Bunny🐰🪓’s review published on Letterboxd:
The unwanted prequel of Re-Animator.
Herbert West is a fucking legend, he never actually gave a fuck about perfecting the formula which he could have done easily. He loved and lived for the chaos and thrill that came out of trying different insane experiments because he knew if it became perfect it will all be boring and mundane as hell just like his previous school from where he got transferred from. A school filled with professors who make Dr Carl's poop look and smell more interesting than their entire life could ever be, a bunch of students who could only wish to have balls as big as Dan let alone be friends with West.
Now talking about the movie... Yeah... The first 30 minutes are spent doing regular school stuff with over 25 minutes of background song continuously playing in it. The next 30mins are spent doing ooh I guess something is weird here... I guess something is wrong... (of which the last 10 minutes are spent thinking well we haven't done anything yet WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT IT 50MINUTES BEFORE YOU FUCKING DICKS when you were fucking around with background songs...); and the final 30minutes are spent trying to build some plot which is the same thing they did 30 minutes before... Try... And when you are literally screaming FUCKING DO SOMETHING... DO SOMETHING... they do a bit in the final 10 minutes and end it with a background song.
This movie is literally way ahead of its time had it been released this year it would have been a super hit because that's what movies have been reduced to nowadays "A pile of doggy shit".