Medical University of Vienna
Department of Neurology
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is known to be associated with altered medial prefrontal activation in response to threatening stimuli and with behavioural deficits in prefrontal functions such as working memory and attention. Given... more
Independent component analysis (ICA) is one of the most valuable explorative methods for analyzing resting-state networks (RSNs) in fMRI, representing a data-driven approach that enables decomposition of high-dimensional data into... more
Analogous to the evolution of biological sensor-systems, the progress in "medical sensor-systems", i.e., diagnostic procedures, is paradigmatically described. Outstanding highlights of this progress are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)... more
Attribution theory plays a central role in understanding cognitive processes that have emotional consequences; however, there has been very limited attention to its neural basis. After reviewing classical studies in social psychology in... more
Learning from the outcome of decisions can be expected not only to change future decisions, but also our reaction to future outcomes. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging we investigated the neural responses of healthy subjects to... more
This study investigated the neural mechanisms of feedback processing during learning.
Throughout recent years there has been an increasing interest in studying unconscious visual processes. Such conditions of unawareness are typically achieved by either a sufficient reduction of the stimulus presentation time or visual... more
Die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) stellt zurzeit die wichtigste Methode zur nichtinvasiven Funktionslokalisation im Gehirn dar. Mit der Verfügbarkeit von MRT-Geräten mit Magnetfeldstärken von 4 Tesla (T) und darüber... more
demonstrated that subjects with low ability to solve a complex visuo-spatial imagery task show higher activity in occipital, parietal and frontal cortex during task processing than subjects with high ability. This finding has been... more
The present study was conducted to determine the functional neuroanatomical correlates of aesthetic experience using slow cortical potentials (SCPs). Thirty participants without any particular background in the fine arts were presented... more
Functional imaging studies investigating perception of depth rely solely on one type of depth cue based on non-natural stimulus material. To overcome these limitations and to provide a more realistic and complete set of depth cues natural... more
Exploratory analysis of functional MRI data allows activation to be detected even if the time course differs from that which is expected. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) has emerged as a powerful approach, but current extensions to... more
Throughout recent years there has been an increasing interest in studying unconscious visual processes. Such conditions of unawareness are typically achieved by either a sufficient reduction of the stimulus presentation time or visual... more
Throughout recent years there has been an increasing interest in studying unconscious visual processes. Such conditions of unawareness are typically achieved by either a sufficient reduction of the stimulus presentation time or visual... more
Die funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) stellt zurzeit die wichtigste Methode zur nichtinvasiven Funktionslokalisation im Gehirn dar. Mit der Verfügbarkeit von MRT-Geräten mit Magnetfeldstärken von 4 Tesla (T) und darüber... more
Purpose of study: The aim of our research was to find whether the processing of apparent auditory motion can be reduced to localization of the trajectory endpoints.
32 SU-PM High resolution functional MRI of subliminal and conscious vision at 7 Tesla, V. Schöpf , F.
Processing and interpreting the face is generally very important because one is often required to make rapid decisions in life on the basis of meagre information. Ninety-two volunteers used a computer-assisted test battery to assess 40... more