< Modul:Wd
D'Dokumentatioun fir dëse Modul kann op Modul:Wd/i18n/doc ugeluecht ginn
-- The values and functions in this submodule should be localized per wiki.
local p = {
["errors"] = {
["unknown-data-type"] = "Unknown or unsupported datatype '$1'.",
["missing-required-parameter"] = "No required parameters defined, needing at least one",
["extra-required-parameter"] = "De Parameter '$1' muss als fakultativ definéiert ginn",
["no-function-specified"] = "Dir musst eng Funktioun uginn, déi opgeruff gi soll", -- equal to the standard module error message
["main-called-twice"] = "D\''Funktioun \"main\" kann net zweemol opgeruff ginn",
["no-such-function"] = "D\''Funktioun \"$1\" gëtt et net" -- equal to the standard module error message
["info"] = {
["edit-on-wikidata"] = "Ännert dëst op Wikidata"
["numeric"] = {
["decimal-mark"] = ",",
["delimiter"] = "."
["datetime"] = {
["prefixes"] = {
["decade-period"] = ""
["suffixes"] = {
["decade-period"] = "er",
["millennium"] = " Joerdausend",
["century"] = " Joerhonnert",
["million-years"] = " million years",
["billion-years"] = " billion years",
["year"] = " Joer",
["years"] = " Joer"
["julian-calendar"] = "Julianesche Kalenner", -- linked page title
["julian"] = "julianesch",
["BCE"] = "v. Chr.",
["CE"] = "n. Chr.",
["common-era"] = "Common Era" -- linked page title
["coord"] = {
["latitude-north"] = "N",
["latitude-south"] = "S",
["longitude-east"] = "O",
["longitude-west"] = "W",
["degrees"] = "°",
["minutes"] = "'",
["seconds"] = '"',
["separator"] = ", "
["values"] = {
["unknown"] = "onbekannt",
["none"] = "keng"
["cite"] = {
["cite-web"] = "Cite web", -- title of template equivalent to [[:en:Template:Cite web]], leave empty (i.e. "") to use default rendering
["cite-q"] = "Cite Q", -- title of template equivalent to [[:en:Template:Cite Q]], leave empty (i.e. "") to use default rendering
["url"] = "URL",
["title"] = "Titel",
["website"] = "Websäit",
["date"] = "Datum",
["access-date"] = "access-date",
["archive-url"] = "archive-url",
["archive-date"] = "archive-date",
["author"] = "Auteur",
["publisher"] = "Verlag",
["quote"] = "Zitat",
["language"] = "Sprooch",
["pages"] = "Säiten",
["chapter"] = "Kapitel"
function p.getOrdinalSuffix(num)
return "."
function p.addDelimiters(n)
local left, num, right = string.match(n, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$")
if left and num and right then
return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. p['numeric']['delimiter']):reverse()) .. right
return n
return p