"Team"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Team"의 의미
A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients on the new clinical trial.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Absolutely. I would assume all the patients in the survey have been part of the new clinical trial.
"team pump"은 무슨 뜻인가요?
team ~ = a fan of ~; someone who likes ~ very much
Team Pump = a fan of the rapper Lil Pump
Team Pump = a fan of the rapper Lil Pump
Whose team are you in? (British English) Whose team are you on?(North American English)은 무슨 뜻인가요?
The meaning is:
Of which team are you a member, that is, with which team do you have a membership?
Of which team are you a member, that is, with which team do you have a membership?
do you have a team은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Grammar correction:
Last night, I played basketball with someone. They asked me "Do you have a team?". Does that mean do I have a favorite team or do I belong to a team? Feel free to answer plz!
That would mean do you belong to a team.
Last night, I played basketball with someone. They asked me "Do you have a team?". Does that mean do I have a favorite team or do I belong to a team? Feel free to answer plz!
That would mean do you belong to a team.
I miss you being on my team, which is a script from the movie I saw yesterday.
Would it possible to say "I miss it when you were on my team." to say the same thing ? and Do I need "it" in this sentence ?은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Would it possible to say "I miss it when you were on my team." to say the same thing ? and Do I need "it" in this sentence ?은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Both " I miss you being on my team" and "I miss it when you were on my team" mean the same thing. You can use either one and an English speaker will understand you.
Me personally, I think " I miss you being on my team" sounds more fluent.
Me personally, I think " I miss you being on my team" sounds more fluent.
"Team" 사용 예문들
"team" and " group" 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
My team is the best
My team won the tournament
Theres no I in Team
Group of friends
I took a risk when i joined this group
Lets have a group hug
My team won the tournament
Theres no I in Team
Group of friends
I took a risk when i joined this group
Lets have a group hug
though, Our team lost. It was a good game though. 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
for extending necessary to team 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
team up 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
let's team up!
Team up with me!
Do you want to team up(with me)?
Team up with me!
Do you want to team up(with me)?
"team" (verb) 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
It's usually paired with "up" as a verb ("team up".) It means, "to form a team."
"Frank and Ruth teamed up in the race."
"Mr Smith and Mr Yamada teamed up to work on the business project."
"I want to team up with you!"
"They are teaming up to teach English together."
"I'm going to team up Sally and Sam to distribute flyers."
"Frank and Ruth teamed up in the race."
"Mr Smith and Mr Yamada teamed up to work on the business project."
"I want to team up with you!"
"They are teaming up to teach English together."
"I'm going to team up Sally and Sam to distribute flyers."
"Team"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? the team will be representing the region 그리고 the team will represent the region ?
They are not the same tense. The first is future continuous (progressive) and the second is just future tense.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? I has been left out of the team. 그리고 I has been dropped from team. ?
I have been left out of the team means that you are still a part of the team but you are being ignored.
I have been dropped out from the team means that you have been removed from the team.
I have been dropped out from the team means that you have been removed from the team.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients toward the new clinical trial. 그리고 A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients about the new clinical trial. ?
If the patients are in the clinical trial then I would say, "A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients in the new clinical trial." If the researchers are enrolling new patients for the trial then I would say, "A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients for the new clinical trial."
If the patients are in the clinical trial then I would say, "A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients in the new clinical trial." If the researchers are enrolling new patients for the trial then I would say, "A team of researchers conducted a survey of patients for the new clinical trial."
차이점은 무엇 입니까? team up 그리고 gather ?
Team up is usually when multiple people work together to achieve something. Gather can mean the same thing or to bring multiple people or things to one place.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? team 그리고 band ?
'Team' is used more often regarding group activities. 'Band' is usually only used for music groups.
1) I like that sports team
2) I want to be on your team for the job
3) I like that band's song
4) These bands play old music
1) I like that sports team
2) I want to be on your team for the job
3) I like that band's song
4) These bands play old music
"Team"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Team B danced as good as team A. Does this sound this natural? does it have any grammar mistakes?
