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Henrik Ibsen

Dhyworth Wikipedya, an godhoniador rydh
Henrik Ibsen
Leshanow Brynjolf Bjarme Edit this on Wikidata
Genys Henrik Johan Ibsen Edit this on Wikidata
20 Meurth 1828 Edit this on Wikidata
Stockmanngården, Skien Edit this on Wikidata
Mernans 23 Me 1906 Edit this on Wikidata
a strokas Edit this on Wikidata
Christiania Edit this on Wikidata
Trigva Skien, Grimstad, Christiania, Bergen, Christiania, Kopenhavn, Berlin, Venis, Rom, Kingdom of Bavaria, Munich, Dresden, Stockholm, Munich, Gossensass, Rom, Munich, Rom, Christiania, Trondheim, Molde, Bergen, Christiania, Kopenhavn, Munich, Wien, Budapest, Munich, Christiania, Kopenhavn, Stockholm, Christiania Edit this on Wikidata
Kenedhlogeth Norgagh Edit this on Wikidata
Galwesigeth skrifer gwariow, prydydh, librettydh, kevarwodher, skrifer Edit this on Wikidata
Aswonnys rag Peer Gynt, A Doll's House, Ghosts, An Enemy of the People, The Wild Duck, Hedda Gabler, Rosmersholm, Brand, The Master Builder, Catiline, The Mountain Bird, The Lady from the Sea, Lady Inger of Ostrat, The Feast at Solhaug, White Horses, The Vikings at Helgeland, John Gabriel Borkman, Emperor and Galilean, The Burial Mound, Love's Comedy, The Pretenders, Little Eyolf, Norma, When We Dead Awaken, Olaf Liljekrans, The Grouse in Justedal, The Pillars of Society, St. John's Eve, Svanhild, The League of Youth, Terje Vigen Edit this on Wikidata
Gis drama, bardhonieth Edit this on Wikidata
Chyf delanwes August Strindberg, Georg Brandes, Søren Kierkegaard, Henrik Wergeland, Jens Peter Jacobsen Edit this on Wikidata
Movyans gwirvoseth liennek Edit this on Wikidata
Tas Knud Ibsen Edit this on Wikidata
Mamm Marichen Altenburg Edit this on Wikidata
Pries Suzannah Ibsen Edit this on Wikidata
Fleghes Sigurd Ibsen, Hans Jacob Henriksen Edit this on Wikidata
Pewasow Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎, King Oscar II's reward medal, Grand Cross of the Order of the Dannebrog, Order of the Polar Star - Commander's Grand Cross, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Vasa, Knight Grand Officer of the Order of the Saxe-Ernestine, 3rd class, Order of the Medjidie Edit this on Wikidata
Gwiasva https://www.nb.no/forskning/ibsen/ Edit this on Wikidata
Restren:Henrik Ibsen's signature.png, Henrik Ibsen's signature 20th of June 1871.jpg

Henrik Johan Ibsen (20 Mis Meurth 1828 - 23 Mis Me 1906) o dramatydh norgaghek. Yn fenowgh, ev yw henwys "tas an drama arnowydh."

Ibsen yw prederys an brassa awtour norgaghek ha unn a'n dramatydhyon an moya posek yn y oos. Ev a veu solempnys avel arwodh genedhlek gans bobel norgaghek. Y oberennow gwella yw "A Doll's House" (Chi an Dolliow) ha "Enemy of the People" (Envi an Bobel).

Yma'n erthygel ma owth usya an Furv Skrifys Savonek a-barth Kernowek kres.

Onan a'n mil erthygel posekka war Wikipedya yw an erthygel ma.