Papers by Ayca Araz Ustaomeroglu
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Jul 1, 2015
Design studies are the environments where individuals receiving design education demonstrate thei... more Design studies are the environments where individuals receiving design education demonstrate their creativity in the most condensed way while questioning and communicating the theoretical knowledge they have learned through education. In this paper, studio education is discussed in the case of the Second Academic Year Design Studio at the Department of Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University, which is located in the northeast of Turkey in the coastal city of Trabzon. The aim of the study is both to introduce the Second Semester Design Studio and to investigate gains of students from the studio process in the context of the subject. The study also examines how students transfer their knowledge to the students who follow. The contribution of the studio process is also discussed.
Tasarım tabanlı disiplinlerde temel tasarım dersi genel olarak; tasarım ögeleri, ilkeleri, Gestal... more Tasarım tabanlı disiplinlerde temel tasarım dersi genel olarak; tasarım ögeleri, ilkeleri, Gestalt algı kuramlarını içeren teorik anlatımlarla verilmekte, sonrasında öğrencilere yaptırılan iki ve üç boyutlu soyut tasarımlarla desteklenmektedir. Tüm bu çalışmalar görsel dilin ve ifadenin geliştirilmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle imgenin görselleştirilmesinde ve tasarıma aktarılması aşamasında öğrenciler, bu öğretilerden beslenerek tasarım kararlarına yön vermektedirler. Bu nedenle “Temel Tasarım” dersi, öğrencilerin biçimsel ve estetik bir bakış açısı geliştirebilmeleri için büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Ancak bu bakış açısının soyut düşünceden, somut bir ürüne dönüştürülmesi genellikle ders kapsamında test edilememektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında; Türkiye’nin kuzey doğusunda bir sahil kenti olan Trabzon’da bulunan Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi İç Mimarlık Bölümünde birinci yarıyılda verilmekte olan “Temel Tasarım” dersinin bir çıktısı olarak öğrencilerin dersten edinimleri dönem sonunda bir workshop çalışması ile sınanmıştır. Çalışmanın yöntemi olarak öğrencilerin tasarladıkları mobilyaların işlevsel özellikleri ve kullandıkları temel tasarım öge-ilkeleri ve Gestalt algı kuralları SPSS programına girilmiş, elde edilen veriler çalışmanın amaçları doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiştir.
Rapid changes (in life style, working conditions, cultural values and tendency and so on) in citi... more Rapid changes (in life style, working conditions, cultural values and tendency and so on) in cities affect their historical identity negatively. Thus, historical parts of the cities reflecting the cultural and historical atmosphere, experiences, tendencies, opinions, culture and life style in the years of when they were built have begun to disappear. Learning, determining and saving the historical parts and spaces of a city which function as a bridge between past and future, and allowing for their transference to the next generation have a great importance in terms of the sustainability of these cities. This analytical study was made in Orta Mahalle which is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Akcaabat, Trabzon located in the northeast of Turkey. Orta Mahalle, which has partially preserved its identity in spite of several deformations, was chosen as the area of study due to its historical and traditional elements such as religious buildings reflecting the past, (St. Michael's Church, chapel and church schools), traditional houses, streets, fountains and squares. The study involves the determination of registered buildings in the area, as well as the determination of traditional houses, streets, religious buildings and fountains which will be in the scope of the study, the implementation of relief and photography studies and the documentation of all forms and perceptual values of available houses and streets with the analysis made through the appropriate criteria and the clarification of the typology of traditional housing. Observation and data determination studies were done in the larger area; the protected area was determined within the scope of the plan; and locations of historical church, fountain and church school were determined in the area. The focus of the study is especially on civilian architecture; thus, the church, school and fountain were not analyzed but their locations were determined.
Numerous measurements of greenhouse gases and oxidants in the atmosphere have been performed. The... more Numerous measurements of greenhouse gases and oxidants in the atmosphere have been performed. These measurements have been primarily conducted in clear, cloud-free atmospheric conditions. However, the available data describing the gas distribution in clouds are scarce. The current paper studies the distribution of O3, CO, and CO2 inside clouds and estimates their changes in a cloud layer. The measurements in this study were conducted at Optik-E, an AN-30 flying laboratory. Antokhin provided a current description of the measurement system. Аntokhin and Paris described the investigation areas, flight routes, and measurements in detail. The flight area covered approximately the entire Asian portion of Russia from the Black Sea to the Chukchi Sea. СО concentrations varied from 9.14.0 ppb in Аs clouds to 21.016.2 ppb in Ас clouds. The decrease in СО2 concentration was lowest inside Сu clouds (3.91.6 ppm) and highest inside As clouds (7.23.1 ppm). The O3 concentration decrease in Cb clouds was 1.75 times greater than that in Ac clouds. The widest range of O3 content was also found in Cb clouds. Decreases in О3 and СО2 concentrations inside clouds are caused by the interaction between O3 and water droplets and the high solubility of СО2 in a water medium, respectively. The global СО2 content is 121.7 PgC/year. Thus, our estimate decreased the annual carbon balance by 2.6%.
