KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Departemt of Applied Physics
High-power continuous-wave generation at 533 nm is demonstrated in bulk periodically poled KTiOAsO 4 (KTA) by single-pass frequency doubling of a VBG-locked Yb-doped fiber laser. Absorption characteristic and second harmonic generation... more
Highly reflecting volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) written in photo-thermo-refractive glass [1], have been successfully employed for spectral control of solid-state lasers [2, 3]. This presentation will review the recent progress in the field.
Tids nog se vår onda tid Och hennes galla smaka. Verlden är en sorge-ö, Bäst man andas, skall man dö Och bli mull tillbaka. En gång, där en källa flöt Förbi en skyl i rågen, Stod en liten gosse söt Och spegla sig i vågen: Bäst sin bild... more
In this master thesis project, a pulsed UV laser was designed and constructed. Also, the effects of absorption in a volume Bragg grating were investigated. The laser was diode pumped and constructed with Yb:KYW as gain medium. The lasing... more
Picosecond blue-light induced infrared absorption (BLIIRA) was investigated in periodically poled KTiOPO 4 , Rb:KTiOPO 4 , RbTiOPO 4 , KTiOAsO 4 and RbTiOAsO 4. The dependence of BLIIRA on blue light average power and intensity as well as... more
This thesis focuses on two topics: thermal limitations of volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) employed as laser-cavity mirrors and formation of color centers in KTiOPO4 and its isomorphs.To explore the me ...
This thesis describes the work at the Royal Institute of Technology on the conception and construction of a multi-wavelength laser, to be used in digital holography experiments at Luleå Technical University. The stated goal was to create... more