"Watchmaker"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
"Watchmaker" 관련 추가 질문
Take that Swiss watchmaker, for instance. It turns out low-priced watches that sell *in high volume.
Is it okay to use "in large numbers" instead of "in high volume" in this context?
Is it okay to use "in large numbers" instead of "in high volume" in this context?
Big thanks as always. I appreciate your kindness. (ᵔᴥᵔ≈)
An old watchmaker, Peter Hovenden think the old work that is making a watch without helping any mechanism is a stupid thing. His daughter, however, makes an evaluate that this kind of work is good. Their opinions are split into two opinions. The one regards that hand made watch that takes a lot of time to produce are valuable, another one is not. I think that Peter represents a man in pursuit of productivity and profit from work and his daughter, Annie represents a typical person who focuses on the pleasures of his work. Maybe in the next page, they will argue with a blacksmith. And her father will say that a blacksmith is not wise and daughter will disagree with her father. Productivity and pleasure from work are both important. You cannot ignore all of them, but I think we should not be tilted to one side. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
An old watchmaker, Peter Hovenden thinks the old work of making a watch without any help of machinery is a stupid thing. His daughter, however, disagrees and says that this kind of work is good. Their opinions are different. One regards the hand-made watch which takes a lot of time to produce as valuable, the other does not. I think that Peter represents a man in pursuit of productivity and profit from work, unlike his daughter, Annie, who represents a typical person who focuses only on the pleasure of his work. Maybe next time they will argue with a blacksmith. And her father will say that a blacksmith is not wise and the daughter will once again disagree with her father. Productivity and pleasure from work are both equally important. You shouldn't ignore one of them, but I think we should not be tilted to one side.
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