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An exploration of ASEAN's "lasting peace" and the fallacies of grand theories of international relations. I contend that ASEAN's lack of major war is more down to capitalism rather than community, and that ASEAN is not as secure as it... more
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      International RelationsConstructivismSecurity StudiesASEAN
This paper argues that what it means to be in the midst of a world-historical moment, is to be in a state of anticipation concerning the end of history conceived of as the achievement of justice. It means, on the one hand, to be at a... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical TheoryPolitical Theology
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      Political TheoryPolitical TheologyPolitics of Religion
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyPolitical TheoryInternatinal Political Economy
In the world of finance, experts have spent decades developing complex investment instruments known as Options in order to minimize the scope and impact of risk taken by investors speculating on the market. Such models are highly... more
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      FinanceInternational RelationsInternational Political EconomyTheories of Sovereignty
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      World HistoryCapitalismKarl Marx
Necropolitics centers on the dark side of biopolitics, but if we are to take seriously Jacques Ranciere’s reassignment of ‘politics’ and ‘police,’ then what is revealed by necropolitical analysis is not simply the capacity to ‘make and... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical TheoryNecropoliticsTrauma
Necropolitics centers on the dark side of biopolitics, but if we are to take seriously Jacques Ranciere’s reassignment of ‘politics’ and ‘police,’ then what is revealed by necropolitical analysis is not simply the capacity to ‘make and... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical TheoryNecropoliticsMedicine
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    • Technology Ethics
This article explores venture capital (VC) as a means and process of accumulating future social necessity. It explores the mechanisms of growth that make VC-backed firms distinct. I argue that a distinctive feature of surplus value... more
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      Value TheoryVenture CapitalCritical Political EconomyFinance and Society
The challenges and opportunities of accessing empirical material present a puzzle insofar as they index simultaneously the politics of research archives and the positionality of researchers. Today, amid increasing authoritarianism,... more
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      Archival StudiesInterdisciplinary research (Social Sciences)
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This paper seeks to situate the practices of diplomatic representation and dialogue within a wider framework of responses to international crisis and attempts at ordering international politics, using the case study of Kosovo after the... more
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      International Relations TheoryNATOMartin WightInternational society
This paper seeks to address the tension between Britain's role as an outsider in the European integration process and its pro-enlargement policy with regard to the Western Balkans. Coloured by its liberal interventionist involvement in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisKosovo
Presented at "The New Perspectives for Western Balkans" panel at CDRSI's Academic Conference „Western Balkans After 2013 Enlargement – Escape From Limbo? “ October 31 – November 03, 2013, Kopaonik, Serbia In a context of the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesInternational RelationsPostcolonial StudiesSerbian
Published in 'The Future of History', University of Toronto undergraduate history journal. Spring 2012.
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      Cold WarYugoslaviaCold War International RelationsJawaharlal Nehru
In a paper for my International Relations Theory core course on  I explore how central to realist thought is the view of politics as necessarily ‘tragic’.
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      International RelationsGreek TragedyInternational Relations TheoryRealism (Political Science)
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      Balkan StudiesHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesBosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of the study "(In)equality in Social Protection: Multi-level Analysis of Intersectionality in Social Assistance Provision - A Comparative Study" was to identify to what extent there were discrepancies between the actual needs of... more
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      Social PolicyWelfare StatePovertySocial Protection