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I’m Jess. I’m originally from Texas but I currently live in California. I’m American and I only speak and understand English (sorry). I like cats more than dogs. Fight me about it. I'm a nursing assistant. Don't find me intimidating because of numbers or whatever. I'm actually super nice, so don't be afraid to say hey!
None of the photos posted here are mine, unless stated otherwise. Most photos are properly credited in the caption and the tags. If there is a photo that isn’t credited or a photo of yours that you want taken down, please let me know.
  • Engaged December 24, 2022!
  • June 8, 2021 New Theme
  • Thank you for 800k followers!
  • This theme is best viewed in Google Chrome with a higher screen resolution.
  • currently
    Watching: Good Trouble S4, Fairy Tail
    Re-Watching: Jane the Virgin S4
    Reading: Kingdom of the Wicked, The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, Den of Vipers

    Established: Jul 20, 2014

    Followers: 800K


    Note Count: 81 million
