Viewing posts filed under #final fantasy xiii

oooohh for the five of anything ask meme, can you do final fantasy 6, 7, 9, 10, and 13? ☺️💕

  • Of couuurse :D Those are all great games for sure hehe ♥

    1. FFVI
    2. FFX
    3. FFVII (I have to admit it was really hard between FFX and FFVII hehe :( )
    4. FFXIII
    5. FFIX

    Thanks for asking :D

    Put five characters/episodes/shows/ships/anything in my ask and i’ll put them in my order of preference ♥

  • risualto asked

    14, 22, 23, 26?

  • 14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom? It’s alright to have different opinions and headcanons, and I think it’s dumb to argue about it all the time. When I track Aerith’s tag for my fanblog dedicated to Tifa and her’s friendship, I always see too much hate on Tifa. I like both girls, they’re wonderful characters and I really wish people would get that instead of trying to put them against each other when they’re clearly best friends. 

    22. Popular character you hate?  I don’t hate him but I like him as a vilain: Ardyn from FFXV. I’ll never pity him and I’ll never start thinking of Lucis or even Bahamut as vilains. Ardyn did horrible things and it’s his own fault. He’s a great vilain and let him be a vilain please. 

    23. Unpopular character you love? Hope from FFXIII. He has one of the best character development in the entire series and become so brave. I wish people would see him for who he really is instead of hating him because he’s a child who acts like a child in the first entry of the trilogy. He becomes much more mature even in the first game; he grows so much during all the trilogy and I hate when people disminish his character. 

    26. Most shippable character? I don’t really multiship, so I will cheat and say Kassandra from AC Odyssey. We can romance multiple characters in the game because some are just flings or they just can’t be together even if they have feelings for each other, so yeah, because of that, I ship her with more than one characters :P

    Thanks for asking ♥

    Salty Ask List

  • Anonymous asked
    FF13-2 and LR?

    never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite


    never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite

    Thanks for asking :D

    Put a video game in my ask

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