The nipple is the power button that gets the ‘cinema of the mind’ rolling – or is it in fact a reality?
The nipple is the power button that gets the ‘cinema of the mind’ rolling – or is it in fact a reality?
admirable and relatable but im sorry i find the little man so gross
I've never seen a film capture the delicacy and vulnerability of artistic inspiration in quite as colourful or touching way. Luca Toth's Mr Mare is a slow grow, which fits this film to a tee. There's something a little offputting - but in a great way. It's uncomfortable. But saying yes to that spirit is uncomfortable.
So much in here about self-love and being exposed - about that spirit truly needing to emerge, about frittering away the gifts we're given with mendacities, about the pain of ridicule and the ease of doing nothing....
sinuoussssss. how do you observe the one you love, who is also strange and separate? really maximizes what animation is good at. love this so much.
The film about a thumb-sized fat man who grew inside a guy's rib and falls in love with him is one of the most moving dramatic films from the festival so far.
I'm as surprised as you are.
Изящная метафора нежелания принять собственное Я, которое живет буквально у тебя в печенке. Но ещё интересней думать, что это не то самое «Я» ждёт не дождётся своего часа, а всего-лишь глубоко засевшая мысль, о том «Я», которым хотелось бы быть в глубине души.
A man finds out he has a parasitic twin poking out from his side, but awakes to find one day he is gone. The tiny man observes the man obsessively and ends up falling in love with the big man. There is a dog in the apartment but it is mainly a passive observer.
Nice lines in this animation and a great retro look.
This one got a lot of laughs with the absurd situations in the film.
Seemed to be some sort of allegory about AIDS with the man rushing out to get himself a woman to prove he wasn’t gay. The tiny man is unhappy with this and leaves.
Je le log ici mais alors j'ai rien capté au truc
A tiny, curious gentleman dressed in skinny jeans and loafers arrives. He carries a notepad and takes many notes. He contemplates art and explores inside a dog’s ear. He experiences loneliness, jealousy, and sadness. Low-key funny and reminiscent of the fanciful Liquid Television days.
Well that was something.
Loved the slight change in animation depth. Little ugly man falling in love with big man just to end up leaving.
Tender and disgusting (visually) story of love
Vencedor do Teddy de Melhor Curta em Berlim 2019, de estética particular e todo em cores mortas, a animação usa muitos corpos humanos nus e bebe da fonte do surrealismo para criar uma viagem sensorial quando o mamilo de um homem ganha vida e passa a analisar sentidos e sentimentos a sua volta