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The Last of the Mohicans

E Vicipaedia
Adumbratio in editione anni 1896, a J. T. Merrill facta.
Cora Kneeling at the Feet of Tanemund. Pictura a Thoma Cole facta, 1827.
The Last of the Mohicans. Liber nubeculatus, Classics Illustrated, fasciculus 4.

The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757 ('Ultimus Mohicanus: Narratio anni 1757') est mythistoria historica a Iacobo Fenimore Cooper scripta et anno 1826 edita, secundus et lectoribus hodiernis clarissimus pentalogiae Leatherstocking Tales ('Fabulae tibialium scorteorum') volumen.[1] The Pathfinder, editus quattuordecim annos post (1840), est eius sequela. Actio libri The Last of the Mohicans anno 1757 ponitur, per Bellum Franco-Indianum (Bellum Septem Annorum), cum Francia et Britanniarum Regnum inter se de imperio in Americam Septentrionalem certarent. Per hoc bellum, Francici et Britannici sociis Indis uti solebant, sed Francici eis magis nitebantur quia coloni Britannici eos in finibus boreorientalis continentis regionis magnitudine superabant.

Secundum Encyclopedia of Media and Propaganda in Wartime America, mythistoria una ex "mythistoriis Anglicis populo gratissima" ex anno publicationis fuit, et "late in cursibus litterarum Civitatum Foederatarum lecta" manet.[2] Argumentum saepe accommodatum est, Anglice et in aliis linguis, in pelliculis, pelliculis televisificis, et adeo libris nubeculatis.

Nexus interni

  1. Last of the Mohicans, The. In Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature (Merriam-Webster, 1995, ISBN 0-87779-042-6), 661.
  2. Last of the Mohicans. In Encyclopedia of Media and Propaganda in Wartime America, Volume I, ed. Martin J. Manning et Clarence R. Wyatt (ABC-CLIO, 2011, ISBN 978-1-59884-228-9), 75-76.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Barker, Martin, et Roger Sabin. 1995. The Lasting of the Mohicans. University Press of Mississippi. ISBN 0-87805-858-3.
  • Bergmann, Frnak. 1985. The Meanings of Indians and Their Land in Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans. In Upstate Literature: Essays in Memory of Thomas F. O'Donnell, ed. Frank Bergmann, 117–128. Syracuse University Press. ISBN 0-8156-2331-3
  • Dekker, George, et John P. Williams, eds. 1997. James Fenimore Cooper: The Critical Heritage. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-15928-8.
  • Peck, H. Daniel, ed. 1992. New Essays on The last of the Mohicans. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-37771-4.
  • Pennell, Melissa McFarland. 2006. Masterpieces of American Romantic Literature. Greenwood. ISBN 978-0-313-33141-1.
  • Philbrick, Thomas. 1971. The Last of the Mohicans and the Sounds of Discord. American Literature 43(1):25–41. JSTOR.
  • Ringe, Donald A. 1993. Mode and Meaning in The Last of the Mohicans. In James Fenimore Cooper: New Historical and Literary Contexts, ed. W. M. Verhoeven, 109–124. Rodopi. ISBN 90-5183-333-4.
  • White, Craig. 2006. Student Companion to James Fenimore Cooper. Greenwood Publishing. ISBN 0-313-33413-7.

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