The experimental animated short is a collaborative work between Keiichi Tanaami and Nobuhiro Aihara.
The experimental animated short is a collaborative work between Keiichi Tanaami and Nobuhiro Aihara.
The Dodo from Looney Tunes had a dramatic career change for a moment there.
Very pretty and ethereal animated art short. Collab between 2 popular Japanese artists, everything is done in either crayon or colored pencils. I have been out of bed for less than an hour and have not finished my coffee so I could not even begin to try to figure out the meanings of what's going on (I mean stuff like the patapon dudes in a mob is pretty obvious but ya know). It's on youtube check it out.
Holy cats, that was not what I was expecting! De Chirico's paintings are still, lonely, architectural; the closest cinematic equivalent I can think of is Antonioni's Alienation Trilogy, L'Eclisse in particular. In Tanaami's psychedelic nightmare take on the proto-Surrealist's work, nothing stays still for a moment. Elements from his paintings are subjected over and over again to grotesque transformations. Everything is always dripping, squishing, melding, opening up, turning inside out, and every one of these awful processes loops continuously. I don't think I've ever seen a film that comes so close to the hideously repetitive and nonsensical character of a fever dream. To be clear, I mean all of this in the best possible way.
idk what to say other than that cartoons fuckin rock
Essential for fans of Chirico and those that are not familiar (if you are not familiar then look him up; this film mostly consists of interpretations of his work), Tanaami emulates the distinct nature of Chirico's paintings and manipulates them with a repetition and animation technique reminiscent of Schwizgebel but decidedly his own. Transformative in order to process the surreal.
hypnotic by way of being kaleidoscopic
i never take anyone seriously when they say “i don’t like/get abstract art” like you don’t understand why someone would enjoy abstraction? “a kid could do that” oh you mean kids famous for their imagination and endless wonder about the world?
Watched this while my boyfriend was sleeping, very interesting
Collaboration between Keiichi Tanaami and Nobuhiro Aihara. Surrealist and beautiful.
shine on you crazy diamond
A curious homage to Giorgio de Chirico, intoxicated with spontaneous spaghettifications of portraits from delightful strokes of color to whizzing curves and whorls of rainbows spiraling all around.
The shy Middle Eastern flutish musical accompaniment emboldens the focus of curiosity throughout the lively workings of one-dimensional backgrounds and shadows all morphing into faces and other surreal objects. The hand-drawn animations flow from one phase to another in slick running frames, wasting no breath by keeping in motion.
The common theme here is repetition, as usual of and as mastered by Keiichi Tanaami. His style of repetition does not bore in the slightest way; he measures it naturally so that it obeys a deviant meter and rhythm opposed to how our…
In this tribute to Italian surrealist painter Giorgio de Chirico, Keiichi Tanami certainly captures his distinct style and runs laps with it. Some very great uses of traditional animating are found in here. A few scenes tend to replay a bit but they really deserve to be seen more than once so I’m not complaining. The video really takes a life of its own and creates its own world for a brief moment.