Angel Above - and the Devil Below

Angel Above - and the Devil Below

i had fun. i fuck with this alternate universe teeth. short story even shorter, randy says FUCK NO to having sex with the devil cus he’s fugly and his response is possessing her vagina and trying to ruin her life by making her seem super nympho n shit. i didn’t expect anything more or less from this. HOW COULD I FORGET!! the mom (starlyn simone) smoking a cigar while being very visibly bored of being fucked from behind (by john keith) was the hottest thing i’ve seen in awhile. my only gripe with this was that the poooorrrnnn never felt like porn. everything was VERY dry. but that’s the 70s. so i’d say, perfect as is. this era of no underwear bush and tits out *chefs kiss* gosh what a strange day of movies this has been.

(satan speaking through her vagina) “still want a big cock don’t u?” “WHAT?” “cokcadoodledoo!!!! any cock will do!!!!!! cockadeeedledee!!!!!!! ur cunt belongs to me!!!!!” “ur a lovely little piece of ass. come taste my cock.”  10/10 satan lip pulses.

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