Lund University
Research on educational borrowing and lending has been largely concerned with transnational or transsectoral transfer of educational ideas, models and policies (see, e.g., . Most often, the units between which borrowing and lending are... more
Este artículo analiza cómo se recibió, adaptó y transformó a Dewey en China, en cuatro períodos de tiempo diferentes: durante la era republicana , después de la entrada en el poder del comunismo en 1949, después de que de Deng Xiaoping... more
The Chinese characters for culture, education, profession/vocation and work provide important information on the socio-historical background of the concepts represented by them. Particularly the concepts of work and education have... more
The exchange of educational ideas and its intended and unintended consequences are a core theme in comparative education. Jason Beech's book is a highly welcome contribution to this strand of research. It investigates how proposals for... more
Both in China and internationally, educators and policy makers claim that vocational education and training (VET) is essential for the sound economic development of a country and the physical and social well-being of its population.... more
Einleitung Chinesische Studenten, Politiker, Bildungsakteure und Journalisten waren häufig internationale Grenzgänger, zuweilen aus politischen Gründen, oft aber mit dem Zweck, sich im Ausland neues Wissen und Technologien anzueignen.... more