"Sweeter"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Sweeter"의 의미
all the sweeter
ex) it was made all the sweeter 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
ex) it was made all the sweeter 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It usually refers to the additional enjoyment you get when something happens after an event that was already enjoyable to begin with.
"The revenge I took on my rival by making him lose his job was made all the sweeter when his wife divorced him."
"The deal I got on this new car was made all the sweeter by the free high performance tires that came with it."
"The revenge I took on my rival by making him lose his job was made all the sweeter when his wife divorced him."
"The deal I got on this new car was made all the sweeter by the free high performance tires that came with it."
You couldn't be nicer and sweeter and, gosh, I'm a fan of yours. 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It's a way of praising. You are the best that you can't be better than the best, you are just perfect and I'm your fan.
sweeter gig은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It means a better job/situation in certain contexts
"Sweeter" 관련 추가 질문
I want it sweeter.
I want it bitter.
I want it sour.
Are these right?
I want it bitter.
I want it sour.
Are these right?
I want it sweeter. ✅
I want it bitter. = make it bitter
I want it more bitter. = increase the bitterness
I want it sour. = make it sour
I want it more sour. = increase the sourness
I want it bitter. = make it bitter
I want it more bitter. = increase the bitterness
I want it sour. = make it sour
I want it more sour. = increase the sourness
I think the sweeter melon isn’t always the better. I like the melon with moderate sweetness. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
This sounds great!
"The sweeter the coffee is the more I like it."
this sounds natural?and "the" before "coffee" is needed?
thank you!
this sounds natural?and "the" before "coffee" is needed?
thank you!
It sounds natural! And the "the" is not needed.
Both of these are correct and natural:
"The sweeter the coffee is, the more I like it."
"The sweeter coffee is, the more I like it."
"The sweeter the coffee is, the more I like it." > a specific cup of coffee
"The sweeter coffee is, the more I like it." > coffee in general
Both of these are correct and natural:
"The sweeter the coffee is, the more I like it."
"The sweeter coffee is, the more I like it."
"The sweeter the coffee is, the more I like it." > a specific cup of coffee
"The sweeter coffee is, the more I like it." > coffee in general
"Who would want a sweeter surprise?"
I don't understand "would want". What is the different just "want"? Could you explain it to me, please?
I don't understand "would want". What is the different just "want"? Could you explain it to me, please?
First of all, even though it's in a question form, it's not really a question. It's called a "rhetorical" question. It's more of an exclamation and not meant to be answered.
[edit] Also similar to "Who could ask for a sweeter surprise?"
It's a little difficult to explain, but, this *pattern* means the same thing as "this is the sweetest surprise!"
[edit] Also similar to "Who could ask for a sweeter surprise?"
It's a little difficult to explain, but, this *pattern* means the same thing as "this is the sweetest surprise!"
Which do you think sweeter , cake or donut? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
@harunosuke: in what context
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