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Redactio 14:46, 25 Ianuarii 2015 a conlatore DeirdreAnne (disputatio | conlationes) facta (+2 noms for grapheocrates)

Latest comment: abhinc 9 annos by Doug in topic Petitio grapheocrates

Magistratus possunt paginas delere, deletas (vel mutatas) restituere, omnino aut partim protegere, usoribus obstruere nuntiaque interficialia recensere et spatium nominale MediaWiki recensere.

Quisque magistratus apud Vicipaediam aequali communique suffragio eligitur: #Petitio magistratus.

Haec pagina Index Magistratuum est.

  1. Candalua (talkcontribs) (Magistratus)
  2. Doug (talkcontribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
  3. John Vandenberg (talkcontribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
  4. Lew XXI (talkcontribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
  5. Matthead (talkcontribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
  6. OrbiliusMagister (talkcontribs) (Grapheocrates, Magistratus)
  7. VIGNERON (talkcontribs) (Magistratus)

Census magistrātuum: unquam1 annus6 mēnsēs3 mēnsēs
(N.B. the above stats do not include stats for Accurimbono or ThomasV, who retired as admins; Accurimbono, who was also a bureaucrat, had the most admin actions over the life of the project at the time of his retirement)


Petitio grapheocrates

Alex_brollo (talkcontribs) SUL

I nominate Alex brollo for grapheocrates (and magistratus, it is usual on la.ws for these rights to go together). Alex has been active globally and on this project since 2008 and is a sysop on it.ws. He clearly has the best interests of the project in mind and we need all the trusted users with elevated privileges that we can find.

Zyephyrus (talkcontribs) SUL

I nominate Zyephyrus for grapheocrates. They are a magistratus and active trusted user.

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs) SUL

I nominate Hsarrazin for grapheocrates. They are a magistratus and active trusted user.

Petitio magistratus

Zyephyrus (talkcontribs) SUL

I nominate Zyephyrus for Administrator. Zyephyrus has been active on and off since 2007 and editing regularly since this past June. His skill in latin and his experience as an admin elsewhere - en.ws, fr.ws (crat), mul.ws (crat), and commons - make him a good candidate for admin; particularly as it is fairly established here that trusted and experienced users should be admins so they don't have to post on scriptorium and wait months for a response to delete a page. It might also encourage him to work here more, we need more editors in general and more who know latin in particular.--Doug.(Disputatio Conlationes) 01:31, 3 Decembris 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs) SUL

I nominate Hsarrazin for Administrator. Hsarrazin has been active regularly since May 2011and has over 500 edits in that time which is quite a lot for our little subdomain. She is also an admin on fr.ws. It is fairly established here that trusted and experienced users should be admins so they don't have to post on scriptorium and wait months for a response to delete a page. --Doug.(Disputatio Conlationes) 01:38, 3 Decembris 2012 (UTC)Reply

Well, I'm not what you can call a "regular" contributor, but if I can help, I would be pleased to. :) - And happy New Year - I write French and English fluently, and I studied Latin for 10 years… (20 years ago), but I am at least able to recognize words that exist from words that do not… and almost can "read" Cicero "in the text", with a little practice ;) --Hsarrazin (disputatio) 19:35, 2 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)Reply