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      Microstrip AntennasGenetic AlgorithmsGenetic Algorithm in Optimization
In this chapter, we present spectrum engineering tools used to assist in the frequency assignment and planning of digital and analogue broadcasting and land mobile services, with the help of GIS. These tools are implemented as a part of... more
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      Radio frequency planningLAND MOBILE RADIO
The problem of efficient utilization of the radiofrequency spectrum is becoming more complex due to the increasing demands on the spectrum, which is a limited natural resource. If this natural resource is to be used efficiently,... more
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Abstract— Derivation of the closed-form Green's functions and analytical evaluation of the method of moments (MOM) matrix entries have improved the computational efficiency of the significantly in the analysis of printed geometries.... more
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      Computer Aided DesignGenetic AlgorithmComputational EfficiencyElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Although optical antennas with a variety of shapes and for a variety of applications have been proposed and studied, they are still in their infancy compared to their radio frequency (rf) counterparts. Optical antennas have mainly... more
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      Computational ElectromagneticsNano-photonics and nano-optics: photonic crystals, integrated plasmonics, metamaterials, and their applications in quantum computing, quantum/classical communication, sensingSurface plasmon resonance
Spatial-domain Green’s functions for multilayer, planar geometries are cast into closed forms with two-level ap- proximation of the spectral-domain representation of the Green’s functions. This approach is very robust and much faster... more
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      Layered MediaGreen's functions
—A novel computational method is proposed to evaluate 1-D and 2-D summations and integrals which are relatively difficult to compute numerically. The method is based on applying a subspace algorithm to the samples of partial sums and... more
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    • Numerical Methods
The discrete complex image method (DCIM) has been well-established and widely employed as a tool to compute spatial-domain Green's functions in planar multilayered media. Although the use of the DCIM in conjunction with the method of... more
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      Complexity TheoryComputer ModelModel SelectionSpectral analysis
Highly lossy nature of metals has severely limited the scope of practical applications of plasmonics. The conventional approach to circumvent this limitation has been to search for new materials with more favorable dielectric properties... more
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The problem of spurious radiation from electronic packages is considered in this paper by investigating the power radiated from microstrip etches that are excited by arbitrarilylocated current sources, and terminated by complex loads at... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingMethod of MomentsMatrix
to 4 m for the higher-frequency branch of the second mode. For the lower-frequency branch, the single null occurs at the center (pla = 0) at about zo = 2.5 m and the double null occurs at increased values of pla, approaching about 0.56 at... more
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      MathematicsEigenvaluesOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Optics InfoBase is the Optical Society's online library for flagship journals, partnered and copublished journals, and recent proceedings from OSA conferences.
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The derivation of the closed-form spatial domain Green's functions for the vector and scalar potentials is presented for a microstrip geometry with a substrate and a superstrate, whose thicknesses can be arbitrary. The spatial domain... more
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      MathematicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Most of the electromagnetic problems can be reduced down to either integrating oscillatory integrals or summing up complex series. However, limits of the integrals and the series usually extend to infinity. In addition, they may be slowly... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsElectromagnetismMicrostrip Antennas
A numerically efficient technique, based on the spectral-domain method of moments (MoM) in conjunction with the generalized pencil-of-functions (GPOF) method, is developed for the characterization of two-dimensional geometries in... more
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      Method of MomentsIntegral EquationsGeometryFast Fourier Transform
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    • Current Density
The discrete complex image method (DCIM) has been well-established and widely employed as a tool to compute spatial-domain Green's functions in planar multilayered media. Although the use of the DCIM in conjunction with the method of... more
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      MathematicsComplexity TheoryComputer ModelModel Selection