University of Nottingham, UK
Rights Lab
This report provides an analysis of the costs and benefits of extending support to adult conclusive victims of human trafficking in England and Wales for 12 months after exiting the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), the UK’s... more
How can the UK best protect human rights in Asia, an area historically weak in protecting and promoting human rights, when it comes to securing new trade deals after exiting the European Union (EU)? This policy brief assesses potential... more
The identification of contemporary forms of slavery is often problematically demarcated by reference to transatlantic enslavement as the definitive archetype. Such an approach overlooks other historic slaveries and neglects the totality... more
The purposes of the study was to examine what is known about effective policy to achieve SDG Target 8.7 in the context of justice, by: (1) collecting and collating existing evidence on what works; (2) identifying the range of claims and... more
The debate around reparations for the transatlantic slave trade has been discussed for centuries with no end in sight. This article does not intend to cover the historical or political aspects of this debate, but instead to shed more... more
On the implications of this status, see Jean Allain, 'Slavery and Its Obligations Erga Omnes' (2019) 36(1) The Australian Year Book of International Law 83. 3 This occurred in international instruments adopted in the early twentieth... more
One of the biggest failings of contemporary regimes governing human exploitation is their treatment of ‘victims’. This paper roots narratives of victimhood and agency in the legal frameworks through analysis of the right to effective... more
Vulnerabilities., 9 These figures represent a 35% increase from 2016. National Crime Agency, National Referral Mechanism Statistics-End of Year... more
as well as being Assistant Professor of Antislavery Law and Policy in the School of Law. Her research interrogates the law and policy frameworks that operate at the global, regional, and domestic level to determine the elements of... more
How can the UK best protect human rights in Asia, an area historically weak in protecting and promoting human rights, when it comes to securing new trade deals after exiting the European Union (EU)? This policy brief assesses potential... more
Despite its stated protective purpose, the Modern Slavery Act has often fallen short when it comes to ensuring support, facilitating effective remedy, and safeguarding victims of modern slavery. Support services have been repeatedly... more