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    he’s just like me

  • #liz.txt#posted quotes#posted links
  • komsomolka


    he had such a way with words

  • komsomolka

  • gaybichon


    thank you da vinkis

  • cloned-sheep97

    I lowkey fw these guys. They're just the right amount of silly to make me go "heh that was kinda funny" before scrolling

    although. they do give me the uncanny valley

  • emilio-guevara

    They do upload free movies on their YouTube channel

  • soosbeans

    i did not think this would actually be true wtf


    i love you voros twins

  • Anonymous sent:

    hey, could I ask for more info/source for miyazaki being an imperial apologist? admittedly I don't know much about him tbh but based on what I read, it seems he's known to show anti-imperialist sentiments consistently (I read some articles dating at least a decade back and some recent ones) i just wanted to know if there's something I missed

    boobieteriat replied:

    Miyazaki’s ‘anti-war’ stance isn’t anti-imperialist. It’s just anti-losing. He expresses zero remorse for Japan’s empire or the fact that his family built those war planes. He was only upset that the war hurt Japanese people. That’s not being anti-imperialist, that’s just nationalism with a sad face.

    If Miyazaki regretted Japanese imperialism, he won’t make The Wind Rises. Imagine a German filmmaker making a tender biopic of the Messerschmitt’s engineer then claiming it’s anti-war.


    Like The Boy and The Heron has the main character’s dad presented as a hero since he manufactures plane parts for the war. It’s not subtle.

    Anonymous sent:

    not trying to be disrespectful, but how can I explain why protests against hamas are happening in north Gaza?

    tamamita replied:

    Ironic how these Zionists scum only decide to listen out to Palestinians when they show any form of dissent against Hamas, but in every other case, it’s pallywood, it’s fake, they’re being controlled, they’re manipulated and etc. But not in this case, a few hundred Palestinians affected by the war decided to go out on the streets and protest, a right that Hamas provides them. But these Palestinians somehow reflect the will of the 2 million Palestinians in Ghazza. What a joke. Yet, we got millions of Israelis protesting for a ceasefire and calling for Bibi’s resignation, literally every week for the past two years. They’re not very much in the position to say shit.

    This was staged by the Palestinian authority, which called on Palestinians to protest against Hamas a few days earlier. The PA is part of the national Bourgeoisie and are in cahoots with the Zionists. Anyone with a sense of material analysis can obviously puzzle it together: it’s an attempt by the Zionists and its puppet government in the west bank to get the Palestinians to submit to the Israeli occupation and its fascist policies.

    God’s curse be upon Netanyahu and the Zionists

    Victory to the resistance.

  • deadmegumi


    uchiha brotherssss

  • #coughing bomb one djsjshshd#naruto
  • expressions-of-nature


    Old Road in the Rain by Tamaple

  • depsidase


  • azothojousama

    When bird flu comes you know these fuckers are going to use that shit against every country they'd find it useful to even if they wipe out the damn human population in the process.

  • big-ole-katydid



  • big-ole-katydid

    I’m just so tickled by this. US reasserts its independence on the global stage by undermining its primary instruments of empire

  • jdpon-don

    Folks- folks. They're telling me, folks. They're saying that China's getting ahead of us. They say that China, they can do everything you can do over there, but better. It's true. People are telling me this. It's terrible. They say that China is destabilizing America. Well, that's fine. But, folks, we're going to bring jobs back to the US. There's nothing that China can do that America can't do better. Folks, we can't let China get ahead of us like this! Nobody does it better than we do! They say that China pours billions into undermining the United States. You know what I say to that? Folks, you know what I say? I say, alright, then. We're going to pour in trillions -- that's right, trillions -- into undermining the United States. They say China is the best at destroying the United States. Well, I'm saying it like this: America is better than China at everything. Nobody is going to end America but America. God bless you. God bless you all. God bless the United States.

    JDPON DONtumblr user @sizhensimage

  • segamascott


    this is how casually they talk about killing civilians. that's the controversy. not "haha trump admin dumb"

  • thealogie


    “had to leave his family” is so crazy in the context of a rich guy going to yell at a 20 year old for saying genocide is bad. you mean he went on a work trip

  • feluka


    tl;dr: Rachel Zegler (Snow White in Disney's latest live action flop) posted the words "Free Palestine", so Marc Platt (the producer) flew across the country to personally tell her off. She didn't take the post down. His most irrelevant son is currently taking up his cause on Instagram.

  • timequangle


    "we were asked to make a statement about an oscar winner being beaten and abducted in the exact conditions illuminated by his oscar winning documentary but we have to keep in mind that we can't actually Take A Side because our 11000 global members have many diverse viewpoints! for example many of them would actually want him lynched <3" ok. die.

  • zeusgow

    I wish these people died for real.

  • pour one out for ugly kids of good looking parents

  • #liz.txt#me i am talking about ME#forever bitter lmfao another reason my parents should have never gotten together
    Anonymous sent:

    from a similar (knowing a family member with) situation of looking like your awful dad, it's common to be a very beautiful woman who looks like her horrific soulless father. somehow baddies are always turning their dad's features into works of art idk how it works

    iregularlyevadetaxes replied:


    #sadly can't relate. my awful dad was a hottie but i lost genetic lottery.#he had one job.
  • disco-archetypes


  • sangfielle

    i like that suzerain lets you dress up your guy even though it doesn't seem to matter because i get to get one million lectures about how i shouldn't be letting the communists gain hold in our country while i've dressed my president up as much like a communist thinker as possible

  • sangfielle


    how i look when the chief justice tells me that he's worried that communists are about to infiltrate congress and i need to stop it from happening

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