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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Celestial Bodies: Titanic Eclipse EditionALT

Mecha battle RPGs aren't, like, my main thing. but any game that decides it's going to resolve combat entirely via d66 rolls is automatically going to the top of the list.


For reference, the way that works is like this:


i.e., your mech's character sheet is also your to-hit matrix, and anyone targeting you makes a d66 roll per shot to see what part of your mech they hit. Depending on how big your mech is, you could have as few as twelve or as many as thirty grid squares available for components; smaller mechs are thus inherently harder to hit because more squares on the d66 grid are empty (but it also sucks more when you do get hit, because you have less redundancy). Accuracy and evasion bonuses let you dink with d66 rolls to adjust what square is hit (accuracy naturally lets the attacker decide, while evasion benefits the target).


(Also, it's like 96% funded at the time of this posting with three weeks to go, so if you're the "wait and see whether the campaign seems likely to succeed before deciding whether to pledge" type, it's pretty well in the bag at this point!)


Three days left, for the "oh shit, I forgot I was going to back that" crowd.


A lot of fantasy goes with Tolkien explanation of fantasy racism being the result of ancestral grudge.

Then you got Dungeon Meshi which is like:

"Elves and Dwarves hate each other because their respective empires make up 2/3 of the imperial core and are stuck in a cold war as the planet runs out of uncolonized land to grab. Elves are able to live in pastoral paradise because they've horded most of the settings farm-able land and natural capital, displacing and mass murdering any natives in the process. Orcs and goblins are hostile to other races because there the primary targets of an ongoing slavery and genocide campaign. The dividing line between human and inhuman is arbitrarily assigned via a phrenological pseudo-science that quickly falls apart when questioned by anyone who wasn't indoctrinated into it since birth."


ghost hunting team that keep a nonbeliever named steve around as an emergency supernatural suppressant


he waits in the car with a walkie talkie while they investigate and if things break bad they call him in. as soon as he enters everything stops floating around/trying to kill the hunters and he rolls his eyes and goes back to the car.


he’s not bluffing. i can’t emphasize that enough. he 100% believes that the hunters calling him in is either a prank, to make him feel useful, or because they’re spookable cowards who panicked when a book fell.

he stays because the money is good and he can play his gameboy in the car.



i fucking love this so much. it’s like having a service animal but instead it’s a guy named steve who owns more cargo shorts than the Gap continuously baffled by why he keeps getting befriended by goths.


This is like Candace realizing she can save the day by trying to tattle on Phineas & Feb to their mom, because anything out of the ordinary always disappears the instant mom shows up to see it


this is the first reference on this post that understands the thesis



god forbid 5000 year old girls do anything




holy shit bronze age pro sheep bone gamer girl


this is hilarious but also im gonna cry like this teenage gamer died and they buried her with her high score. no one took back the pot or divided it up because no one would play against her again. her family and friends buried her with her wins. im crying