"Singing"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문

다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Singing"의 의미

"Singing"의 동의어와 차이점

"Singing" 관련 추가 질문

Q: Although I like traveling and singing songs in karaoke pubs, the coronavirus does not allow me to do those. Instead, I’m spending my time watching programs on TV and videos on YouTube.
I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages. When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs. Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan. Her name is Lucy Tomas. She is a young English singer. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?

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