
6 Pins
17 Easy Doorway Stretches To Fix Sore, Tight Muscles
17 Easy Doorway Stretches To Fix Sore, Tight Muscles | Gentle, Soothing
Chair Exercises For Seniors - 20 Free PDF Printables | Printablee
This may contain: a woman sitting on the floor in front of a door with her hands out to someone
Numb or Tingly Hand? Figure out what's gonig on and what to do about it!
6 Stretches To Relieve Muscle Stiffness You Can Do At Your Desk At Work - GymGuider.com
Because so many of us are really getting STUCK in bad postures and ending up in lots of PAIN!! Your muscles begin to adapt to the positions you mostly stay in, i.e. slouching! so take care of your body and MOVE throughout your day to reverse the negative effects of sitting and slouching. After work, or during your work day if you can, find a few moments to do these two stretches. You’re worth taking 2 minutes of YOUR day to heal pain and improve your posture.