Welcome to MCK! This blog is dedicated to all the talented male celebrities in the entertainment industry. We track #mancandykings. MCK runs on queue so it might take some days for your edits to be reblogged, thank you for tagging us! We are currently accepting new members.

Member Application

ManCandyKings is a blog completely dedicated to all the talented male celebrities whether they are actors or singers. We decided to create this blog to make a “all in one” blog for all your different favourite men! We try to provide quality edits and gifs on a daily basis.

What are we searching for:

  • We are looking for new members who can use Adobe Photoshop or Corel Paint Shop Pro and are able to edit photos, create graphics, and/or make gifs. 
  • Members who are prepared to dedicate a few hours a week to contribute to MCK. We do not expect you to be here 24/7. You have lives and other commitments, and we totally understand and respect that.
  • We expect members to post original creations (edits/gifs) once a week, at the very least.

Still interested? Then submit your application right now with these questions answered:

  • Name/age/location.
  • How often will you be able to post? Be honest, please.
  • Send a link to the section where your edits/graphics/GIFs can be found.
  • Why do you want to be a part of this blog?
  • Anything you’d like to add?

If you are accepted, you will receive a message from one of the admins asking you for your mail address (please make sure your ask/submit box is open!). You will then receive all the rules we set up for the good functioning of the blog.

If we don’t contact you within the next few weeks, this means your application has been turned down, sorry.

Good luck and feel free to apply!


with 0 notes posted by mancandykings