Search For International Terrorist Entities
Search For International Terrorist Entities
There could be some interesting ideas underneath it all, but its too jumbled, too messy and often feeling more like a proof of concept or test footage than an actual structured narrative. One reviewer said that it seems like a cutscene from a cheap video game, and unfortunately I tend to agree. It really needs something else along with it to not seem to be more than cobbled b roll footage.
Seems like a tech demo, or possibly a proof-of-concept. Not too bad of soundscaping and I thought some of the practical effects were actually fairly eerie, but the CGI was hit or miss, leaning towards the latter.
Tune in if for no other reason than to watch tanks flip over.
This was just like a cheap cutscene from a cheap game.
Interesting concept, but it doesn't quite work.
tipo duna só que
could have sustained the uncanny vibe if a bit shorter and the CGI more natural
DUNE (2021)