For the "send me a character", Bucky Barnes or Kaidan Alenko :D
I’m gonna do both 😉
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): bucky/natasha
other ship(s): none
#noromo ship(s): bucky/steve, bucky/sam
crack ship(s): none
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): kaidan/shepard
other ship(s): none
#noromo ship(s): kaidan/liara, kaidan/ashley
crack ship(s): none
↳ “Your investigation is over, Garrus.”
games i (re)played in 2020
↳ mass effect (2007)