Okay, I think everyone knows I'm spinning over the shots of Eddie ripping the blue wallpaper to find the yellow wall. But I have thoughts.
So, in my breakdown of the blue and yellow coding of Eddie's arc during 8a, I said this
I also said something similar in my initial speculation about what they would do with the blue and yellow and Eddie's arc for the season.
I keep thinking about the concept that he can't live his life as a secondary color. Green is blue and yellow mixed together. So he needs to get rid of the blue.
But it wasn't until yesterday that I thought about this in a more emotional way, and the way that feeling blue is feeling sad and Eddie's arc is about finding joy. So he figuratively needs to get rid of the blue.
Yellow is a color associated with optimism and happiness. And they are showing us Eddie ripping the blue off the wall to find yellow. Literally. It happened in more than one scene.
And something that's interesting in the whole situation is that in the second scene, when Chris shows up, is the change from that grey color to that almost caramel colored brown.
Because if the goal really is to get him to somewhere in this honey/gold gradient, than that brown is a lot closer.
The beginning of this is a color pick from the lightest part of the wall behind Eddie during the coming out scene and the end is the burnt yellow Buck wears in the will reveal. I used this image as a guide since my expectation is that his yellow is somewhere in the middle there.
And the fact that we got the plaid yellow this episode, along with all the blue and yellow elements?
We are in it for real and Eddie starting to get those tones when fighting for Chris is making me buzz with excitement. I can't wait for the rest of this arc.