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Amical Wikimedia/report year 2022

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Annual report
+ reports

Welcome to the Amical Wikimedia 2022 report (from 01-01-2022 to 31-12-2022)



Internal organization

The general assembly was celebrated on July 23. Fifteen members of Amical Wikimedia were present at the meeting, which approved the 2021 financial report, the 2022 budget, and Amical's becoming a member of Wiki Europe. There was a second general assembly on November 2nd, during the Viquitrobada, the annual meeting. On the other hand, in May, Amical Wikimedia incorporated a new staff member who was mainly dedicated to administrative tasks.

Institutional relationships

Throughout 2022, Amical Wikimedia worked with different institutions and NGOs to promote Wikipedia and its sister projects, free knowledge, and the Catalan Language. In that regard, preparation for the IX Viquimarató de la Llengua Catalana meant working together with administrations from all the Catalan speaking territories: Secretaria de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Servei de Política Lingüística del Govern d'Andorra, Direcció General de Política Lingüística del Govern d'Aragó, Direcció General de Política Lingüística del Govern de les Illes Balears and Direcció General de Política Lingüística i Gestió del Multilingüisme de la Generalitat Valenciana. This is one of the biggest edit-a-thon in the Wikimedian movement, and it implies tremendous coordination between volunteers, institutions, and the multiple sites where we develop the activity. There were also several meetings with Fundació .cat (a foundation dedicated to promoting the Catalan Language on the Internet) to establish means of collaboration.

It is also worth noting that Amical also participated in an International Day project involving all the Wikipedias from the Iberian Peninsula: Spanish, Portuguese, Basque, Galicia, Asturian, and Catalan. The aim of this project was to work in coordination with multiple languages, and the theme was International Days.

Finally, on May 26, the Catalan Wikipedia was awarded the Premi Homo Fabra by the online cultural magazine Núvol.

Foto de grup de la Viquitrobada a Amposta. Autor: Amador Álvarez

Community growth and diversification

The Viquitrobada 2022 (annual gathering for Amical members) took place from November 18 to 20 in Amposta. During three days, up to 40 members melted socially, discussed different issues related to editing, Wikipedia, and its sister projects, and also learned from each other's experiences. This annual gathering is crucial for us to build healthy community interactions. Hence, this meeting is promoted by Amical Wikimedia, but we encourage nonaffiliates to come to meet us, too. During the summer, there were two informal in-person meetings in Barcelona and Calonge. Another project whose aim was to promote a sense of community among members and editors was the Viquiprojecte Comunitat Viquipedista 2022 (active from April 28 to August 28): Wikipedians located articles that could be improved and suggested doing so to other colleagues who they thought might be interested or well equipped to do so. Throughout the year, activities were also dedicated to attracting new editors (like the weekly workshops at Torre Barrina in Hospitalet de Llobregat) and gaining new skills (workshops on Wikidata). Amical Wikimedia also has active women's and LGBTIQ+ groups.



Within the university context, a total of three projects linked to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (food biotechnology, gender and equality; and high-performance computation), two with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (knowledge and application of plants and mathematical foundations), one with the Universitat Ramon Llull (information management), one with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (digital culture) and one with the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.

GLAM and content

GLAM and content

There are 219 Bibliowikis, i.e., Libraries active in Wikimedia. Likewise, throughout the year, projects have been maintained with GLAM institutions such as the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, the Valencia Museum of Ethnology, the Department of Culture of Valencia, the Museu de la Música de Barcelona, various archives or the Institut Ramon Llull, among others. Throughout 2022, nearly 50 Wiki projects and Wikimarathons have been carried out, that is, activities aimed at expanding the number of entries on Wikipedia, improving them, or providing them with references. Some activities have been purely virtual, while others have had a physical headquarters. In this sense, it should be noted that face-to-face activities have been carried out in towns such as Barcelona, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Castelldefels, Gironella or Calafell (Catalonia); in Valencia and Sueca (País Valencià); or Maó (Balearic Islands). In addition, the IX Viquimarató de la Llengua Catalana, held at the end of November, brought activities practically throughout the Catalan-speaking territories: Amposta, Tarragona, and Lleida (Catalonia); Valencia; Perpignan (Catalunya Nord); Alcanyís (Franja); and Andorra.

Regarding the themes of these projects, the diversity stands out, including those dedicated to cinema, comics, performing arts, Romanesque art, Dante Alighieri, Euro Cup, and Sherlock Holmes. Other projects have focused on specific geographical areas, in some cases at the local level, while others, such as the Asian Month, the Ukrainian Month of Cultural Diplomacy, or the Bicentenary of Brazil, expanded content worldwide. Likewise, it is worth highlighting the number of projects promoting equality and diversity in terms of Wikipedia content, such as the 100 BBC women, the various projects around March 8, the LGBTIQ+ Wikiconcurs, or the Non-Binary People Viquiprojecte.

Finally, regarding the most global projects, we must highlight the work done throughout the year in the project of the 10,000 articles considered essential in every Wikipedia, which allowed the Catalan to increase its score from 72.75 points to 77.08 and advance two positions, positioning itself as the ninth best in the world. Another outstanding project was the #1lif1ref, which added 4,425 references in one Month, doubling the previous record.

Active projects

Marathons and editing contests

Communication and discourse

Communication and discourse

Amical Wikimedia has struggled to maintain its media and communication impact through 2022. The weekly bulletin to members was active from late May to late November. Some social media profiles, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Mastodont Amical accounts, were reactivated in June. During the fall, a group of members worked to prepare a communication plan. The Amical Wikimedia blog (https://wikimedia.cat/) registered seventeen entries throughout the year, though they were not evenly distributed, as most were published between September and November.

Blog entries:

Financial report

Financial Report
Membership fees 2.423
Donations 190
Exceptional funding 0,26
TOTAL 2.613,26
Help to other entities 600
Provisioning 291,20
Staff 21.024,08
External services 21.577,77
Taxes 253,19
Amortization of fixed assets 49,80
Exceptional expenses 400
TOTAL 44.236,04

FINAL OUTCOME: -41.622,78