La Salle University
Bienes y cosas todo aquello susceptible de producir utilidad o beneficio; •En sentido estricto (bienes patrimoniales), deben ser: Clasificación •Bienes muebles, son movibles Bienes inmuebles, no se pueden mover sin que se deteriore... more
This work aimed to evaluate Roundup Ò effects on biochemical biomarkers of the neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus. Fish were acutely exposed (6, 24 and 96 h) to 10 mg L À1 of Roundup Ò (RD) or only water (control) and samples of liver,... more
To broaden the understanding of physiological responses of tropical fish to environmental stressors, the effects of nitrite on haematological parameters and plasma and red blood cell ion regulation were studied in two neotropical fish... more
Numerous spills and leakages involving petroleum and its derivatives have recently occurred in Brazilian rivers. Considering the lack of information regarding the genotoxic response of neotropical fish to these events and the predominance... more