I see what you are saying. "as well as" CAN mean "also." however if you want to compare their dancing, "as well as" is correct for the reason stated above. so technically the sentence could be read both ways. I think as it is now, without additional punctuation, it's a comparison. if you added a comma after "team B danced" (Team B danced, as well as Team A.) it would clarify/indicate that the sentence meant "team A also danced.) Ultimately the context helps one to read it properly, and punctuation can make a difference too. if you want to be utterly clear, you would have to reformulate the sentence. "When the overall scores were tallied, it was evident that Team B...." or "the judges deliberated for a long time because..." "Team B danced just as well as..." "Team B performed equally well." etc. Or if it's within a paragraph, the reader would probably know what you mean. I think my first instinct is to read it like a comparison though.
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Both teams never allow the other to score.
You should use “neither” instead of “both” since it’s a negative sentence but then you’d have to change it up a bit so that it’s:
“Neither team ever allows the other to score.”
“Neither team ever allows the other to score.”
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? I did cheering for team JAPAN⚽️
“I did cheering for team JAPAN” sounds a little unnatural! Try this, “I cheered for japan!” Like this,
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? As team director changed right before ,it is no time to build teamshipment. But I'm sure to win Columbia and Poland
What? I am really confused. Can u break them down into simpler sentences using subject + verb + object form?
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? A medical team once went on a search for the key to longevity, hoping to share its findings with the public.
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
"Team" 관련 추가 질문
I have never thought that the Japanese national team could won the match against Germany and Spain. It was really miracle.
Could you let me know whether these sentences sound natural?
Could you let me know whether these sentences sound natural?
Hello ! 😊 This is almost correct! I have made a few changes:
I have never thought that the Japanese national team could won the match against Germany and Spain. It was really miracle.
---> I never would have thought that the Japanese national team could win their matches against Germany and Spain. It was a miracle!
** 'I never would have thought' is a phrase we use a lot in English to mean that, in the past, we would never have believed something could come true! It is a very useful phrase to learn 😊
Here are some more example sentences using 'I never would have thought':
1) I never would have thought I could win the lottery, but I won last night!
2) I never would have thought I would fight with my friend so badly.
3) I never would have thought I would have to leave my country and start living somewhere else.
^^ I hope the above is helpful! 😊
I have never thought that the Japanese national team could won the match against Germany and Spain. It was really miracle.
---> I never would have thought that the Japanese national team could win their matches against Germany and Spain. It was a miracle!
** 'I never would have thought' is a phrase we use a lot in English to mean that, in the past, we would never have believed something could come true! It is a very useful phrase to learn 😊
Here are some more example sentences using 'I never would have thought':
1) I never would have thought I could win the lottery, but I won last night!
2) I never would have thought I would fight with my friend so badly.
3) I never would have thought I would have to leave my country and start living somewhere else.
^^ I hope the above is helpful! 😊
The Japanese team did their best! I hope that they play well next match, too. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× I hope that they play well next match, too.
✓ I hope they play well their next match, too.
✓ I hope they play well their next match, too.
1 Japanese national team is the strongest ever.
2 Japanese national team is the strongest yet.
Is there any difference between the two?
2 Japanese national team is the strongest yet.
Is there any difference between the two?
1) With collective human nouns, animals
2) predicted
1) With collective human nouns, animals
2) predicted
What does ‘I took the team on whole’ mean?
He is saying he left the “opposite players standing”x so took on all their players, as in he beat to whole opposition.
my team have overwhelmed to the other one completely, really they didn't have some tiny possibility
my team have blown the other one away completely, really they didn't have some tiny possibility
my team have blown the other one away completely, really they didn't have some tiny possibility
they mean the same but I'd correct the grammar as follows:
1) my team completely overwhelmed the other one, they really didn't have a chance.
2) my team completely blew the other one away...
"team" is a singular word, so use the verb "has"instead of "have". we can use this tense as follows:
my team HAS OVERWHELMED the other one completely, they really don't HAVE a tiny chance.
it really just depends if you're speaking in the present or past.
hope this helps!🙏
1) my team completely overwhelmed the other one, they really didn't have a chance.
2) my team completely blew the other one away...
"team" is a singular word, so use the verb "has"instead of "have". we can use this tense as follows:
my team HAS OVERWHELMED the other one completely, they really don't HAVE a tiny chance.
it really just depends if you're speaking in the present or past.
hope this helps!🙏
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