Yapı Yaşam Uluslararası Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 1992
Mimari biçimlendirmede Yüzey Ulusal Konferans Kitabı, 1999
International Congress book, (Livenarch I), 2001
Congress Book (Livenarch), 2003
arredemento mimarlık, 2008
International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, Mar 29, 2018
<jats:p>In design-based disciplines, the basic design lesson generally covers theories of d... more <jats:p>In design-based disciplines, the basic design lesson generally covers theories of design elements-principles and Gestalt perception rules, then followed by two and three-dimensional abstract designs made by the students. All these studies play an important role in the development of visual language and expression. Particularly in the visualization of the imagination and in the process of transferring the design, the students are fed from these teachings and direct their design decisions. For this reason, the "Basic Design" course is of great importance for the students to develop a formal and aesthetic perspective. However, the transformation of these abstract thoughts into a concrete product is often not tested in the context of the course. In the scope of this study; the teachings that students gained from the "Basic Design" course, which is given in the first semester in the Department of Interior Design at Karadeniz Technical University, was tested with a workshop. As method of the study, the functional characteristics of the furniture designed by the students and the basic design elements-principles and Gestalt perception rules used by the students were entered into the SPSS program and the obtained data were evaluated in accordance with the objectives of the study.&#x0D; Keywords: Furniture design; abstract thinking; design education; basic design; creativity&#x0D; Özet&#x0D; Tasarım tabanlı disiplinlerde temel tasarım dersi genel olarak; tasarım ögeleri, ilkeleri, Gestalt algı kuramlarını içeren teorik anlatımlarla verilmekte, sonrasında öğrencilere yaptırılan iki ve üç boyutlu soyut tasarımlarla desteklenmektedir. Tüm bu çalışmalar görsel dilin ve ifadenin geliştirilmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle imgenin görselleştirilmesinde ve tasarıma aktarılması aşamasında öğrenciler, bu öğretilerden beslenerek tasarım kararlarına yön vermektedirler. Bu nedenle "Temel Tasarım" dersi, öğrencilerin biçimsel ve estetik bir bakış açısı geliştirebilmeleri için büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Ancak bu bakış açısının soyut düşünceden, somut bir ürüne dönüştürülmesi genellikle ders kapsamında test edilememektedir.&#x0D; Bu çalışma kapsamında; Türkiye'nin kuzey doğusunda bir sahil kenti olan Trabzon'da bulunan Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi İç Mimarlık Bölümünde birinci yarıyılda verilmekte olan "Temel Tasarım" dersinin bir çıktısı olarak öğrencilerin dersten edinimleri dönem sonunda bir workshop çalışması ile sınanmıştır.&#x0D; Çalışmanın yöntemi olarak öğrencilerin tasarladıkları mobilyaların işlevsel özellikleri ve kullandıkları temel tasarım öge ve ilkeleri SPSS programına girilmiş, elde edilen veriler çalışmanın amaçları doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiştir.&#x0D; &#x0D; Keywords: Temel tasarım, mobilya tasarımı, yaratıcılık, soyut düşünme.&#x0D; </jats:p>
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
First year of design education is very important. Because the first year of the students coming t... more First year of design education is very important. Because the first year of the students coming to the design school includes the processes of stepping to thinking, editing, creating and expressing after high school education based on memorization and repetition. Therefore, in the departments providing design-based training, basic design course has a great importance.The purpose of this study is to determine the acquisitions of the students who completed Basic Design course given in the first year at the Department of Interior Architecture of the Black Sea Technical University in Trabzon that is a coastal city in the northeast of Turkey and the effect of these acquisitions on the processes of perception, creativity and design.
In design-based disciplines, the basic design lesson generally covers theories of design elements... more In design-based disciplines, the basic design lesson generally covers theories of design elements-principles and Gestalt perception rules, then followed by two and three-dimensional abstract designs made by the students. All these studies play an important role in the development of visual language and expression. Particularly in the visualization of the imagination and in the process of transferring the design, the students are fed from these teachings and direct their design decisions. For this reason, the "Basic Design" course is of great importance for the students to develop a formal and aesthetic perspective. However, the transformation of these abstract thoughts into a concrete product is often not tested in the context of the course. In the scope of this study; the teachings that students gained from the "Basic Design" course, which is given in the first semester in the Department of Interior Design at Karadeniz Technical University, was tested with a workshop. As method of the study, the functional characteristics of the furniture designed by the students and the basic design elements-principles and Gestalt perception rules used by the students were entered into the SPSS program and the obtained data were evaluated in accordance with the objectives of the study.
Papers by Ayca Araz Ustaomeroglu