Tiziana Ramaci
Her research interests include topics related to Public Health Education and Promotion, particularly with regard to organizational wellbeing and job insecurity; vocational guidance, and international careers.
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Papers by Tiziana Ramaci
attachment style.
Method: The participants were 162 students, aged between 18 and 36 (20.98 ± 2.70), coming from two countries, Siciliy (Italy) and Andalusia (Spain), characterized by a different socio-cultural system and family context. The participants were assigned to complete the following questionnaires: the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ), the
General Decision Making Style (GDMS) and the Experience in Close Relationship (ECR).
Results: Findings suggest that there are differences between Italy and Spain in adult attachment, identity development and decision-making process.
Conclusions: The results are in line with literature that underscored the notion that the Italian family is characterized by a high degree of emotional bonding and excessive support from both parents.
Key words: adolescence, attachment, identity, decision making, relationship
Lo studio che qui presentiamo (analisi delle cognizioni esplicite) fa parte di un progetto più ampio che prevede, come step successivo, l'analisi delle cognizioni implicite sugli stereotipi genere-professione alla base della scelta di carriera, nei medesimi soggetti.
della ”sofferenza totale” (Saunders, 1964), non rivolto solo al soggetto portatore ma anche ai familiari. Questi ed altri aspetti delle cure palliative costituiscono il presupposto fondamentale per la promozione di una migliore qualita` di vita delle persone coinvolte. La necessita’ di intervenire sulla capacita’ di affrontare il trauma e` prerogativa del lavoro sulla resilienza (Luthar, 1993), che riflette le modalita` di rappresentazione della vita (credenze, valori) e che permette di reagire in modo coerente agli eventi problematici; si fonda sull’idea che nelle relazioni intra-familiari si nascondano importanti risorse che possono essere accresciute per far fronte alla morte (Walsh,1998).
Recently, the LGBT movement recorded significant achievements in the field of human rights recognition. The Italian social context still has the presence of numerous and serious prejudices against homosexuals. This is clearly demonstrated by the attitudes of politicians who often externalize hostile positions towards the homosexual universe, and is aggravated by the fact that Italy still has not yet codified homophobic behavior as a crime. This evidence requires to dedicate effort and attention to managing how the dynamic outcome of economic and social components influence each other. The purpose of this study was to explore how gay employees in Sicily perceive to be treated in the workplace. In particular, we went to investigate if they feel that are able to make “comingout” at work and social support by heterosexual colleagues.
The participants were 256 Italian homosexual employees (160 males, 96 females) aged between 18 and 70 years (M=33.29; SD=10.86), working in public or private sectors. Test used for data detection was: Homosexual discriminations Questionnaires for employees, created ad hoc for the research (Sartori, 2009) with the assessment of 8 discrimination behaviors (self- and other-directed) and 3 support behaviors (rating scale from 0 = never to 4 = always). . Results and Discussion
First results show low frequencies of perceived discrimination behaviors. In particular employees with secondary Italian schools, with full-time jobs declare more discriminations. And, for the social support, people with part time jobs declare more support.
attachment style.
Method: The participants were 162 students, aged between 18 and 36 (20.98 ± 2.70), coming from two countries, Siciliy (Italy) and Andalusia (Spain), characterized by a different socio-cultural system and family context. The participants were assigned to complete the following questionnaires: the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ), the
General Decision Making Style (GDMS) and the Experience in Close Relationship (ECR).
Results: Findings suggest that there are differences between Italy and Spain in adult attachment, identity development and decision-making process.
Conclusions: The results are in line with literature that underscored the notion that the Italian family is characterized by a high degree of emotional bonding and excessive support from both parents.
Key words: adolescence, attachment, identity, decision making, relationship
Lo studio che qui presentiamo (analisi delle cognizioni esplicite) fa parte di un progetto più ampio che prevede, come step successivo, l'analisi delle cognizioni implicite sugli stereotipi genere-professione alla base della scelta di carriera, nei medesimi soggetti.
della ”sofferenza totale” (Saunders, 1964), non rivolto solo al soggetto portatore ma anche ai familiari. Questi ed altri aspetti delle cure palliative costituiscono il presupposto fondamentale per la promozione di una migliore qualita` di vita delle persone coinvolte. La necessita’ di intervenire sulla capacita’ di affrontare il trauma e` prerogativa del lavoro sulla resilienza (Luthar, 1993), che riflette le modalita` di rappresentazione della vita (credenze, valori) e che permette di reagire in modo coerente agli eventi problematici; si fonda sull’idea che nelle relazioni intra-familiari si nascondano importanti risorse che possono essere accresciute per far fronte alla morte (Walsh,1998).
Recently, the LGBT movement recorded significant achievements in the field of human rights recognition. The Italian social context still has the presence of numerous and serious prejudices against homosexuals. This is clearly demonstrated by the attitudes of politicians who often externalize hostile positions towards the homosexual universe, and is aggravated by the fact that Italy still has not yet codified homophobic behavior as a crime. This evidence requires to dedicate effort and attention to managing how the dynamic outcome of economic and social components influence each other. The purpose of this study was to explore how gay employees in Sicily perceive to be treated in the workplace. In particular, we went to investigate if they feel that are able to make “comingout” at work and social support by heterosexual colleagues.
The participants were 256 Italian homosexual employees (160 males, 96 females) aged between 18 and 70 years (M=33.29; SD=10.86), working in public or private sectors. Test used for data detection was: Homosexual discriminations Questionnaires for employees, created ad hoc for the research (Sartori, 2009) with the assessment of 8 discrimination behaviors (self- and other-directed) and 3 support behaviors (rating scale from 0 = never to 4 = always). . Results and Discussion
First results show low frequencies of perceived discrimination behaviors. In particular employees with secondary Italian schools, with full-time jobs declare more discriminations. And, for the social support, people with part time jobs declare more support.