
16 Pins
Come Follow Me: Goals for 2024
In this blog post, I share my goals and aspirations for 2024, inviting you to be part of the developing story. I introduce my first new painting series of 2024, entitled "Come Follow Me." Look for many more pieces in this series in the weeks and months to come. The post also include morning and evening prayers, encouraging gratitude and request The Lord's guidance and strength for the year ahead.
The Painted Gospel
The Painted Gospel
Come Follow Me
Come Follow Me by Gabriel Heaton Jesus Christ in white robe holding womans hand wearing white dress while walking in yellow wheat field – LDSArt.com
Happy Sunday 🥹🫶🏼 one of my favorite things about painting Jesus is that whenever I have a week where I am feeling a bit distant from Him, I can come back to these pieces I created with my own hands and remember all of the things I was feeling as I painted them. These are visual reminders of my testimony. I hope that one of these can also touch your hearts today, and help you feel a bit closer to Him 🫶🏼 1. ‘Christ Among The Wildflowers’ 2. ‘The Master Potter’ 3. ‘Come, Follow Me’ 4. ‘Abide...
Paige Payne Creations
Paige Payne Creations
"Trust Me"
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart" Proverbs 3:5 Christian artwork, LDS art, christian art of jesus, christian painting of jesus christ, nursery decor, girls room decor, lds art of jesus, lds art of christ, kenna elizabeth art, jesus christ with little girl, painting of christ with girl, jesus with children, LDS church, young womens gift, relief society gift, young womens handout
Kenna Elizabeth Art
Kenna Elizabeth Art
When the Blues Came and the Rains Fell He Was There, Jesus Christ Art, Jesus Christ Artwork, Jesus Christ Art Print, Jesus Christ, Christian - Etsy
When the Blues Came and the Rains Fell He Was There, Jesus Christ Art, Jesus Christ Artwork, Jesus Christ Art Print, Jesus Christ, Christian - Etsy