juliana has been very sassy to her teachers these days.
sassy - lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky.
I didn't realise how sassy he was until he talked back to the police officer.
Juliana has been very sassy to her teachers these days.
sassy - lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky.
sassy은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Hi there!
The word sassy is synonymous with bold, saucy, and flippant. Usually you would use "sassy" to describe a person. "Sassy" can be both a positive and/or negative adjective. For example:
"She is very quick to respond negatively, you could say she's sassy"
"He called me sassy after I insulted him."
Children are sometimes called "sassy" because they tend to disagree and not listen to their parents, but most people don't often call other adults "sassy" unless they are joking.
Hope this helps!
The word sassy is synonymous with bold, saucy, and flippant. Usually you would use "sassy" to describe a person. "Sassy" can be both a positive and/or negative adjective. For example:
"She is very quick to respond negatively, you could say she's sassy"
"He called me sassy after I insulted him."
Children are sometimes called "sassy" because they tend to disagree and not listen to their parents, but most people don't often call other adults "sassy" unless they are joking.
Hope this helps!
sassy은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It means: lively, bold, and full of spirit.
It is used to describe someone who is quick witted.
It is used to describe someone who is quick witted.
sassy은 무슨 뜻인가요?
A person who is "sassy" is bold and lively. Full of spirit if you will.
People also describe motions with this sometimes.
"Jeez, the way she did that hair flip. She's so sassy!"
"Wow, that girl is so sassy."
"That was a sassy hair flip."
"Don't sass me, I don't appreciate that."
However, when you sass someone, you are disrespecting them. This usually involves being rude and sarcastic.
Sassiness can usually be a lighthearted comment to describe an attitude, but it can also signal disrespect.
People also describe motions with this sometimes.
"Jeez, the way she did that hair flip. She's so sassy!"
"Wow, that girl is so sassy."
"That was a sassy hair flip."
"Don't sass me, I don't appreciate that."
However, when you sass someone, you are disrespecting them. This usually involves being rude and sarcastic.
Sassiness can usually be a lighthearted comment to describe an attitude, but it can also signal disrespect.
sassy은 무슨 뜻인가요?
sometimes it's good, sometimes it can mean the person is a bit rude. It depends.
"Sassy" 사용 예문들
sassy 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
"She has been acting sassy today."
"He has a sassy personality."
"That was sassy of her to do."
"He's sassy to everyone."
"He has a sassy personality."
"That was sassy of her to do."
"He's sassy to everyone."
sassy 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Sassy - lively, bold, cheeky
• She was a very sassy girl.
• Don’t be sassy with me!
• He was being sassy with the teacher
• You are being very sassy.
• Your sassiness is one of your main personality traits.
Hope this helps!
• She was a very sassy girl.
• Don’t be sassy with me!
• He was being sassy with the teacher
• You are being very sassy.
• Your sassiness is one of your main personality traits.
Hope this helps!
sassy 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
She’s so sassy. (Usually used to describe a person)
Some American slang
I just got sassed
You sassy lass
Some American slang
I just got sassed
You sassy lass
sassy 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
"My mom grounded me for being sassy." And yes often sassy is used for girls.
"sassy" 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Sassy can be a couple different things.
"You're so sassy!" <-- My best friend tells my husband this when he's being mischievous. Between them it is teasing and fun.
I have another friend who tells her daughter, "Don't be sassy!" She says this when her daughter is grumbling or grumpy about what she's supposed to do, or if she's arguing a little.
"You're so sassy!" <-- My best friend tells my husband this when he's being mischievous. Between them it is teasing and fun.
I have another friend who tells her daughter, "Don't be sassy!" She says this when her daughter is grumbling or grumpy about what she's supposed to do, or if she's arguing a little.
"Sassy"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? She's sassy. 그리고 She's cheeky. ?
"Cheeky" means impudent or impertinent, saying things that are impolite.
"Sassy" can mean the same thing, *or* it can mean lively and spirited.
So you can say someone is cheeky/sassy in a bad way, or sassy in a good way.
"Sassy" can mean the same thing, *or* it can mean lively and spirited.
So you can say someone is cheeky/sassy in a bad way, or sassy in a good way.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? sassy 그리고 cheeky ?
Sassy has more of a sexual overtime.
Cheeky is more mischievous.
Cheeky is more mischievous.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? sassy 그리고 saucy ?
Saucy is a smart remark.
Sassy is an attitude.
You can be teaching a class something and a student will correct you.
He's being saucy.
If you call your sister annoying and she goes "I know you are but what am I"
She is being sassy.
She is talking back and such~
Sassy is an attitude.
You can be teaching a class something and a student will correct you.
He's being saucy.
If you call your sister annoying and she goes "I know you are but what am I"
She is being sassy.
She is talking back and such~
차이점은 무엇 입니까? sassy 그리고 cheeky ?
Yes, "sassy" has a negative connotation when used to describe speech. "Sassy" is only positive when it refers to something stylish, usually having to do with women's hair/fashion
"sassy"(-): The mother threatened to spank her son if he wouldn't shut his sassy mouth.
"sassy"(+): Jenny's friends all loved her sassy new handbag.
"sassy"(-): The mother threatened to spank her son if he wouldn't shut his sassy mouth.
"sassy"(+): Jenny's friends all loved her sassy new handbag.
"Sassy"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? sassy
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? sassy
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? sassy
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? sassy
you just said it lol
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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